
Soul Nite

My name is Jeremiah ‘Joske’ Wilson and I’m the main character, (Also this is book is a crazy story of my life btw). Anyway the last time you’ve seen me, I had just escaped a space rock (sorry 4 the spoiler). Here’s a fun fact: both me and my brother, Tom are adopted cuz for some reason my parents just couldn’t have kids of their own. Originally, the wanted to pick one, my mom chose me and my dad chose my brother. They couldn’t decide who to pick so they adopted both of us. And so that’s how life began… This is a little obvious, but my dad was stricter on me than Tom, and since I was 2 years older than him, I got the 1st born treatment (if you know what I mean). Anyway, Japan was always my favorite place to be. In fact, that’s where I had grade school (primary school). And when I got to Jr. high, my dad became the headmaster of a school in a small town in Africa, the same town I grew up in. the town was more advanced than other towns around it and slightly bigger though I still loved Japan more. Two years ago my mom disappeared just a little while after I escaped the stone before then I would always strive to get 1st place in class just to get dads attention and for him to acknowledge me, but every time he would just ask me what I wanted and I would say the same thing every time, a trip to Japan. But after mom disappeared I remember what she always said to me “be a good boy Jerry and please try your best in everything you do, do it for me”. So I decided to honor her wish and always came 1st for her except sometimes when I want to make Jake happy I’ll just let him take 1st for a few terms then go back to 1st. Anyway enough about me. Jake is my best friend/rival and we’ve been friends for a long time I met him in Japan while in grade school and we’ve been friends ever since. His dad is the principal of our school while my dad is the head-master of school affairs so they know each other already. And one more thing I’m a huge anime fan. Trust me I’ve got a shelf in my room full of manga and so far my favorite is Attack on titan, while Jakes favorite is Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Anyway… after I escaped the stone a lot of stuff happened and let’s just say you don’t wana miss this.

Brizgotrizz · Seni bela diri
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42 Chs

Chapter 33.5

Then Jerry left the place and met up with Jake.

Jake; what took you so long!

Jerry; hey, it took time extracting all that energy, now then how's everyone?

Jake; C and K are fine, don't worry about them, I sent them to find Lenard. However, Tom is in pretty bad shape. He's over there by the way.

K; Master! We found Lenard, he's barely breathing, you should come quick.

Then the two boys followed K to where Lenard was, and Lucas was standing there looking down upon him, tearing up at the sight of him. He then turned and looked at Jerry and the others saying, "I'm sorry, all this was my fault, if we had never met then maybe…" then Jerry stopped him and asked what he was talking about, but then he saw it, Lenard's body was almost completely crushed, his legs were smashed, his arms were twisted and there was blood everywhere. Jerry was Devastated at the sight of him.

Jerry to Jake; I'm going to try to get both Lenard and Tom to a hospital. I know it's too dangerous to move them, but I'll try anyway. Meanwhile you try to find a way to contact Dave, he needs to know as soon as possible.

Jake; alright.

And so Jerry did what he said he would do. Meanwhile, back I Japan all of Con's men where teleported away only 4 hours after the attack had begun due to reinforcements being sent and upon noticing their power departed. But the damage was already done, about 45,000 were dead on Ga-den's side. And there sat Uzumaki in an undisclosed location with Zurui.

Uzumaki; I'm not even surprised at this point, it seems your plan worked, like everyone always does. In fact, it's scary like your plans are like some kind of spoiler into the future, how do you feel about that?

Zurui; the same way I always have my good friend, on to the next stage.

Uzumaki; I guess this is where we part ways then.

Zurui; I'm afraid it is. But we will meet again you know?

Uzumaki; I look forward to it.

Then Zurui teleported away.

Next chapter coming in 3 days!