
c h a p t e r t h r e e


After Hermione got her sugar, she thanked Draco and left approximately 2 minutes later.

He didn't mind of course - if anything, the reality of the situation probably would've hit him if she had stayed any longer.

Instead, he decided to have a shower. Draco found that he thought better whenever something warm was engulfing his body and this case, it was water.

"Hey Parkinson, i'm gonna go have a shower." he said, walking into the dining room where Theo was still in sluggish agony.

"Don't drown!" Pansy chirped, smiling smugly at her joke."No promises." and before he could hear her response, he walked out of the room and into his en-suite.

The apartment itself wasn't that big. It had a living room, dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms (one of which was Draco's, the other was shared by Pansy and Blaise).

Although he would rather be put under the cruciatus curse multiple times than admit it, Draco had always been jealous of Pansy and Blaise.

Ever since they found out they were each other's soulmates during the war, everything seemed to go well for them.

Draco on the other hand, not so much. Unless you consider being hugged by the Dark Lord a good thing, of course.

He had an idea of who his soulmate was but he knew that he couldn't talk to her about it. Not yet, anyway.

She probably wouldn't even trust his words, not many people did nowadays.


After turning the shower on, Draco slipped out of his muggle clothes and waited a few minutes for the running water to turn warm. He wasn't a big fan of the muggle style but he wanted to defy his father as much as possible.

Dating a muggle-born would also rile Lucius up a fair bit but Draco didn't think even would be able to put with that.

Once the water turned hot, Draco stepped in and let the water cover his body in droplets. His mind started to drift to the one thing that had been bothering him ever since Hermione Granger knocked on his door:

The one person i devote my life to avoiding shows up on my " Draco muttered to himself. "Merlin, I even moved into ruddy muggle London and she still somehow managed to find me."

He continued to incoherently mutter in the shower for a while but Draco eventually had enough of his intrusive thoughts. He turned the water off and got ready for bed.

His sleeping attire was also mostly muggle clothing. He wore some baggy trousers which the muggles apparently called 'sweatpants'.

Draco didn't understand why they were called that because he thought it didn't sound that attractive.

They were comfortable though so he didn't really bother thinking too much about the name. The only other thing he bothered to wear was just a black t-shirt.

"Stop making out in the open, this is classed as PDA!" Theo groaned from the dining room.

Blaise must be back.

Draco walked into the dining room and indeed, Blaise was there and he seemed to be in a make-out session with Pansy. He scoffed and threw a pillow at them which made them glare at him but he didn't really care.

"Nott, Nurse Zabini can't look after you forever. You can transfigure the couch or something into a bed for the night but i want to see no bed and no Nott in my living room by tomorrow morning, ten am sharp."

Theo gulped as he processed Draco's words. He wasn't in a good mood and they all knew that it'd be better not to push him unless they wanted to be throwing up more than just slugs.

Taking a final look at the making-out couple on the couch, Draco shook his head and made his way back into his bedroom for the night. He grabbed his wand which was laying on his bedside table and cast a charm on his door.

Draco often found himself waking up late at night in a cold sweat. Nightmares were all he seemed to have for the past year and he knew Pansy and Blaise did too. He was smart enough to cast a silencing charm on his room before sleeping but the others weren't.

Although it took a while, Draco finally managed to get to sleep. His thoughts brought an unusual feeling of warmth that he's been lacking an awful lot of since the war began.

"Merlin Hermione, concentrate! It's got to be here somewhere..." Hermione had discovered the mini-library Ginny had set up in her spare bedroom and she had been sat in a loveseat with a book ever since she had come back with the sugar.

She was reading a book on soulmates which she hadn't come across since her 3rd year when she had a highschool-girl crush on Ron.

The purpose of soulmates had always interested Hermione because the whole jist of it was so intruiging. So naturally, Hermione knew a lot about it already.

However in 6th year when she smelt the Amortentia potion, she smelt 3 smells which were very unlike Ron. She dismissed it at first and pretended it never happened, spending the rest of her night convincing herself she was in love with Ron. However a certain smell from Malfoy Manor had reminded her of one of the scents.

She revisited the memory and when she came back to reality, she started her desperate attempt to find out more.

If it was what she thought it could be, it definately wasn't good.



"Does anybody want to come up and tell the class what they can smell?"

Hermione's hand immediately shot up and a scoff coming from Draco could be heard from the other side of the room. Professor Slughorn's eyes scanned the room and when they landed on Hermione, he smiled and nodded at her, signalling for her to come up.

Standing up, she grinned at Harry and Ron who were on her right and as she approached, Slughorn lifted the lid off of the cauldron and placed it on the desk beside him. A cloud of pink smoke immediately rose up to the ceiling and Hermione gave a small cough.

"Alright." she said, once the smoke had cleared. She moved closer towards the cauldron and cautiously dipped her head forward but shot it up almost straight away. "Peppermint. There was a strong peppermint smell."

She glanced over at Slughorn who was nodding slightly, "Anything else Miss Granger?"

"Uhm, I think i smelt some pine and fresh parchment?"

Draco choked on some Fizzing Whizzbees that he smuggled into the lesson and the whole class turned to look at him.

"Draco, look how bizarre!! You smell like peppermint, fresh parchment pine!" chirped Pansy, completely oblivious to Draco's glare.

"Is there something wrong Mr Malfoy?" asked Slughorn. Draco sent Pansy a final glare before turning back around to face the front.

"No Professor. Me and Parkinson were just wondering whether we would all get a go with smelling the potion." he said, smirking slightly.

Hermione didn't hear what he was saying though, she was too busy concentrating on the scents. Ron didn't smell like peppermint, fresh parchment, or even pine.

It wasn't until Draco brushed past her to have his go when she realised why the scents didn't remind her of Ron.

The scents belonged to Draco.


welp i had a bit of writer's block writing this chapter. sorry if it doesn't flow too brilliantly

i hope you have/had a great day nevertheless :)) ❤️