
Soul Land: Long live Spirit Hall

A young man with an AI chip got into another world. After becoming a Yan and having a two-attribute martial soul he decided to reach the peak of divinity and make Spirit Hall a absolute ruler. Yan has always believed in one truth: a person's vision determines his future. Therefore, from the very beginning, he paid attention to more than one world: Douluo Dalu, Jiu Shen, Mad God, Zither Emperor, Heavenly Jewel Change... Each world will become the basis for him to achieve his goal: absolute God-Emperor. This is a translation of a Chinese work. Original: 斗罗:武魂殿万岁 by 游天鹤

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8 Chs

Chapter 7 Truth about that night

"Greetings to the Lord Inspector."

In the ward, Yan was reclining at the head of the bed and nodded to the inspector who came up.

"Child, don't be nervous."

Carefully observing Yan's movements, the inspector thought that he was too nervous, so he stopped a little behind Leah and stopped coming forward, smiling benevolently at Yan, but since he had not smiled for a long time, this smile looks a little frightening.

When the inspector was trying to win Yan's favor, Yan was also watching this Spirit King. Although he has calculated many steps, something can always go wrong. If this man hadn't caught him in the air that night, he might have been seriously injured now, so he's still a little grateful to this inspector.

"Child, I want to ask you something."

The inspector slowed down his speech as much as possible to express his kindness, and then looked intently at Yan and asked, "On the day when the bad guy was chasing you, did anyone else take any action?""

As to what had happened that night, the inspector was still in doubt. Russell was really dead, but who killed him? The child in front of him hasn't even received the first soul ring yet, and it's impossible to use such a terrible soul skill. Maybe someone secretly did it? Now he is eager to learn more news and get to the truth.

Yan pretended to think for a while, and then said: "Lord Inspector, there didn't seem to be anyone else that day. I do not know what happened, I just remember that it seemed to me that the flour caught fire, and then I heard a crash and I was thrown into the air."

"Flour?Are you sure about this?"

The inspector was puzzled by Yan's answer, why did it cause such a big crash? This is very strange, however, after repeatedly confirming Yan's words, the inspector could only leave full of doubts.

"Child, take a good rest first."

The inspector said goodbye to Yan, said a few more words to Leah, then turned around and left the ward. It wasn't clear if he was going to confirm Yang's statement or if he was going to do something else.

"Yan, how are you feeling right now?"

After the inspector left, Lia became concerned about Yan's physical condition again. Although she had been taking care of Ian and treating him all these days, she still couldn't stop worrying. After all, the Yan who was rescued that day was really in a terrible state.

When she thought about the blackened and very hot baby she had taken on that day, she was now filled with fear. If Yan hadn't taken Russell away that night, an accident might have happened to their group, at least she probably wouldn't have been able to avoid some unpleasant fate.

"It's all right."

Yan shook his head. He used the Dawn of Wisdom to investigate his condition long before he decided to wake up, but he didn't have any other problems other than a bad mental state.

Soul martial arts and soul skills in this Douluo world are truly magical. The soul healing skills alone that Leah used to directly pull him from the brink of life are enough to turn the ordinary world upside down.

Of course, that night he dared to calculate how to kill Russell, and he also carried out precise calculations in which his martial soul also played a big role.

Russell never imagined that he had been counting on him from the very beginning, when he made the first move. He deliberately made a move to make the other person think that he was a little boy with a crying nose, and then relaxed his vigilance.

When Russell let his guard down to meet him and was covered in lime powder, this guy actually stepped into a death trap with half of his foot.

Because of the following step-by-step plan, whether it's using water to cause secondary damage to him, or leading people to the warehouse, and using flour to cause a dust explosion, it's all in Yan's calculations.

Calculating and using the Dawn of Wisdom, he first used the extremely high temperature of his martial soul to burn lime powder, and then led the people step by step to the closed warehouse.

This stage of the plan is quite important. He knows that there is a lot of flour in the warehouse. Before he checked into the hotel, he and a group of children were still looking into the warehouse together, and he was very impressed by this incident.

The next step is the most dangerous step. The space in the enclosed warehouse is small, and the circle of his activities has become much smaller, which makes it easier for the enemy to catch him.

Fortunately, at that time the flour was already scattered everywhere, and the density of dust in the air was sufficient. After he used the Dawn of Wisdom to observe the conditions of the dust explosion, he decisively released the Martial Soul at a critical moment.

The powerful flame that comes with the Flame Lord causes an explosion. His own immunity to the attributes of fire and the powerful physical body brought by Martial Soul allow him to minimize the damage from the explosion. So what if Russell is a Sprit Ancestor? He is now dead and in the end Yan won this battle.

He was sitting at the head of the bed and chatting with Leah, and couldn't resist asking about the current situation: "Sister Leah, where are we now?""

Liya gently stroked Yan's forehead and said softly, "Yan, after you were injured that day, the Lord inspector took us to Sanlves City, forty miles from Fenglin City. Now we are in the Sprit Hall of the city of Sanlves. You've been in a coma for almost two days."

"Sanlves City, located forty miles from Fenglin City, is not too far away."

Yan smiled when he heard these words, looked at the warm sun outside the window and leaned slightly towards the head of the bed. After thinking for a while, he turned to look at Leah, smiled and said: "By the way, Sister Leah, I'm so bored lying in bed right now, could you help me? Find some books, preferably about soul beasts?"

Leah nodded and couldn't resist touching Yan's head again, then stood up with a smile and said, "Yan, do you want to read a book? It seems there is a small library here in Spirit Hall. Let me look."

Yan watched Leah leave, and until she left the room, his smile still did not weaken on his face, until there was no one left around, he bent over with a relaxed expression: "Oh! When the crisis is resolved, the next step is to survive the waves. First, it is important to gain knowledge through books. Knowledge is power."


In the Spirit Hall of Sanlves, warm sunlight streamed onto the floor through the windows, and a faint halo filled the whole room with light. The wounded man was lying at the head of the bed, holding a thick atlas of soul beasts in his hand.

When he turned the last page, Yan put a thick book atlas that could be used as a pillow on the sideboard, rubbed his tired eyes and his face was sullen.

"My martial soul, there are some problems, it's unpleasant."

He relaxed and collapsed at the head of the bed, rubbing his long hair like a chicken coop with both hands, palms slightly up, his skin suddenly filled with a granite texture, and a dark red flame lingered in his palms. The temperature in the room suddenly increased greatly.