
Soul Swallowing Goddess

Amaris Nacht, a high school girl, is thrust into a demonic dimension following the tragic demise of her parents. For two decades, humanity has battled these dark entities in secret, defending their home world against the relentless onslaught. Amaris's destiny takes a cruel turn as she finds herself trapped in a realm overrun by demons. Unprepared and vulnerable, she faces a relentless struggle for survival in this nightmarish domain with no apparent means of escape. In a stroke of luck, Amaris witnesses a fierce battle between two otherworldly beings, culminating in the emergence of a mysterious black ring. Driven by a fractured mind, she instinctively touches the ring, absorbing its essence into her own body. With new found powers that could change the course of fate, she’ll have to decide on what path she wants the world to take.

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16 Chs


"Hmm, you don't look human, but my instinct is telling me otherwise," the man said in a deep, gravelly voice, his piercing gaze sweeping over Amaris. The dimly lit room filled with a tense silence as she felt her heart race, her mind frantically for a solution. She knew she was no match for this otherworldly being, so she quickly disabled her Pink Widow form, reverting to her human appearance. The man raised an eyebrow, withdrawing his rapier as he scrutinised her closely. Amaris's throat tightened, but a wave of relief washed over her as she saw his reaction. She let out a shaky sigh, her body visibly relaxing.

"I don't understand how you're able to wield soul possession without succumbing to madness and death," he said, his voice laced with curiosity. "But you better answer my questions. I'm intrigued why a human girl like you is down here in the Underground Bloodhole."

With a sense of caution, Amaris explained, her voice barely a whisper. "Um, the church of light sent me here to cleanse this Underground Bloodhole."

The man listened intently, his expression betraying nothing. After a moment of silence, he leaned closer to her and asked, "How are you able to use soul possession?"

His sharp eyes bore into hers, causing a tremor to pass through Amaris's body. She swallowed hard, her voice barely audible.

"I... I don't know. It's something normal, is it?" Her innocent question hung in the air, and although the man's face remained unchanged, his voice grew even deeper.

"Of course not," the man said, his voice echoing through the dimly lit room. "Soul possession is when the soul ring is feeding its power to your soul. This would allow the demon you merged with the power to corrupt your soul." The man coldly explained. The flickering red dirt light casting an eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the tense atmosphere.

Amaris, her yellow eyes wide with panic, and felt a knot tighten in her stomach.

Zaleck, in her consciousness, offered reassurance. "Human, don't worry. I have done nothing to harm you. Otherwise, how else would you be standing here?"

Her words reverberated in Amaris' mind, providing some measure of relief. However, she couldn't shake off her wariness towards Zaleck. Demons were known for their trickery, and Zaleck seemed no different.

Observing Amaris closely, the man let out a deep sigh. "Well, human, I must admit, I'm curious. How is it you can merge with a soul ring without corrupting your soul? I'll accompany you to cleaning this Underground Bloodhole, but in return, I wish to know your secret."

He turned and started walking, Amaris following closely behind, her eyes fixed on his towering figure. She couldn't help but be intrigued by him and asked that lingered in her mind.

"What exactly are you? You don't resemble a demon, and you're much taller than me," she inquired.

The man didn't seem bothered by the question and responded, "I am a human, but also something more. You can consider me as one."

He didn't elaborate any further, leaving Amaris even more intrigued. Her eyes lingered on him, and she couldn't help but be amazed. How long had it been since she had seen a human, especially one so handsome? She couldn't help but admire his handsome appearance, his black hair and pale skin contrasting starkly with his crimson eyes. But even more astonishing were his features - his long and tapered nose, his thin, delicate lips, his high cheekbones and flawless skin. Amaris couldn't help but marvel at him - a perfect specimen of what humans should look like.

With him providing directions, they ventured deeper into the Bloodhole, Amaris following the tall, imposing man, her eyes fixed on his back.

"What's your name?" Amaris asked after a moment of silence, her curiosity getting the better of her. The man turned around and studied her carefully, his crimson eyes lingering on her. "Call me Xylothar."

Amaris nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she fought to maintain her composure. The dimly lit tunnel seemed to spin around her as she tried to find the right words to explain her peculiar soul possession. 

The silence in her mind, where Zaleck usually lived, only added to her confusion. Uncertainty gnawed at her as she wondered what Zaleck had in store for her after all this time. Despite Zaleck's previous reassurances, Amaris couldn't shake off her wariness. She scolded herself internally for being too naïve, for blindly trusting Zaleck from the start. Sighing, she pushed aside the nagging fear that threatened to consume her.

Moving through the Underground Bloodhole, their footsteps echoed in the eerie silence, interrupted only by the occasional scuffling of demons. Xylothar, wielding his rapier with expert precision, swiftly dispatched them, his movements a blur of lethal grace. Amaris trailed closely behind him while staying in her Pink Widow form, ready to defend herself if needed. now and then, Xylothar would instruct her to use soul possession, urging her to further study her abilities.

During a brief respite after eliminating a group of demons, Amaris gathered the courage to ask, her voice laced with curiosity, "Hey, you mentioned being human, right? So, you must have soul rings too?"

Xylothar's gaze met hers, his eyes inscrutable.

"Yes, I possess soul rings. Would you like to see them?"

Amaris nodded eagerly, her desire to witness other soul rings overwhelming her. Xylothar closed his eyes momentarily, and when he opened them, they appeared slanted and sharp. Five silver soul rings materialised beneath his feet, gleaming in the crimson glow of the surroundings.

"Soul Elite!?" Zaleck's voice echoed in Amaris' mind, her second eye widening with curiosity. It scrutinised the soul rings intently, a mixture of emotions clear in its crimson pupil.

Amaris couldn't contain her awe, her yellow eyes widening in amazement. The only being that she could think of who could be more powerful than him was Michael, the leader of the Church of Light!

Xylothar didn't care about her reaction, and put away his soul rings.

"I'm still too weak in this world. You thinking that I'm strong only shows your stupidity and weakness." Xylothar said, turning his back from hers and started resuming their journey.

Amaris felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured over her head, but she knew he wasn't lying. She clenched her fist and kept up with him, keeping a bit of distance as she walked behind him, her footsteps cracking the ground beneath her.