
Soul Power: The story of Tamashi

This story is set in the year 2500, in a civilization that has transcended the rules imposed by nature itself. Over the years, the human being has managed with their technology to exchange our body with our soul, thus making us immortal beings. Heaven, hell and any other realm beyond human understanding are now just a memory. Cities have been completely rebuilt all over the world. They are much more technological. People use vehicles with other types of energy, some people are also trying a type of pendant that can open a space-time gap and go anywhere, but it's just one of the recent discoveries and it's still in development. Only a few people still use manual vehicles. The protagonist is Tamashi, a 17 year old boy who still goes to school. One day, returning home, an encounter with a masked man will completely change his life, wanting to know more about his own existence and the reality that surrounds him. This is how Tamashi's adventures began, from that tragic day…

LordYosha · Seni bela diri
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6 Chs

4 The archer

It's been 2 days since Tamashi hasn't seen that boy again. Somehow he tried to "document himself" to understand if everything he had been told was true but doing so was impossible, because everything was somehow controlled as he had been told.

However, he went to school regularly and did it all, almost completely omitting everything that had happened. He knew that one day he would return to face this fate but it was better to wait in peace than to create problems on his own.

"Well, that's done too!" Tamashi exclaimed after finishing the last work he missed in school. Often Tamashi was seriously busy during school hours and even though he didn't feel like it somehow he was the only person in his class who could do anything.

"It's more tiring than running for a whole 3 hours…"

"You have done?" Izumi said after entering the door checking if Tamashi was done and then leaving with him.

"Yes, I'm ready, I'm coming"

The two took their things and left the school. Today was a very special day, they had decided to go for a walk together in friendship and maybe get an ice cream. Actually for Tamashi it was an incredible opportunity to get close to her but somehow he didn't know what to do.

The two had an ice cream and walked for more than 1 hour talking about various things. They were having a great time and the weather was very nice too.

"I think it's time to say goodbye, I have to go home" Izumi said.

"Me too. So bye" Tamashi replied.

As the two said goodbye, a strange feeling hit both of them. When a strange portal opened behind Izumi's back, two strange people in white uniforms came out with strange weapons around them.

The two grabbed Izumi by the arms and tried to drag her into the portal.

"Hey, who are you, what are you doing?" Tamashi screamed throwing himself at them trying to help Izumi. Unfortunately he couldn't even get close as he was passively struck by an electric field generated around the two men.

Izumi was totally about to be trapped inside the portal, when…

"Not so fast" a strange voice appeared out of nowhere.

Soon after an arrow was fired which violently pierced both men's heads in one shot. Men were extinguished from existence in the air.

The portal cracked and destroyed completely.

Izumi fell to the ground in fright and Tamashi couldn't understand what had happened when he heard that voice again.

"I made in time"

A little boy appeared in front of Izumi and Tamashi so fast he looked like light. He had the same mask and outfit as the other Soul Killer. Tamashi recognized right away that he was one of the 5 members.

"These portals are created by opening a gap in space-time. Only the government has access to skills like these. My arrow was able to break the space-time created by the portal so somehow they can be nullified. Anyway, I saved your life," said the strange little boy, after turning around.

"Tamashi, will you come with me now"

"How do you know my na-" Tamashi didn't have time to finish the sentence that the little boy took him on his back and jumped on the roof of a house.

"Don't worry girl, I won't do anything to him"

Izumi tried to understand the situation but the boy and Tamashi disappeared.

"Hey, tell me what's going on and why you're taking me away. It's not funny if it's a joke"Tamashi said angrily.

"Do you think it's a joke? You were about to die a few minutes ago and I saved your life. Anyway, let me introduce myself. I am one of the 5 members of Soul Killer, precisely the second strongest member hehe. I know, I look very small, but never judge. I don't have a real name for anyone, you can call me Kyudo"

"My boss told me to find you and take you to him, so I followed orders. Earlier you were very lucky, you were attacked by two government guards. Only my arrows could help you"

"Why did they attack us? What did they want from Izumi?"

"I don't know, it can be due to several reasons. Maybe I have an idea but it's better to stay away from those people"

Time was ticking, the two had almost reached the forest. Throughout the path Tamashi felt pretty useless, unable to even protect the people around him. If there hadn't been Kyudo, Izumi would have died or somehow she would never see her again.

"Don't make that face. You still have to understand everything around you, you're just getting started. You have decided to go down a road and slowly you will come to understand and do certain things. Feeling useless now is really useless" Kyudo said trying to cheer up Tamashi.

"Okay maybe I'm not the most experienced person at cheering people up. But we have arrived"

The two stopped in front of the same cave as the other time. Kyudo stowed his bow behind his back.

"Come, they are waiting for you"

Tamashi entered with decision ready to face what awaits him.