
soul resonance of the dead

Derek_Lapointe · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

A change in scenery

As we fell through the portal a second of pure darkness consumed me before I landed on my back. Slowly, I climbed back to my feet. I was now standing on top of a three story building. It looked like a residential area as buildings were in a row with apartments in them. My view of the world came to a hulting stop when I heard Alce behind me. Without hesitation, I ran and jumped off the roof and through the next building's window. With no clue if Alce was following I ran out the door and into the hall. Near the end of the hall I could see Alce waiting for me. Knowing how much it was probably going to hurt, I sprinted into her forcing both of us out the window and to fall onto a car. The landing sent us crashing through a cars roofs with a seat dislocating my arm. "I'm seriously deciding whether or not you're worth going after any more." Alce said with a grown while slowly getting out of the car. She walked over and grabbed me by the ankle before dragging me out of the car and down the sidewalk.

"I can't wait to get the green light to kill your ass." She mumbled under her breath.

The city started to seem more like a fortress the longer she dragged me especially when we got to her destination. Before us was a giant castle looking building. Eventually we got to a set of big doors. She dropped my ankle to knock on the door but was hesitant. I quickly but silently took the opportunity to get my shows off and sneak away. I had no clue where we were going but I was just trying to put as much distance as possible. I came across an unlocked door and went in. It didn't take a genius to figure out what the room was used for. It was a doctor's office. On the other side of the room was an unbarred window. I slipped my shoes back on and ran over to open the window. It was quite a ways down but the old styled architecture made climbing easier. I put Natsuki on my back and started to climb down. Even in blade form I can tell when she's asleep and now's one of those times. Making my way down the side of the building, careful to avoid the windows, I made it to a courtyard. The place was packed with people but it wouldn't be hard to blend in. They were armed with all kinds of weapons and some weren't, however the largest breath of fresh air was that they were all in civilian clothing meaning I was easily capable of blending in for the moment.

"Another new guy? You're like the third one this week." One guy said as I was walking. I didn't stop or answer him, just kept walking to the gate.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Would you just stop and look at me for one second!" He yelled in anger. "No time, got things to get done. Maybe another time I'll let you bad mouth me, but right now I'm not in the mood." I said, before moving again.

"I know you're new around here so I'll let you in on a little secret. When I'm talking you're facing me. On top of that I fight every new guy so show me whatcha got!" He demanded.

"I don't have enough time to deal with your shit, so get lost!" I yelled, turning my head to him. "Now you're asking for it!" He said charging with his weapon out.

"When I say I don't have time I mean it!" I said, drawing Natsuki from my back.

"Good thing there's a doctor's office just a little ways up." I said, charging into him.

I started with a flurry attack to keep him on the defensive and the moment his guard opened, I thrusted my blade through the bottom of his arm and kicked him to the ground.

"Told you, I'm not in the mood." I said, flicking the blood off of the blade and putting Natsuki back on my back.

"I got to give it to you. You have to be the most difficult little shit I've ever had to deal with. This however, is as far as you get." Alce said as the crowd made room.

"As in for you, that was a dumb idea to just go around challenging everyone and thing. Hope your ass whopping taught you a lesson." Alce said, as the kid ran back into the crowd.

"You know I'm not coming quietly, right?" I asked pulling Natsuki back out.

"I know, and I'm starting to not feel bad about your death coming so soon." She said, pulling her blade out.

We stood there giving each other the death stare for a second before charging into each other. "I personally don't give two damn as to who you are. My death won't be so easy." I said as we locked into a steady clash.

Back and forth our blades swung trying to get past the others. From all the commotion, Natsuki finally woke up. Despite the situation she seemed rather calm. With one final swing our blades locked.

"Must the two of us always do the same dance every time we meet. It's always speak, fight, run. Why can't it just be speak, dinner, goodbye?" I said, getting tired of the same perpetual loop. "One, I have a job to do and you just so happen to be the target. Two, not my type of day." Alce said, kicking the two of us back.

With the extra distance I made a break for the wall. Once through the dense crowd I banked right and then another right to circle the crowd and lose her. Running to the corner I quickly scaled up the wall before she noticed. I ran along the wall till I was on the other side of the gate and climbed down. The moment my feet hit the ground I bolted to the city again but didn't make it far before something hit me in the back of my leg. Looking down, it was a kusarigama, specifically the guys kusarigama. Within an instant Alce was over me and knocked Natsuki out of my hands before knocking me out.

When I finally came to I was now in front of the same large doors as before but Natsuki was now gone.

"Finally, you're awake. I was beginning to wonder if you would wake up." Alce said, standing up from the wall.

"Know this though, the only reason you're still birthing is because he wanted to meet you and wanted me to leave you alive. However, that doesn't mean I am not allowed to use force if necessary." She said, knocking on the door before grabbing me by the shoulder.

The door swung open revealing a room of insane proportions.

"So this is the kid who was capable of holding his own against Alce? Doesn't look like much to me." One said while slowly walking up to me.

"I wouldn't underestimate this asshole. He's quite a bit tougher than he looks." Alce vouched, causing the man to halt his walk.

"Ok then, let's find out just how true that is." he said as his body flashed and he was right in front of me and kicked me at least five yards back.

I charged back at him and led an attack with several mid air kicks before swapping to fists. Out of about ten hits I landed a solid strike to him and started to hammer into his chest and head before kicking him back. Immediately, I chased the body so when he started to get up I could attack him but he was already ready for the attack and countered. Next thing I knew, a barrage of fists pounded me in the chest. Pushing through the attacks I swung a right hook that connected to his head knocking him to the ground. Before we could continue Alce was between us.

"That's enough!" She yelled angrily.

"Perhaps you should choose a target that you can handle next time Yamimortel." The large man at the front of the room said.

"Sorry for the altercation sir, I should have stopped it before it even began." Alce said, kneeling to the ground.

"You won't have to worry of punishment, Yamimortel on the other hand won't be getting off so easily." he replied as Yamimortel walked back to him.

"Now that he's awake and here we can speak. Can everyone give us the room for a minute?" he asked calmly.

Everyone quickly filed out of the room. Alce was last and gave me a look of anger before the doors broke her gaze.

"I'm glad we finally get to meet in person. I do hope you understand why this is happening." He said as the door disappeared into a night sky.

"I'm sorry to say but I do not know. I don't know where I am or why Alce has been after Natsuki this entire time when she has yet to do anything wrong in the time we've been partners." I responded, facing the cloaked figure.

"Then you're clueless as to your own battles. Natsuki is a titan and a dangerous one that if someone was to learn to harness her power could potentially destroy the entire universe as we know it." He explained.

His voice stayed steady and calm with no sign of fear, nervousness, cockyness or any other emotion.

"So to control said destruction, you send a killer after a kid. Titan or not, Natsuki is still human. Nothing can change that, and if she's as powerful as you say then what's to stop her from unleashing that power and destroying everything herself?" I protested.

He stayed silent for a few seconds as if I surprised him.

"First, she needs a mister. You fill that role and can harness enough power to be a threat to the universe or at least the planet. Second. While yes, Natsuki is still just a little kid younger than you even however, I can't let a liability that dangerous exist like this. We haven't killed her but we can not allow you to see her." He said as clouds started to fill the room's sky.

"And how about telling me where I even am?" I demanded.

"This room is a pocket dimension of sorts. We are no longer connected to your reality here." He explained.

"You know, if she's so dangerous with a mister then why leave the first one capable of welding her alive? If you're all about limiting the amount of danger then why haven't I been executed?" I asked, staring at him directly in the head where his eyes would be.

"Alce thinks you're too far gone. That you need to just be offed before you become an actual threat but I think differently. Like you said about Natsuki, you're still just a kid and you still have your entire life ahead of you. You never even understood why the pain that happened even occurred and probably still don't agree with the reasoning but one way or another you never asked for any of the power so there's still a chance for you. I heard that the night Alce cornered and would've killed Natsuki you fought on her behalf. Even when offered to back out on multiple occasions you just wouldn't consider it an option. You already knew that all would follow was pain but you continued in spite of that. That is why I want you to be trained under Alce as an apprentice of a kind." He said walking over to me.

"Just know that if you try anything, I will kill you personally." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder as the doors reopen. On the other side waiting was Alce.

"Well, don't know if you know this or not but I guess I'm your apprentice now." I said to Alce. A shocked expression froze on her face as she stood like a statue.

"Like it or not, he has potential. Potential and skills that could become very useful should a time of crisis actually arrive. Plus, who better to train him than the one who beat him in battle." he said, walking me out of the room.

The men who were in the room slowly filed back into the room and closed the door with a loud thud. Hesitantly, Alce grabbed me by the arm and started to walk us away from the building. She never spoke a word the entire time as she guided us through the city to a large bridge over a deep chasm.

"So, you want to fill me in as to where you're taking me?" I asked, pulling against her.

"Simple, we're going to my house. It's a long journey but you seem like you can manage so I'm not worried. Besides, it leaves a better chance of killing you and ending the mission I've been on for years." She responded in a cold tone without daring to make eye contact.

"Too bad I'm not easy to get rid of huh?" I joked, causing rage to swell inside Alce.

"Just remember, if I want to kill you I will do so." She said, tightening her grip and forging ahead. Eventually through the travels we came into a slightly different looking forest. Its vines were animated and glowing, the sounds of the animals became therapeutic and Alce didn't bat an eye to the phenomenon that was the forest.