
Chapter 118

"Okay," I said softly, realizing he truly did want a chance to explain his motives for sleeping with Eva.

Gabriel released my arm and stepped back. "I'll give you some time while I take care of a few things, but I'm going to find you soon. Then we'll talk."

I nodded again, mutely. My Wolf itched to close the distance between us and hug him. She was so forgiving of Gabriel's actions. Normally I was the more patient, compassionate one, but when it came to Gabriel, my Wolf was a complete pushover. She was absolutely crazy for him.

Gabriel made his way towards the front door again but I could only stand there on the step, staring after him and feeling a bit bereft after he walked away.

You're the one who wants him to leave, my Wolf chided, though there was no real venom in her voice, she just sounded sad.

I don't want him to leave me. I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.