
Chapter 141

I…..I don't know. Hearing the worry so prevalent in Gabriel's voice worsened my fear. I felt perspiration beading on my forehead and I backed into the nearest corner, my eyes flicking across the room as if Cain would jump out and attack me at any minute. My breaths came in short pants and I clenched and unclenched my fists. My Wolf was pacing in agitation. I felt a fresh wave of fear as I realized that Cain could still be here…the flowers had been left a day or two before, but he could've hidden in a closet, just waiting for us to come back! Any other vampire I would've bravely stood up to but I was no match for Cain. The thought of seeing him again terrified me, and as a werewolf, I was not used to this feeling of profound terror.

Please hurry, he could still be here! I begged Gabriel, not caring how frightened I sounded.