
Chapter 182

Not very long. I'm only half-Angel, so it doesn't offer me as much protection as it would Raziel. My Wolf side is still feeling the Ritual's effects.

It occurred to me that Rebekah and Raziel really had formulated a plan that accounted for every possibility…well, save for Skylar's capture.

A breeze wafted Skylar's scent in our direction and I took a sharp turn. We were still heading down the mountain, but the trail was steadily strengthening. Cain's vampires were not buying him enough time.

Are you strong enough to fight? Cain will keep throwing vampires our way. Some part of me realized just how strange it was to be having a mental conversation with my mother, after all of this time.

I don't care. I'm going to help you kill Cain, no matter the cost. You must go through with it.

There was a strange undercurrent in her voice and I tossed her a sharp glance. She remained focused ahead, ears pricked forward as she sought out any sign of vampires.