
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Getting Laughed At

After having returned to the front desk alongside his housing agent, Sun was told to wait for a little while. 

As he was waiting, Sun couldn't help but let his mind wander for a bit and was recollecting the oh-so-cherished times he spent on Earth fantasizing about such situations. After all, which Web-Novel Saint hadn't? 

'Keep your shit together my boy, this might be the day we find ourselves becoming a young master.' Sun reprimanded himself when he noticed himself feeling a little too giddy at the thoughts that ran past his mind at lightning speeds. 

A few moments later, he noticed his agent come back with a slightly apologetic look. 

He felt this wasn't good but decided to hear her out. 

"My apologies sir, it seems there will be a few delays for the housekeeper selection as the selection list is quite small. If it's okay with you, if you were to come back in about two hours, I can arrange everything by then." 

"Ah, if it's just this, it's not an issue. I happen to have some errands to run anyway. I'll be back in a few miss..."

"Synthy sir, my name is Synthy." She quickly intervened.

"Miss Synthy, what a nice name. In that case miss Synthy, I'll see you in about two hours." Sun replied before getting up and leaving his office while setting a small alarm to notify him of his appointment.

"Thank you sir, I'll be waiting for your return with everything prepared." She smiled as she waved him off.

He was slightly disappointed he couldn't pick a maid right away but two hours were fairly short when compared to his lonely seven months on this planet.

Sun seeing that he had basically taken care of all his matters and only had his exciting appointment at the housing office left, decided to head off to his work, he was carrying a few dozen runic inscriptions on him that he had to drop off anyways. He could also grab a bite on the way back. 

After having spent close to half an hour making his way back, he finally came across the familiar bull-like statue in front of his workplace. The familiar sign "Boot's with Fur" shining as usual, it seemed it was a little slower today considering he didn't see many customer's when walking in. 

Walking to the counter, he saw his Cat Boss resting lazily on the side. 

"Hey Boss, how's the shop doing?" Sun asked while taking out the inscriptions he had stored in his jacket vest. 

"Meowwwnn" His Cat Boss in a very cat-like manner yawned and looked his way. 

"Little slow considering I ran out of your stock yesterday, I thought you'd be out the whole day so I told everyone to come back tomorrow. You finish your matters?" She asked as she stretched in the cutest freaking way possible nearly dealing fatal damage to our cat loving Sun. 

"Ahem, yeah mostly, I managed to snag myself a nice workshop a short distance from here at a good price and got this amazing-looking holo-watch." He proudly showcased his new watch with a silly smile. 

"Oh, look at you moving up in the world, feels like yesterday when a stray walked into my shop, hehe. How about the rune book, you get what you want?" She asked while licking her paws. 

Hearing her question, Sun couldn't help but scowl which didn't go unnoticed by his boss. She chuckled before asking.

"You got scammed didn't you?" 

"How did you know!?" 

"Hahahahaha, I figure you would, that guy is a specialist I tell ya, I don't get how he does it with the few words he uses but he does." She laughed in a cute cat-like meowing voice. 

"Tsk, the bastard stole a whole 3.3k off me for a $1200 introductory volume. I swear I'll get him one day!" Sun declared while explaining the encounter. 

His cat boss heard the story before suddenly smacking his forehead. 

"Ow! What's that for?" Sun asked while rubbing his forehead which had a distinct paw print on it.

"That's what you deserve, what kind of idiot starts quoting prices before even hearing the price!? Haven't you learned a single thing working for me? Tsk, brat you're way too green. Yes, these books are slightly hard to get but for those in the organizations are generally free or heavily discounted, unless you're trying to find restricted grade books, they wouldn't cost that much! Tsk, go clean the backroom and reflect!" The Cat Boss suddenly took on a serious stance before ordering him to the back as though she was the one who was wronged. 

"Hmph, fine, I know it's my mistake." Sun just accepted the punishment before heading off to the back. 

"Wait" His boss stopped him.


"Did you mention I sent you?" 

"Uh, no, should I have?" He asked confused. 

"Good, tsk, that bastard would have called me laughing his ass off if you had, at least you were smart enough to avoid making me lose face. Go on." She replied before lazing about again.

'Now that just hurts.' Sun was speechless before he took a breath and headed off to dust off the backroom. The work was very easy considering he's added so many lifestyle runes in the back. Barely any dust accumulated and the area was generally clean from his usual work. 

About an hour later, Sun set off with an excited smile on his face. Although, it looked slightly wretched his young face hid most of it. 

Grabbing an alien burger on the way, Sun was almost skipping toward the housing office. 

Another 30 minutes later, he found himself in front of the housing office. He suddenly felt his palms get slightly sweaty so he took a few deep breaths before entering. He knew he might end up walking out broke but he just couldn't pass this up. 

Walking in, he immediately noticed miss Synthy at her desk focused on some work. Walking over, he smiled as he greeted and once again her smile bloomed like a flower.

'Seems like she needed the two hours to make sure she can confidently wring me dry...' Sun smile wrily noticing this before sitting down while his imagination ignored all red flags and continued to hound him to get on with it.