
Chapter 192

He was so incredibly relieved that I wondered how long I'd been out. I wasn't even sure what to say in that moment. A tiny part of me urged me to tell him off for abandoning me, but I was so glad to see him that I couldn't get the words past the lump in my throat.

I winced, my body warmer than usual and aching. I felt like I had run for miles and miles. What had happened to me?

I tentatively reached a hand up and brushed it against the side of his face. I could feel the light stubble on his jaw, and I keenly noticed that beneath his ethereal beauty, Gabriel almost looked…haggard. My thoughts were interrupted when his dark eyes warmed with an emotion that practically caught my whole body on fire. I could feel the heat of his emotions tenfold through our bond.

"What happened?" I rasped, echoing my train of thought. Gabriel's brow furrowed and his lips flattened into a thin line. Whatever happened, it hadn't been good.