
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Character creation?

In the void of space where the expanse of darkness fills its entirety, nothing seems to exist.

Yet, if one were to look further within its dark reaches, a shimmering blob of light seems to have appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"uhh.." A resounding headache awoke the groggy blob in the void of nothingness.

"What happened? Wait... where is this?" Looking around himself he saw nothing but darkness. Yet there was a faint glow coming from himself apparently.

Slowly some memories filtered their way back into his consciousness as time seemed irrelevant at this point.

"So I died huh? Seems that the last fa... that cultural exchange between me and my laptop was my last and sadly the cause of death... sigh. At least my pants were back on." Sighing again at the pathetic tragedy that was his last life, our young recently deceased soul seems to take its time to come to terms with the events.

"Still not the worst way to go out, though a truck could have potentially got me a reincarnation but oh well, I guess this void of perpetual darkness is just as good." The young soul accepted his death and his afterlife with ease as though things were as they should be.

Yet not for long it seemed.

[Reincarnation Requested]

[Processing Request]

[Request Approved]

[Select Reincarnation Location]


"No fucking way!?" The young soul was shaken by the floating screen of shimmering grey light that just appeared and approved his reincarnation as though it was worth nothing.

"What's the catch?" The soul asked as though this free lunch seemed too suspicious by the void of darkness.

[Question Requested]

[Processing Request]

[Request Approved]

[Answer: You are emitting light that does not correspond with this space. Leave promptly and in an orderly manner without leaving behind any personal belongings.]


The young soul was speechless for the third time today. First, he dies, then he is allowed to reincarnate, and finally, the reason is, that he's ruining the eternal darkness's vibe by... glowing.

"You win. Back to reincarnation then." He decided to not fight the waves and just roll with the punches. Better than sitting in darkness in silence while being a blip of inconvenience to this OCD-filled void.

[Select Reincarnation Location]

"Higher energy realm with mana or qi I guess? Make it a prosperous place too please."

[Processing Selection]

[Selection Approved]

"Sweet. Guess magic exists aha! I already lived on Earth once, no need for a retry." The blob squealed in delight.

[Initiating Transfer]

"Woah! Wait! Don't I get a skill or something to help me survive and not show up back here the moment I land!?" Our soul freaked out as he didn't just want to get thrown into some hellscape without a single way to save himself. 

[Processing Request]

[Request Approved]

"Oh, sigh, thank the void for your generosity! " At least he won't die the moment he lands now. Pondering over his choices a crystal clear recollection of every single skill he's ever heard, seen, and read about flashed within his blob of a self.

[Make Your Request]

"Universal Godly Body"

[Processing Choice]

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

"..." He was speechless for a moment.

"Universal Eyes of the All-seeing?" He reattempted.


[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

"It seems I can't be completely broken, or maybe the reincarnation and location selection took up most of my selection ability. Though, personally this is too fun to really delve into the questions about the eternal void of darkness and its management powers and what determines my ability to choose."

Flinging aside stray thoughts, he considered carefully the choices available.

"10,000x multiplier talent skill?"


[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]


"Any 10,000x multiplier system?"


[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

He started wondering if it was him or the eternal darkness that was lacking the authority but the facts seemed to indicate it being him all things considered.

And with that, the great battle for the skill selection was initiated.

- Immortal physique

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Everlasting flames of purgatory

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Dao of space-time

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- All the power of the void

[Denied. Severe lack of intelligence]

"..." He was speechless again but he thought he had that one coming.

- Ability to summon old wise grandpa's

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Otherworldly Harem of the Monarch

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Poison god's inheritance

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Any premier tier gods' inheritance

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]

- Divine Library of Heaven

[Denied. Insufficient authority to request this skill]



[4794 Skill selections denied due to insufficient authority to request skill]

His anger just became palpable at the response he wasn't even expecting to receive. His soul blob even turned a slight shade of red which seemed unique in itself. Sadly, no one was available to observe the angry blob but the grey unemotional screen.

"Fine. You win again. Just give me something that can help me grow strong enough to survive without dying too soon." He couldn't help but just give up after having run through so many awesome skill choices he wished for but was denied. 



[Final skill selection]

[Gift of the survivor granted]

"May I request a brief explanation at least before you boot me out of here please?" Our young soul blob asked as he was oh so very close to having a mental breakdown. 

After a few moments which seemed like hours of silence. The blob also made a few prayers to the eternal void that was so benevolent that it would allow him to see a description. Finally.


[Request Approved]

[Final Skill Selection - Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.]

"PRAISE THE VOID! MIGHTY VOID! THANK YOU MY VOID!" Our young recently deceased soul couldn't help but flip his attitude to sound like the most devout follower of the void in an instant. 

[Selection Complete]

[Initiating Transfer]

[May you never come here again]

"Tsk will miss you too stingy void! Too-da-loo"

As soon as those words faded. The screen of grey light flickered out of his sight.

Moments later, walls of greyish light surrounded his soul blob forming a perfect cube that captured him within. Faint greyish energy mixed into him as he seemed to fall into unconsciousness somehow.

I hope you like my story.


Also, this is the quote that should be up on the first page.

"I Hide In The Face Of Danger. Why Bully The Strong and Fear the Weak? Bully Everyone Equally. A Man Can Totally Be Destroyed And Totally Be Defeated, Avoid All That Can Do Either Those Two Things Until You Can Change The Outcome... Or Run The F*ck Away."



FYI it's a story about a dude that totally died and totally met eternal darkness. Not sure what became of his sanity. He seems legit... sometimes.

DreamJunkiecreators' thoughts