
c h a p t e r t h i r t y t h r e e



"Do you actually know what we did at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, pouring Draco a cup of coffee.

"Depends what you mean." he replied, raising his eyebrow suggestively. Hermione sent him a glare but ended up letting out a sigh, "You know what i mean."

Draco looked down into his coffee in thought and gave Hermione a flat smile. "I was ordered to get rid of all of your happy memories of us. Meaning you remember all of the years of..." he paused, "uh, bullying, but you don't remember any of our good memories."

Hermione nodded and looked at him thoughtfully, "You obliviated me in seventh year. As soulmates, shouldn't we be slowly regaining our memories?"

"Well, that's what's happening, isn't it?" he shrugged. Hermione opened her mouth but closed it again, realising he was right.

"Do you ever wonder about what memories we're lacking?" she asked, taking a sip from her coffee. Draco thought about it for a few moments before giving her a smile. "Yeah, yeah i do." he replied.

The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes drinking their coffee. Hermione started furrowing her eyebrows and Draco asked, "Are you okay?"

She snapped out of her daze and looked up. "How much of our friendship at Hogwarts do you remember?"

Draco shrugged again. "We didn't talk much until sixth year when i started suspecting the whole soulmate thing. We used to hang out a lot until the Summer, when i became a death-eater. I became distant and i regret that, but you noticed when school started again and confronted me. We started talking again but during Christmas i was obliviated. When we came back after the holidays, i obliviated you." he said, not making any eye contact.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. "That's one way to recap i suppose." she said eventually, smiling lightly.

"Do you reckon we saw each other during the holidays?" she asked. Draco nodded a took a sip of his coffee. "Well there was that time you, Weasel and Potter went to Madam Malkin's robe shop just as i happened to be there."

"That's what you remember?""Don't you?"



Hermione walked into the shop behind Ron and Harry. Draco was stood by the till whilst his mother was talking to Madam Malkin.

When he looked up and saw the trio, he smirked and said, "Nice hair, Potter." Harry was about to retort but Ron tugged at his hoodie sleeve and pulled him away, muttering 'he's not worth it'.

Hermione sighed and walked over to dress racks which were stood by Draco. "Was that necessary?" she asked in a hushed whisper. Draco stifled a laugh and leant back on the wooden desk, "What are you going to do? Lecture me again?"

"I've never lectured you." Hermione said, pretending to look at the price of a dress. "Oh yes you have, Granger." he chuckled.

Hermione dropped the price tag and turned around, crossing her arms. "What's happened?" she asked, raising her voice slightly.

His eyes glanced between Hermione, his left forearm and the floor. He just sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Look, we can't do this whole friendship thing anymore." "Why not?" "Please, just don't go near me. This all might get you killed if you're not careful."

Hermione was about to reply when Harry and Ron came up to her. "Was Malfoy bothering you?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow at Draco. Draco simply smirked and put his hands in the air, "Not at all, Potter."

"Guys just wait a second, i need to find a dress robe." she said, about to turn around when Narcissa walked up to Draco. "Alright dear, we need to go meet aunt Bella now." she smiled, taking hold of Draco's left forearm.

Draco flinched and she pulled away abruptly. "Oh! Sorry love, i forgot." Narcissa muttered, taking hold of his other forearm instead.

As Draco was dragged out of the shop, he turned around for a brief second. Hermione sent him a questioning glare but he simply shook his head.

"Something seems off." Harry said. Ron laughed and shook his head, "Don't worry, mate. Malfoy always seems off."

Harry paused for a few seconds before turning to face Ron, nodding in agreement.



"Your mother touched your dark mark, that's why you flinched away, isn't it?" Hermione asked, glancing up. Draco nodded and sighed. "The initiation happened a couple of days before. The mark hurt like hell a couple of weeks after i got it." he explained.

Hermione placed a hand on his arm. "It's all over. All of it." she said. Draco nodded and sent her a smile.

"I got this memory yesterday," she began, "I was dragging your drunk ass back to Hogwarts and long story short, you said something interesting."

Draco raised his eyebrow and shook his head, "This doesn't sound good." "Blaise apparently told you that your true self tends to come out when you're drunk." "Oh. Okay, and?"

Hermione took in a breath and glanced down at her coffee. "Yesterday, when we were spooning, you said you loved me."

Draco opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out apart from "Oh."Hermione looked up and shook her head, "That's not the problem though." "There's a probl-?" "I love you too."

The boy simply smirked, "Well that's convenient because i've been wanting to ask you something for a while now.""You have?" she asked.

Draco took out a small box and laughed when Hermione's eyes widened. "Don't look so scared, it's not an engagement ring." he said. She still looked slightly hesitant as she looked between Draco and the box.

"This, Hermione," he began as he opened the box to reveal a ring, "this is a promise ring." He took the ring out of the box and held it up to the light.

"I belong to you, Hermione. I've belonged to you since the beginning, since before I even knew that I did. I know that i've been an absolute ass in the past, but I'll never hurt you again. I'd rather die than to hurt you." Draco said, smiling slightly.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, still slightly confused. "Will you be my girlfriend, Hermione?" he asked. A range of emotions rushed through her head and before she could even process what just happened, she found herself weakly saying 'yes'.

Draco grinned as he slipped the ring onto her index finger. He looked up at Hermione and nodded slightly. "I meant what i said yesterday." he said. Hermione smiled, "I know."


well i guess it's official

i'm currently on holiday and lowkey all i want is to see my cat ☹️

anyways i hope you have/had a great day (and thank you so much for 7k views like lol how???)