
c h a p t e r f o r t y t w o



"So you think i was born with the werewolf curse just because my father told you so in a dream?" Draco asked, smirking in amusement.

"No," Hermione groaned, running a hand through her hair, "it's more than that. I also think your biological mother is alive and your parents are lying to you."

He shrugged and relished in the warmth of the coffee mug that was in his hands. "It's still early, Hermione. Maybe we should go sleep in for a little while?" he suggested, raising his eyebrows.

Hermione sighed and shook her head, "Its two weeks until the full moon, Draco. In my dream you got seriously sick a week before it and i think we'd be fools to ignore it."

"We're not it," Draco said, "we're just pretending this isn't just something my sleep deprived girlfriend made up. Oh, wait-"

She sent him a glare but Draco just reached across the table to hold the girls hand. "In the dream, Lucius said that i didn't trigger the curse, correct?" he asked. Hermione nodded.

"Well then i won't be turning for the next full moon. I'll find out about this trigger and i'll make sure nothing happens, alright?" he smiled.

"Alright, fine." "Good."


Draco looked right and left before sneaking into the library. Hermione went to work and he seized the chance to check out the book that she saw in her dream.

He knew that she would kill him if she knew that he was at the manor, but he didn't really care. Draco just wanted to find something to prove Hermione's theory wrong.

A book about werewolves was lying open on the big oak desk. Draco raised his eyebrow as he moved cautiously towards it. He looked around himself but when he didn't see any immediate danger, he sat down at the desk.

"The Curse" was the title spread across the open pages. He found it slightly suspicious but he didn't overthink it as he brought the book closer to himself.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows and traced his finger along the pages. He flipped a few pages ahead and stopped when he reached the next chapter: "Symptoms"

"So all i have to do is not kill anybody and the curse won't be triggered..." he mumbled, looking up from the book. Draco sighed and grabbed the book, apparating to his apartment.



He didn't really know what he was doing there.

He felt too tired and was rather reluctant to go, but he felt as though he had to.

The party was being held in Slughorn's office which resulted in Draco pacing around in the corridor trying to decide whether it was a good idea or not.

Before he came to a conclusion, however, he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Draco turned around only to be faced with Hermione.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, glaring at him. Draco smirked lazily and shrugged, "I could ask you the same thing."

Hermione dropped her hand and crossed her arms, "I was going to bathroom to get away from Cormac."

"You came here with McLaggen?" Draco asked, a high level of amusement in his voice. Hermione pursed her lips and nodded, brushing past Draco who grabbed her arm.

"Get off me." she said, sending him another glare. "I don't think you should be here with him."

Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes, "And i'm supposed to believe that you have a good reason to say that?"

Draco was about to disagree when he realised she was right. He didn't actually know why he was feeling this possessive.

"Ok, fine. Just go to your bloody bathroom." he said, finally dropping her arm.

"Thank you." she muttered, turning around and heading down the corridor.

His eyes followed her as she left, only to be disrupted by another hand on his arm.

Draco turned around and was met with Filch's rather unpleasant face. "Get off me. This suit was expensive." he sighed, trying to shrug him off.

Filch's grip remained strong as he dragged Draco into the office. "Look what the cat dragged in." he chuckled, pushing Draco forward slightly.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

Snape strode forward, his robes flowing behind him. "Let him go. I'll deal with him." he drawled, glaring at Filch.

He glanced between Snape and Slughorn who simply nodded to let Draco go.

"Alright everyone, continue with the party!" Slughorn chuckled. Everyone went back to whatever they were doing except for Snape who was too busy glaring at Draco.

"I need to speak with you." "Well, go on.""Not here you dimwit. In private."

Snape dragged Draco off into a small corner, oblivious to the fact that a pair of green eyes were following them.

Once they were behind a pair of rather ugly curtains, the professor let go of him. "You need my help." he said. "With what?" "The mission." "No i don't!" Draco replied defensively.

Snape rolled his eyes and nodded, "Don't be naïve. I made an unbreakable vow with Narcissa last Summer for this so you really don't have any other choice."

"With all due respect, professor, this just makes you seem like you're trying to steal all of my glory." Draco scoffed.

"How blind are you?" he asked, "You my help." "No, I don't. Thanks for the offer though." Draco said sweetly, scowling when he turned away.

He came out of the corner, noticing Harry was staring at him. Draco sent him a glare and moved on, making his way back to the common room.




also i'm buzzing because i'm getting a cat tomorrow. he's so smol and he has me shook

gAh i hope you have/had a great day