
c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n




"Granger, I have a problem."

Hermione yawned and leaned on the door frame. "What time is it?" she asked "6:30pm." Draco said, tapping his foot impatiently.

"What's wrong?" "I can't stay in my apartment." "Why?""Uhm." Draco paused. He hadn't thought this far ahead. "There's a bug infestation. I can't stay in my house for a month."

"Oh!" Hermione sighed, "You had me think that something bad happ- Do you need somewhere to stay?"

The boy ran a hand through his hair and smiled guiltily, "Well...""What about Pansy and Blaise? Don't they live with you?" she asked. Draco nodded, "They did. They moved out recently."

"Well, alright then." she said, opening the door wider, "Stay as long as you need."

Draco nodded and muttered something about going to get some clothes. As soon as he walked through his own door, a wide grin spread across his face.

She bought it.


"What the fuck is a movie?" "Language, Draco. I'll show you."

Hermione turned to face her open cupboard and got out a bag of popcorn kernels.

"We need to eat corn in order to watch a movie?" questioned Draco.Hermione hid a smile as she shook her head, "This isn't corn, it's popcorn."

"It has it in the name! I was close enough!" he huffed.

Hermione ignored him as she placed the kernels into a pot on the stove and turned it on. "Why don't you keep an eye on the popcorn whilst i go choose a movie?" Hermione said.

Draco seemed a bit hesitant, but nodded nevertheless and wandered over to the stove.


Hermione ended up choosing Titanic. She had seen it with Harry in the muggle cinema a couple of years prior but she didn't mind watching it again. She purely just wanted to see Draco's reactions.

"Wait, so the ship ends up sinking?" Draco asked, walking over to the couch with the bowl of popcorn. "Well, I mean," Hermione began, as she fiddled with the TV settings, "you'll have to wait and see i'm afraid."

He let out a small groan but refrained from saying anything else by busying himself with the popcorn.

He walked around the couch and sat down on the right hand side. After Hermione got the TV to show the settings screen, she took the remote and sat next to him.

Not too close but not too far either.

The movie started playing and Hermione glanced at Draco who was hunched over the bowl, furrowing his eyebrows. "So this is a muggle job? To hang around in this box all day? What sort of magic is this?" he said, clearly startled by what he was seeing.

She raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head when he looked over at her. "Muggle world, Draco. No magic, remember?" she replied, casting her gaze back upon the movie.


Draco had shut up for the majority of the film but when people had resorted to jumping off of the ship, he began getting rather confused.

"I don't get it!" he exclaimed. Hermione turned down the volume of the movie but left it playing in the background. "Get what?"

"If Potter can summon a broomstick when he's being chased by a dragon in fourth year, why can't these measly muggles do the same "

Hermione laughed but her laughter  immediately turned to choking. Draco sighed as he grabbed his wand from the coffee table and pointed in to Hermione's throat, muttering ''. At once, Hermione's airway seemed to clear.

"Thank you." she murmured. Draco gave her a nod but focused his attention back on the movie.

His question remained unanswered as they finished watching the movie because Hermione had fallen asleep. He didn't even notice until he glanced to his left and didn't see a bush of hair next to him.

He looked down and saw Hermione's head next to his lap. "Oh Hermione." he murmured.

The credits started rolling in and Draco placed the empty bowl on the coffee table. He didn't want to wake her so he resorted to picking her up bridal style.

"You're heavier than you look, Granger." he groaned, as he padded through the corridor into Hermione's room. All she responded with was incoherent muttering.

Once they got into her room, Draco placed Hermione on her bed but soon realised that she was still in the previous day's clothes. "Shit." he cursed.

He sighed and prodded her shoulder, "Granger, wake up." Hermione shifted positions and tried to swat away his hand. 

"Make me." she muttered.

The boy rolled his eyes and looked around her room. There was a double bed to one side and several shelves on another. Something else Draco had noticed was that there were a lot of pictures up on her wall. They were moving, of course, but not framed.

He could see several pictures of Hermione, Harry and Ron standing together, smiling like a bunch of idiots. They were wearing matching Weasley sweaters and although Draco used to gag at the sight of them, he's come to terms with the fact that he was just merely jealous.

Draco smiled at how happy she looked as he moved on to the next set. These photos looked like personal ones probably taken by Hermione herself.

They were mostly pictures of nature and candid photos of her friends but one picture caught his eye.

"Hey Granger, is this a photo of me?" he asked, pointing to a particular picture of a boy by the lake. Hermione had stumbled out of her bed and went to stand next to Draco."Uh, maybe?" she replied.

Hermione unpinned the picture from the wall and the two stared at it. "I think it is. Look at the hair." Draco smirked.

"It's blonde and daft. Your point?""Hey! My hair looked amazing in sixth year!" he defended. Hermione shook her head and walked to her drawers. "Whatever you say, Malfoy." she said, taking out her pyjamas.

Draco's eyes followed her around her room as she gathered all of her things. "Well? Draco shoo, i need to get dressed." Hermione crossed her arms.

"I'll just turn around!""Malfoy, out."Draco put his hands up in defence and sighed, "Alright, alright."

And with that, he left her room.



omg of you wonderful and amazing people have chosen to read my fanfic ?!1?


anyways,, i'm dedicating this chapter to because i love her and she was buzzed for this chapter, as usual :')))))

i hope you have/had a great day