
c h a p t e r t w e n t y f o u r



When Draco woke up, he found himself sprawled across the sheets, half of the bed empty. He sat up abruptly and looked around, realising Hermione wasn't there.

The shirt she slept in was folded neatly on a chair in the corner but other than that, there was no trace of the girl.

Draco got up and ran a hand through his hair. He could hear muffled voices through the walls so he padded through the corridor and into the kitchen.

Pansy was sat at the dining table with a magazine and a cup of coffee and Blaise was cooking something by the stove. Hermione, however, wasn't there.

"Where's Hermione?" he asked, crossing his arms. "She had a headache so Blaise sent her to get some potions ingredients from Diagon Alley." Pansy said, not taking her eyes off of the magazine.

Draco reached over and grabbed the magazine which resulted in Pansy sending him a glare. "You let her wander off alone?" he questioned. Pansy groaned and tried grabbing it but Draco simply swatted her hand away.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, sitting back in her chair, "Yes."Draco hit Pansy lightly on the head before handing her the magazine back."Go help her with it then." he said.

"What? You're her boyfriend, you should go." frowned Pansy."Boyfriend?" Draco repeated, "I'm not her boyfriend - i don't to be her boyfriend."

The girl looked up at him and raised her eyebrow, "Well? What do you want then?"

Draco sighed and pulled out a chair, propping his chin on his elbow. "I don't know, alright? I just want to be with her all the time, hold her hand and cuddle in bed together. I want to hear about her day and tell her about mine and I know it might just be the bond that's making me feel like this but i just-" he paused, staring at the wooden table top, "I don't want to be her stupid 'boyfriend'"

Pansy smiled as she shook her head, "Draco, you literally just described a boyfriend role in a relationship, and a pretty clingy one at that."

He stared at her for a few moments before standing up. "I sent her to the Apothecary in Diagon Alley." Blaise yelled from the kitchen.

Draco muttered and a grey muggle shirt came flying towards him. He grabbed it out of the air and slipped it on, saying a quick 'bye' to Pansy and Blaise before apparating into the Leaky Cauldron.


"Good afternoon, Mr Malfoy." said the bartender as soon as Draco apparated into the building. A few people looked at him but they averted their stares when Draco sent them glares.

He gave the man behind the counter a curt nod but wasted no time in getting to Diagon Alley. Draco walked out back up to the brick wall and tapped it with his wand. Immediately, an opening started to appear.

He stepped through it and was met with busy hustle of wizards doing their morning shopping.

Draco wandered about the streets for a while before he reached the North side. When he eventually got to the Apothecary, he could see Hermione staring at jar-filled walls through the shop's front window.

Holding in his breath, he opened the door and was met with an unpleasant smell of bad eggs and rotten cabbages. "I never cease to miss this place." he muttered under his breath.

"Draco?" a voice said. Draco looked up and saw Hermione who raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you alright?" he asked, placing a hand on her arm. She looked slightly taken aback but she slowly nodded.

"Yeah... I just had a headache so Blaise sent me to get some potion ingredients." she explained. Draco sighed and looked around the room. "Well? What does he need?"


"You know what I could go for?" Draco asked as they walked out of the shop with Blaise's ingredients."Years of intense therapy due to your upbringing and lack of morality as a young boy?" suggested Hermione.

Draco paused and turned to look at her. "Damn Granger," he smirked, "I was going to say a date." Hermione rolled her eyes playfully and shrugged. "Maybe once i get over this hangover."

"Just one date." Draco said, taking Hermione's hands carefully in his own. "We're here anyway, let me take you to the Leaky Cauldron!" he suggested. Hermione shook her head, "We're at your apartment. I don't know what you're talking about."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "We're at my apart... no we're in Diag-" but he didn't get a chance to finish because Hermione had apparated the pair into the middle of his kitchen.

"Little shit." he muttered under his breath, throwing his shoes off. "Now now Draco, be nice to your girlfriend." said Pansy through the doorway. Hermione laughed as she handed Blaise the ingredients and went to lie down on the couch.

Draco glared at Pansy but she took no notice of him.

"I feel like i've been hungover for 3 months." she groaned. "Oh come on," Pansy started, "you didn't even drink that much."

"That much?" Hermione exclaimed, "I drank 5 glasses of some weird alcoholic beverage. How? How do you do it?"Draco moved her legs to one side and sat at the other end of the couch.

"Something about being pureblood I think. We can hold our liquor to the point of alcohol poisoning." he said."Its in our DNA. It's like our forefathers knew we would have to drown our sorrows on a regular basis." Blaise joined in, sitting in a chair opposite the couch.

"Or..." Hermione began, "here's a thought, you're all raging alcoholics."Pansy gave out an exasperated sigh, "No, that can't be it." "Must just be Slytherins." Blaise laughed.

"You know Granger," Draco smirked as he cast his gaze upon her, "If you're going to be hanging out with us, you best get used to it."

Hermione raised her eyebrows and sat up. "Or i could just break up with you and end whatever this relationship is?" she suggested, laughing when Draco's eyes widened.

"Or you could not!" he said, sounding somewhat offended. "They're totally dating." Pansy muttered and Blaise nodded. "Agreed."

After Blaise made the potion for Hermione and her hangover was gone, she went to the ministry. She invited Draco to come along but there were way too many old classmates working at the ministry.

He knew none of them would appreciate a former death-eater such as himself walking around so freely when he should be 'locked behind a cell in Azkaban'.

He politely declined and spent the rest of the day deciding what he was going to do about the fact that he slowly but surely falling for Hermione Granger.


eek this is bad sorry my dudes

i'm going on holiday with my dad in a few days so i might not post for a week but i'll have time to kill so i'll most likely write up a chapter or two for when i get back.

i'm also going to the wb tour down in london and i'm actually buzzing sm

lowkey gonna be super green that day i stg

anyways enough of tired blabbering lmao, i hope you have/had a great day

disclaimer: some of the scenes in this chapter were inspired by text posts from tumblr lmao. i just kind of modified them to fit the story ‍♀️