
c h a p t e r s i x t e e n



"Kind regards, Narcissa Malfoy..." Hermione muttered under her breath. Today was the day back after the Christmas holidays and a brown barn owl had just delivered the letter to her during breakfast.

"Who's that from 'Mione?" Harry asked. Hermione quickly slammed the letter on the table and looked up. "Nothing, it's just a letter from my parents."

She hated lying to Harry but he couldn't know about this. She wasn't even sure if Draco knew about it.

Hermione didn't know whether the letter was simply just an empty threat or if Draco had actually been obliviated but she knew that she had to find out. How else was she supposed to help him?


After they were dismissed from potions, Hermione glanced over to the left side of the room and saw Draco putting his stuff into his bag.

"Go ahead guys, I just need to ask Snape something about the homework." she lied. Harry and Ron nodded and when they left the room, she walked over to Draco.

"Hey Draco, can I talk to you?" she asked. Blaise and Pansy sniggered next to Draco and when he looked up from his bag and saw it was Hermione, he just sneered at her.

"Why would I give a mudblood such a privilege?" he smirked. Hermione was slightly taken aback from his words but she didn't know what she expected. Why had she thought that Narcissa's letter was an empty threat?

"It's about the wardrobe." Hermione said. Draco visibly tensed and Blaise and Pansy sent him questioning looks which he ignored. "I don't know what you're talking about, but since you're so desperate, I'll agree just this once."

He looked at Pansy and Blaise and said, "I'll see you at lunch." The two nodded and walked out of the classroom.

"What wardrobe do you think you're talking about?" he questioned."The vanishing one. You know very well which one I mean." she replied.

"Who told you?" "Wow," Hermione paused, "looks like they really cast obliviate on you.""Obliviate? Honestly Granger, I think you've been reading too much fiction lately." Draco laughed.

He still looked off-balance but he was certainly trying to cover it up.

"Okay whatever, bye Malfoy.""Wait, Hermione!" Draco said.Hermione turned around and stared at him, hoping he hadn't been obliviatedafter all but she thought too soon.

"You forgot the memory charm.""The memory charm? What memor-" a surge of light hit Hermione and she felt disoriented. She looked around the classroom but all she heard was the sound of Draco's shoes making contact with the corridor floor.

She tried to remember what had just happened with him, but all she could remember was something about a wardrobe. Hermione didn't know what a wardrobe had to do with anything so she shrugged it off and went to meet Harry and Ron in the great hall.


this is a short chapter but this was the end of the flashback and i didn't think there was a point in starting another chapter and yeah

ok but can you imagine hermione and draco being secret penpals?? how adorable would that be ??2?!

2 and a half weeks of school left, none of you have any idea of how excited and frightened i am

anyway enough of me, i hope you all have/had a great day :))