
Chapter 33


The cool breeze whispered across my bare skin, making me shiver slightly.

The moon was high in the sky and I could feel my Wolf whining inside of me. She was itching to be let out. Goosebumps covered my body, although that might have been due more to my nervousness than the crisp air. I was currently behind the large, twisted trunk of a tree, completely naked but outside of Gabriel's line of sight as I prepared to Shift. Part of me had the urge to step outside of the shelter of the trees, just to see his reaction, but I quelled the thought. I wasn't ready for that sort of intimacy yet. I barely knew Gabriel and I still wasn't sure exactly how I felt.

My Wolf, however, was making her intentions clear. We knew that our Mate was standing not too far from us and that he was completely unclothed as well. My body itched to be near him, bare flesh pressed against bare flesh. The thought made me shiver again, and not from the cold this time.