
c h a p t e r t w e n t y s e v e n




"Potter, i need your help."

Harry looked up from the couch and raised his eyebrow. "What with?""A date with Hermione.""Alright, i'm in."

Draco told Harry of how one of the chapters in the book said that both souls will find themselves suddenly being into what the other soul likes.

Whether it be something as simple as cats, or something as complex as the art of potions, the level of interest depends on the strength of the bond.

Consquently, Draco found himself being really into the idea of a picnic by the lake.

"You know, Hermione used to love picnics from about sixth year onwards." Harry said, handing Draco a mug of coffee.

The blonde took a sip and shrugged. "That's probably because of me. We used to sneak off together and hang out by the lake."

Draco smirked lightly when Harry's eyes widened. "She was never tutoring a Hufflepuff, was she?" he asked, placing the mug on the coffee table.

"Nope." replied Draco, popping the p. Harry leant back and stared at the ceiling.

"It's all starting to make sense now..." he began. Draco simply laughed and shook his head."I'm sure it is, Potter. I'm sure it is."


"Alright, so i'll set this up in that opening past the trees?" Harry asked, getting onto the broom. Draco nodded. "Hermione's going to be back from the ministry soon so once you're done, you can just go home."

It was Harry's turn to nod.

"I appreciate this, Potter." Draco said, handing him the basket. "Well i guess i never really considered the fact that you've changed to be a better person. This is the least i could do." he shrugged.

Draco let out a small laugh and shook his head, "Don't worry, most people still assume i'm into the dark arts and all that shit." "I guess the thought of an ex deatheater not being evil is just one of those things people don't want to believe. It makes them question their morals." said Harry.

"Yeah but i'm used to it. Anyway, you best be off now. Thanks again, Potter.""Anytime Malfoy."

Before Draco could say anything else, Harry kicked off from the ground and flew away.



"How did you know i love picnic dates?" Hermione asked, popping a strawberry into Draco's mouth. He shrugged as he chewed. "Part of the bond i guess."

Hermione smiled as she took a sip from her glass of lemonade and stared out across the lake. "It almost feels like sixth year again, don't you think?"

Draco thought about it for a few moments before turning to face her. "I don't really care what year it is as long as i'm with you." he said, averting his stare after a few seconds.

Hermione laughed lightly and shook her head, "Is that the bond speaking?""No," he began, "I'm speaking from the depths of my cold dead heart."

The girl grinned and Draco found himself smiling too. Even his cold dead heart was smiling.

"You see that?" he asked, pointing to a cluster of faint stars in the sky, "That's Draco.""The constellation?""No, the incredibly hot boy sitting next to you."

Hermione tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she let out a small laugh.

"Open up." Draco said, placing a chocolate coated strawberry into her mouth. She swallowed it and looked up at the sky.

"I just want to thank god for creating such a blessing." she sighed, looking over at Draco who was shaking his head.

"Come here, 'Mione." he said, wiping away some chocolate at the corner of her mouth with his thumb. He went to pull away but she stopped him by grasping his hand. Draco raised an eyebrow but all he saw was Hermione's gaze flicker from his eyes to his lips.

She dropped his hand but he brought it up to the side of her face. She looked up at him, her brown eyes bright yet slightly hesitant.

He paused for a few moments but before he knew it, her lips were on his. He didn't process what happened in time and it was over as soon as it had started.

Hermione pulled away and sat up, not quite making eye contact. "Sorry." she muttered.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "What for?" "I should've asked." "I've been wanting to kiss you since i found out i had a chance with you, Hermione. You didn't have to ask." he laughed, his eyes never leaving her.

The girl looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I've been slowly regaining my old memories as i'm sure you have too. I didn't know what love was when i was younger but now that i'm reliving our old memories, i'm only becoming more sure of the fact that i've been in love with you since Hogwarts." he said, looking away after a few moments.

"Draco?"The boy looked up and raised an eyebrow. "I think i love you." she said, a high level of uncertainty in her voice.

"What, really?" he said, paying full attention now."I don't think i ever stopped."


"The love birds are back!" Blaise sang when Draco and Hermione came home at half past ten. Draco raised his eyebrow but Hermione simply laughed.

"Did you have some good nature sex?" Pansy asked, walking into the room. "Oh haha." Draco drawled. Pansy sent him a glare but he just rolled his eyes.

"Mate, I need your help with a potion in my room." Blaise changed the subject, putting a hand on Draco's shoulder. The boy groaned.

"You're capable of making a potion by yourself." he sighed, shrugging Blaise off even though he was having none of it. He took hold of Draco's hand and dragged him into the other room.

"He didn't really need help with a potion." Pansy laughed when they had left the room."Yeah, I figured." mused Hermione.

Pansy took her arm and led her to the couch. "So? How did it go?""Well..." she hesitated. Pansy gasped, "So you have nature sex!"

"What?" Hermione said, her eyes widening, "No not at all. We kind of kissed but that was far from sex.""You kissed?" Pansy repeated, "Do spill the tea hunny!"

Hermione sighed and cringed slightly as she told Pansy what happened. "Oh my god i was so stupid for pulling away." she groaned.

"A peck on the lips does not class as a first kiss." Pansy decided, folding crossing her arms.

"His hair looked so fluffy and his lips felt so soft. I hate myself for pulling away." Hermione sighed, leaning back on the couch.

"You think it's fluffy?" said a voice from the other side of the room. Pansy and Hermione turned to look at Draco who was leaning on the doorframe, smirking in amusement.

"Yes." Hermione replied, turning back around to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. She felt him sit next to her and lazily wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"I feel like a proud parent." Pansy sighed, smirking lightly at Draco and Hermione. Draco snorted and shook his head, "I think i know who the award for the shittiest parents of the year would go to."

"Hey!" Blaise and Pansy said it unison. "We went from Draco being bitchslapped in third year to cute little picnic dates in what, like six years?" Blaise pondered.

"We had cute little picnic dates in sixth year." Draco said. Pansy and Blaise exchanged looks. "Come back to us when you're done keeping secrets." Blaise sighed dramatically, sauntering out of the room.

"I'll deal with the drama queen, night guys." Pansy laughed, following Blaise out.

"They are... something." Hermione said, looking up at Draco who was running a hand through his hair.

"You know what? I have fluffy hair!" he chuckled. "Maybe because you don't smother it in hair gel anymore." Hermione shook her head as Draco got up, offering her his hand.

"C'mon, it's getting late." he smiled. She took his hand and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, for tonight." she said, wrapping her arms around him. He smiled and rested his chin on the top of her head. "No, thank Hermione."

The two stood in the hallway simply hugging for a while until Hermione muttered "I've fallen for Draco Malfoy." under her breath.

"What was that, love?" Draco asked, pulling away slightly. "Nothing. Come on, let's go to bed."


oOoOoOoo they could've had a full on makeout session but nope

anyways this was a long chapter? you all need to be proud of me

also peak of a drarry friendship yes please

lmao i really need to make these shorter

i hope you have/had a great day