
c h a p t e r f i f t e e n




"Class dismissed." Snape drawled. The trio gathered their things and stood up, walking out of the room.

Hermione walked alongside Harry and Ron who were laughing about some comeback that earned Harry a detention but was apparently 'so worth it'.

The girl shook her head and reached into her robe pockets to get her wand but instead took out a piece of paper. Hermione stared at the neat cursive writing which read ""

She could only assume that the D stood for 'Draco' but she couldn't think of a logical reason as to why he'd want to meet her.

She knew he was fixing the vanishing wardrobe, she caught him doing it. Hermione asked for Draco to let her help him but she didn't know whether this note had anything to do with that.

What if it wasn't Draco who wrote this note? No, she's seen this writing for the past 6 years - it was definitely his. But what could he want?

She figured that there was only one way to find out.


"Guys, I need to go do some studying in the library after dinner." Hermione said whilst buttering her bread. Ron payed no attention and Harry was busy talked to Seamus. Hermione sighed and got up - why wait?

The girl walked up the moving stairs and onto the seventh floor. If you didn't want to be disturbed, the seventh floor was a great place to go. Not many people could be bothered to climb up the staircase.

Hermione walked along the corridor until she reached the wall which she had to walk past three times.




An ornate door appeared on the wall, just as she had expected. Hermione looked both ways before she stepped into the room full of old Hogwarts furniture and supplies.

"Draco?" she called out.Hermione wandered around for a few moments before she heard a voice. "By the cabinet." it echoed.

Hermione walked around the various pieces of junk until she reached a small opening, where she could see Draco leaning against an old table, staring at the cabinet.

"Hey." she spoke. Draco tensed up but when he saw it was Hermione, his shoulders relaxed. "What do you need help w-""What do you know about this cabinet?" he asked.

Hermione raised her eyebrow at the way he interrupted her but let it go. "A fair bit. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History. Why?"

Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this bloody piece of junk."

"Isn't this a task for You-Know-Who?" she asked. Draco slowly nodded and stood up. "Unfortunately."

"Draco, I can't really help you i'm afraid." Hermione said. She gave him an apologetic look but his face was unreadable.

"Ok it was a stupid idea. You're right, sorry." he said. He started walking away but he stopped when the word 'wait' left Hermione's mouth.

Hermione groaned and Draco turned around to raise an eyebrow at her. "Fine. We break up for Christmas next week. I'll do some research for you during the holidays but no one can know."

"Yeah, yeah of course." the boy agreed. "Owl me. I'll be doing research in the manor's library and praying that Voldemort doesn't decide to interfere."

Hermione winced at the mention of Voldemort but she didn't say anything. "I have a feeling that this won't go well..." she began, but she was cut short when Draco stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her.

It took her a few moments to process what was happening but when she did, she found herself wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Thank you," he murmured into her hair, "for risking yourself for me." Hermione smiled and laughed slightly, "I said i would help you, didn't I?"


That night Draco couldn't help but think about the hug. He didn't do it. He felt like his soul made him.

The boy didn't know what was happening. He remembered how he saw bruises on Hermione's hand last year. They were the exact same that his father had given him.

He linked it with the Bruised Souls theory but told himself it was a mere coincidence.

Draco had a feeling that it wasn't simply a mere coincidence anymore but that didn't mean that he knew any better about what was happening.

Hermione couldn't stop thinking about the hug either. She knew that it was only a hug, but she didn't know why she enjoyed it so much.

When Draco pulled away after a few moments, Hermione felt all of the warmth leave her body. She felt like she had a deep hole in her stomach and she didn't know why.

After all, he was just her childhood bully, right?



Hermione was making her way back to the common room when somebody grabbed her arm and pulled her into the broom closet.

"What the-" she began, but was cut off when someone muttered and the small closet was illuminated.

"Draco? You gave me a bloody heart attack." Hermione sighed. "Sorry. I didn't know if i would get another chance to speak to you." he replied.

She crossed her arms and gave him a questioning glare.

"I need to clear some things up with you.""Like?"

"Like when you're owling me, use D for Draco and H for Hermione. If someone finds these letters, they'll have a harder time finding out who they're from if the names are coded." Draco began.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but shut it when Draco put a finger up. "Secondly, please be careful. Burn the letters once you're done with them. I don't know about you, but my father wouldn't be pleased if he knew i was getting help."

Hermione smiled lightly as she idly stared at the light. "Let me guess, he'll obliviate you?"

"Probably," Draco sighed, "anyway, i best be off. Have a good Christmas."

"You too, Draco."


two chapters in one day, what's happened to me?