
Soulbound: Second Chance

Jadon_Ware · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The Mysterious Being

"Yo Dan it's time to go."Asuma said.

"Come on Dan."Osamu said.

"I'll be right there."Dan said.

Dan writes in his notebook about his encounter with Yuri, Osamu and Asuma.

"Dan we gotta go we can't be late!"Osamu said.

"Coming."Dan said.to his respective class.

"I have History as well."Dan said.

"Who's your teacher?"Asuma asked.

"Professor Nakamura."Dan said.

"You and I have the same class."Asuma said.

"Really?"Dan asked.

"Yes follow me."Asuma said.

Dan and Asuma goes to their class when Dan saw his teacher and noticed Professor Nakamura was a alligator beastman he jumped.

"Whoa!"Dan said.

"Are you ok Daniel?"Professor Nakamura asked.

"My teacher's a gator?!"Dan asked.

"Don't be scared I won't bite."Professor Nakamura said.

"Those teeth of yours."Dan said.

"I'm always scaring the new students."Professor Nakamura said.

"Hey Professor where's my seat?"Dan asked.

"Sit wherever you like."Professor Nakamura said.

Dan sits in a desk and more students walk in.

"Hey Dan you want to hang out later?"Asuma asked.

"I'm not sure about that I prefer to be alone."Dan said.

"How come?"Asuma asked.

"I'll tell you later."Dan said.

Then Yuri was in front of Dan.

"You're in my seat."Yuri said.

"I don't see your name on it."Dan said.

"Don't get smart with me you dork."Yuri said.

"Look you overgrown lizard I'm not in the mood to deal with you I don't have the time or patience for your bullshit please get out of my face."Dan said.

"I'm not a lizard nor a gecko I'm a dragon!"Yuri said.

"If you're a dragon then where's your wings?"Dan asked.

"Boys not now."Professor Nakamura said.

"I don't have wings."Yuri said.

"So let me get this straight you weren't born or hatched with wings that is so sad!"Dan said.

Dan was laughing.

"Get out of my seat!"Yuri said.

"Get out of my face you salamander."Dan said.

"I'm not a salamander I'm a dragon!"Yuri said.

"Dragons have wings you don't you're not a dragon!"Dan said.

"I AM A DRAGON!!!!!"Yuri said.

Yuri roars ferociously and breathes fire.

"You could've fooled me."Dan said.

"THAT'S MY SEAT!"Yuri said.

"I was just leaving Professor may I please be excused I need some air before I knock wingless here here senseless."Dan said.

"Hit me I dare you!"Yuri said.

"Don't test me!"Dan said.

"I knew you weren't gonna hit me!"Yuri said.

As Dan's mark was glowing what appears to be a person and he punched Yuri.

"This dork has a Guardian! How on Earth does he have a Guardian?!"Yuri demanded.

Yuri landed on the ground.

"Yuri go to your father's office right now!"Professor Nakamura said.

"You and I will finish this later!"Yuri said.

"Beat it you salamander."Dan said.

Yuri growls in frustration and leaves.

"Excuse me young man who are you?"Professor Nakamura asked.

"Dan I think you got a Guardian."Asuma said.

"A what?"Dan asked.

"A Guardian I'm a golem."Dan's Guardian said.

"You can't be a Guardian you look human!"Dan said.

"I'm mechanical."Dan's Guardian said.

"Thanks for helping me with Yuri what's your name?"Dan said.

"You already know."Dan's Guardian said.

"I do?"Dan asked.

"Yeah you do."Dan's Guardian said.

Once again the mark glows and Dan hears whispers of the name of his Guardian.

"Igneal."Dan said.

"Bingo."Igneal said.

Everyone in the entire class even Professor Nakamura was silent but shocked to see a golem.

(To be continued...)

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'm working really hard on my Isekai story i want to make it into a anime if you like try to promote it if you could

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