
Chapter 126

The deep, male voice cut into my determined thoughts. Snapping out of my reverie, my gaze focused on the young man sitting across from me. He had sandy blonde hair and glinting hazel eyes, with a mischievous tilt to his mouth. He was one of the human men from the table near me; his friends were blatantly staring at us, a couple of them chortling.

"Um...hi?" I asked, furrowing my brow as I stared at him in confusion. What could he possibly want?

"I'm Brandon. I just noticed that you're sitting here alone." His eyes glimmered with amusement. Inwardly, I sighed, really not wanting to deal with this now. Normally, random guys didn't just come up and talk to me. Anne had always gotten the majority of the attention. Thinking of her, I felt a pang of sadness so I shook myself out of my unpleasant thoughts.

"Yeah..." was all I said, not sure where he was going with this.