
Soul Land: Way To The Heaven

In this universe, there are thousands of planets and possibly parallel worlds. Yang Kai, who came from another world that wasn't Earth or anywhere else, reincarnated and entered the world of Soul Land. His journey to become the strongest is full of obstacles, losing his loved ones and meeting his first love. Keep following the story and keep supporting. Disclaimer: This is a Fanfiction story from the novel Soul Land. This fanfic will be updated every day except Saturday and Sunday.

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42 Chs

Chapter 31: Origami Butterfly

The next day, I left the inn and looked for a place to eat. Like yesterday, I'm still looking for information.

Buying supplies was easy, I just had to find a shop selling food and medicine.

But finding information is difficult, I'm new in this town so I don't know where the information dealer is.

Because usually the seller of the information is hiding, because it is very difficult to find it.

Even though I sometimes hear gossip in the streets and restaurants, but it's all information that is not necessarily true.

Until finally, at noon I met a merchant who was about to ship goods to a town close to the Star Dou Forest.

Without thinking I immediately asked to come along, the merchant allowed me to come easily. That's pretty suspicious, but that's okay.

I can protect myself, said the merchant, delivery of the goods will be made tomorrow.

With proper preparations, I can relax while waiting for tomorrow.

Betraying my hunch, the journey ended very peacefully. The merchant didn't do anything suspicious, instead he was very friendly to me.

He seems to be the child-loving type, he also seems a bit worried about me.

There were also no attacks from Spirit Beasts on the way. I have enough trauma because of Spirit Beast. One of my goals for going to the Star Dou Forest is also to heal this trauma.

After arriving in town, the merchant gave me some money before he left me.

Did he think I was a lost child? Diah even went so far as to give me money, even though I wasn't short on money at all.

I earned money from the remnants of the caravan Tang Hao took. There was also a million gold coins, which was a lot.

In short, one week had passed. Many things had happened in the one week I stayed in the Star Dou Forest.

I didn't build a hut because it might attract the attention of the Spirit Beasts.

I live in a cave that used to house a group of 100 year old Spirit Beasts. What happened to that Spirit Beast? Of course I slaughtered him easily enough.

Right now, I will reminisce about the first day I entered this extremely dangerous forest.

Once in town, walked into the tavern, but don't get me wrong, I'm too young to drink. I just came to buy information.

Since it's almost dark, I decide to rent an inn and head to the Star Dou Great Forest tomorrow morning.

Early in the morning, I without hesitation immediately dashed into the Star Dou Forest and entered it immediately.

As I took a deep breath at the place that would become my temporary home, I was ambushed by a 1,000 year old Spirit Beast, its name is Monkey dance.

If there's only one I have a chance of winning, but this time there are three. I went through a desperate battle that almost made me give up.

But I managed to survive, desperately, I kept walking to find a place to hide until I finally found this cave.

When I first entered, a group of 100 year old Spirit Beasts immediately attacked me. Because my situation is not good.

I immediately took out all the abilities I had to kill them.

After successfully slaughtering them, I used this place to rest and treat my wounds.

A few days after that.

Currently, I was outside the cave to go look for Spirit Rings. After entering this place I realized that I was still too weak.

I need a Spirit Ring if I want to break through and become stronger, I know it's reckless to go to the Star Dou Forest alone.

But I have to take a risk, just like the words from the previous life. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.

Because of that I dared to risk death to go to this place. I can't regret it, this is a decision I made myself.

Then I walked towards the forest and searched for a Spirit Beast suitable for my attribute.

I want to advance as an attack and control Spirit Master, I am indeed greedy enough to take both paths but I believe I can do it.

But before I decide on that, I have to think about how to use paper to fight.

Sure, the edge of the paper could be sharp if I used it properly, but it wouldn't be enough to use in a fight.

That's why I thought, wasn't there the art of paper folding in my previous life? Why don't I put the paper together and fold it in such a way that it becomes a sword?

Isn't that a great idea? Because of that I have already decided which Spirit Beast will be my first Spirit Ring.

In the ten core spirit competency theories written by GrandMaster, the first Spirit Ring that a human could absorb was one that was around 400 years old.

If it exceeds that limit, humans can explode because the body is not strong enough to withstand the spirit power.

That's a normal human standard, but I want to become the strongest therefore I have to surpass that standard.

After all, am I not technically a Spirit Grand Master? Because my level is 20. Although I haven't absorbed the Spirit Ring yet.

Also, the reason I have confidence is because of my special physique. I named it the star container.

I think I can absorb the thousand year old first Spirit Ring, I should succeed.

So I believe I'm not going to explode right away.

Back to the topic of which Spirit Beast will be my first Spirit Ring. After choosing to use the knowledge I had read about Spirit Beasts.

I chose a Spirit Beast named Origami Butterfly. This Spirit Beast's ability is to change its body shape on the thing it lands on to camouflage.

At first glance this Spirit Beast doesn't look dangerous but it hides fangs full of deadly poison.

After three hours of searching, I finally found it. I saw the Origami Butterfly was flying flapping its wings.

Judging by his appearance, he is three meters tall, has four wings and four antennae.

After estimating, it must be 1,000 years old. It fits perfectly, I didn't need much time to look for it.

Taking two swords in both hands, I prepared to attack.

My first move was to use Flash Step to teleport above the Spirit Beast.

*Slash* *Slash*

I slashed at him twice and managed to cut through his antennae and also slightly injure him.

Because the Spirit Beast had strong instincts, he was able to instantly dodge my attack, though I still caused him minor injuries.


Origami Butterfly hissed at me indicating he felt threatened and was going to fight me.

He flapped his wings to create a chaotic wind and spouted poison from his mouth.

I swiftly dodged the poison and counterattacked.

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash*

I slashed him four times in a row and it hit his body.

"Good, it's pretty easy this time. Maybe that's why Spirit Beasts are weak."

But unlike what I expected, the Origami Butterfly was stronger than I expected.

Suddenly, a torrent of corrosive poison hit my back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...…..!!! Damn it really hurts!"

I looked back at the Origami Butterfly, where I had slashed earlier now covered by its wings.

"Hey! No one told me that the Origami Butterfly has really hard wings!!!"

Origami Butterfly again spat poison at me, this time I dodged it perfectly.

"Damn… this will be troublesome, Origami Butterfly can fly and I can't. It will be difficult to attack if he stays at such a high altitude."


Coating my sword with Armament Haki, I slashed with all my might. But it was held back by its wings.

Even after using Armament Haki it still can't scratch its wings, I can only attack directly.

"At this rate I will lose due to exhaustion… I have to find a way to take down the Origami Butterfly."

Left with no other choice, I had to use Flash Step one more time to approach him.

After using it once in the beginning, my feet already hurt a lot. This technique is indeed too taxing on the body… I must find a way to overcome this weakness one day.

Making up my mind, I used Flash Step and teleported above the Origami Butterfly's head.

While Origami Butterfly was being surprised, I took the chance to attack.

Origami Butterfly flinched and immediately shook his body.

"Shit!!! I haven't even had a chance to attack yet, his reflexes are really strong too!!!"

Helplessly I immediately jumped off the top of the Origami Butterfly's head, unable to let the chance slip by.

I put aside the sword in my left hand, and focused on the sword in my right hand.

I'm going to use the Instant Slash Technique, this technique just makes one very fast slash with the power concentrated on the blade.


I slashed at it with extreme speed and crushed one of its wings.

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