
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


[Beep Beep]

A blaring beep nudged Sun out of his rest as he rubbed his eyes while looking groggily. 

He once again had a minor panic attack as he tended to forget he wasn't the old him anymore. Seeing the fantasy sci-fi transport he was on, the memories flooded back and he regained his bearings. 

Yawning and stretching himself awake, Sun noticed that they were landing. 

This brought back the original excitement he had from the sweet loot he was going to be getting at this new base. 

For a moment, he thought of Fae but figured he would find a way to get her here eventually considering it was going to be a research city so he quickly pushed aside his stray thoughts and lined up as he noticed the other recruits getting ready to alight from the transport. 

A little nervousness crept into his heart but he brushed it off as he started reviewing the mission list once again. 

He wasn't your run-of-the-mill recruit especially considering his in-depth knowledge of basic runeology. He also didn't want to get stuck doing menial tasks and waste his time. Since waking up in that shack, Sun had been feeling so motivated every day that he barely resembled the man he was before. 

Then again, he knew he didn't have any ambitions back there and the Sun of this world sure as hell didn't even know what was available. 

As the final docking procedures were underway, Sun noticed a mission he hadn't seen yesterday or that he had probably missed. The list was extensive in any case but this mission seemed like a perfect fit for him which made him suspicious for some reason but he couldn't decipher why. 

Leaning on his instincts he wanted to skip it but the last line of the mission details had him nearly choke from breathing. 

[Mission #6745

Runic Inscriptionist Needed. 

Supervising Captain Skol requires a Runic inscriptionist to assist with Rune work throughout the next three months in various locations to set up basic arrays. 

If expertise and skill levels are sufficient, all knowledge up to Military tier 2 Rune Knowledge will be provided at no cost to the inscriptionist.]

[Apply Yes/No]

Seeing this Sun started pondering in doubt.

The terms "Military Tier 2" and "Tier 2" knowledge were vastly different from what Sun had understood so far. 

Knowledge was power and the military held some pretty fucking big power regardless of how little Sun thinks of them. Military-grade knowledge was heavily sought after in any world, it was the deterrent power in most cases even though in this world several powers existed including mages and heavy hitter corporations, the army was still up there. 

Hesitating a little Sun eventually made his decision.

'Screw it. This saves me massive amounts of time and I'll be practicing the whole time I'm here as opposed to getting thrown into some alien-infested jungle with a knife and a hit list.'

Sun wasn't opposed to fighting but with his skill set, he was still too bottom-barrel fodder to be thinking of fighting and considering his nature of not seeking death, the choices were clear. Until he had some trump cards and some modicum of defence, he wouldn't be running around hunting anything. 

Hesitating no more, he clicked "Yes" on the interface.

The moment he did though, a message immediately appeared. 

[Congratulations, you have been accepted. Report to Supervising Captain Skol immediately upon arrival. 

P.S. If you are late, I will break a finger per minute that you are.] 

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sun was immediately stunned before shouting in shock getting him some stares from the other recruits. 

Sun, however, couldn't care less. 

'What the fuck do you mean to break a finger per minute I am late? There's not even a time for me to show up. Where the fuck is the map to where this bastard is?'

Sun realized at that moment, his hunch was right. This job may have been easy or hard but the key deciding factor was this so-called "Supervising Captain Skol" and from the message and the attitude he was getting off of it. 

'Scarface #2...' Sun shivered before lamenting as he wished he could just snuggle into Fae's bosom and vent his frustrations into her divine derriere. 

As he was whining internally while looking like his dog died, he noticed the exit open and the recruits filed out. 

Taking a deep breath, he decided the moment he landed that he needed to rush to wherever the hell this captain of his was. The glaring sunlight hit him as he stepped out of the ship and descended the ramp. 

Looking from his vantage point, he saw a vast jungle filling his entire view as it spread out into the horizon, the air smelled of humidity, lush leaves and gigantic trees with all sorts of different vines and bugs were about. 

Lowering his gaze, he noticed some structures that resembled fortified tents with several vehicles and a lot of cargo lying about near the airship. 

'Seems the work has only begun recently.' Sun thought as he quickly made his way down to the ground and furiously started searching on his holo-watch for any indicators as to where specific personnel may be. Specifically his new psycho Captain. 

The other recruits were actually notified via their watches and arranged into squadrons upon their arrival but no one seemed to bother with him which made Sun look around nervously as though a monkey with his ass on fire before the beep of salvation had arrived. 

A map with a red skull indicator appeared following the beep and another string of information.

[5 minutes before you are late.] 

Looking at the map, he noticed the skull was smack dab in the middle of nowhere within the jungle and currently the drop-off zone for the airship was one hell of a distance away. 

Reading the message Sun suddenly looked up at the Sun. 

He took a deep breath. Some of the other recruits nearby looked oddly at him seeing as how he seemed to be the only one left out but the next moment they were quickly frightened as they saw him start cursing like a maniac as he ran off and disappeared into the jungle.

"..." One recruit looked speechlessly over to another as they both had seen him run off. 

"You think he's lost it?" asked the other.

"Yeah, he's definitely lost it." 

The supervisor leading that squadron looked over as well hearing the curses and checked his holo-watch for who that recruit was, upon seeing the information pulled up he couldn't help but smirk as he explained.

"You boys are quite lucky compared to him, you see his captain hates tardiness, and unfortunately for him, he's very... very far away." 

The boys widened their eyes with a look of realization before briefly giving their blessing and condolences to their fellow recruit.