
Soul Land: Long live Spirit Hall

A young man with an AI chip got into another world. After becoming a Yan and having a two-attribute martial soul he decided to reach the peak of divinity and make Spirit Hall a absolute ruler. Yan has always believed in one truth: a person's vision determines his future. Therefore, from the very beginning, he paid attention to more than one world: Douluo Dalu, Jiu Shen, Mad God, Zither Emperor, Heavenly Jewel Change... Each world will become the basis for him to achieve his goal: absolute God-Emperor. This is a translation of a Chinese work. Original: 斗罗:武魂殿万岁 by 游天鹤

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8 Chs

Chapter 6 Spirit Ancestor of Fenglin City

"Yan, Yan..."

The southern part of Fenglin City was engulfed in chaos, and the hotel, shrouded in clouds of smoke, was extremely chaotic. Leah took some of the children who had woken up and helped Leiden and Bart, who were seriously injured, to go down to the second floor. Here she was still trying to find Yan, who had taken Russell away.


Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of wind in the sky. Leah looked up and saw that a figure surrounded by five rings was rapidly falling over the sky. When his third soul skill caught fire, a hurricane appeared out of the air, and strong wind pressure instantly swept through the courtyard reduce the flames and disperse the smoke.

As the cold wind swept across the ground, the rising fire finally dissipated. After that, the figure quickly landed in front of Leah and the others. Glancing at them, he said in a low voice, "I am the Spirit Hall Inspector of Fenglin City. Can you tell me what happened here?!"


Leah suddenly noticed a little boy being held in the inspector's arms. His entire body was burned, and his hair was almost charred. The injury seemed to be quite serious. She hurriedly ran over and hugged the little boy.

Leah used her soul power, and with the illumination of the third soul skill, a soft light quickly fell on the boy's body. The little boy's initial rapid nasal breathing stabilized and his breathing recovered significantly. Leah is a unit of auxiliary soul healers, which is why she is so weak in battle and easily controlled by Russell.

Leylen's injuries were easier. He also had a simple treatment with Leah earlier. This time there were no serious problems. This time he reported to the inspector: "Special Envoy, we are the deacons of the city of Nal. We were going to take these kids to the junior academy of Sprit City, but halfway there was arranged by Russell..."

"Russell, where is he, tell me quickly..."

The inspector initially seemed relatively calm, but when he heard Russell's name, his tone suddenly became serious. He has been chasing this Evil Spirit Master for a long time. Now hearing his name, indicating that he wasn't looking in the wrong direction.

Leyden looked ashamed, looked worriedly at Yan, who was being led away by Leah, and said in a low voice: "This... I'm really ashamed. I just passed out. It was Yan who took him away. We just..."

The inspector's face changed for a while, and a slight suspicion appeared in his eyes: "This guy took Russell away... Maybe..."

He hurriedly left a few people and quickly walked over to the black and gray place in the ruins, only to see that there were only a few ruined walls left in the original warehouse, but a blackened figure could be vaguely seen in the corner of the ruins.

He slowly squatted down, opened the mouth of the dark remnant of the body and stared at the two sharp tiger teeth for a long time, speechless.

"It's really him."

He slowly stood up, turned his head to look at Yan, the boy who was still in a coma, and whispered to himself, "How the hell did you do that?""

What the inspector didn't notice was that the little boy in the coma seemed to have inadvertently opened his eyelids, and a blue light flickered softly in his eyes, but nothing seemed to happen.


"Didi, Didi... Didi, Didi..."

The familiar electronic sound woke Yan up again, and also allowed his head to get out of the muddy state. A long period of lethargy allowed him to sort out his relatively chaotic knowledge a little. Now he finally figured out his situation.

"Dawn, scan my entire body."

Shaking his dizzy head, he reluctantly accepted his position. Although he didn't know why the Dawn of Wisdom followed him, he still used it.

The Dawn of Wisdom, the newest product of the Earth in the modern world, is a technology that helps modern people adapt to a rapidly changing life.

This invention helped humanity to enter a more efficient era. Recording, storage, analysis... Auxiliary work With the powerful computing power of Dawn, people can be competent for more intensive and accurate work.

Dawn can use humans as the primary organ, collect and record information to form a database, including sounds, images, smells, and even genetic levels can be recorded and analyzed.

It has no essence - it is not so much a high-tech product as a program or information flow. In a previous life, it was said that it also binds the soul, but now it seems that it really is.

"The owner has a severe loss of energy and mental instability. It is recommended to rest for twelve hours to recover..."

A three-dimensional model appeared in the mind, and the digital stream, which appeared like a waterfall, finally formed detailed data.

Yan carefully examined his various data, and after confirming that his wounds were almost healed, he felt a little comfortable and confidently said to himself in his heart, "Not to mention anything else in this world, the healing attributes are really AMAZING."

Yan was thinking about his problems, and suddenly he heard footsteps approaching from afar, his heart trembled, he relaxed and entered a state of half-sleep.

Soon after he closed his eyes, the door of the room opened, two different steps were heard in turn, and then a voice rang out: "The child has not woken up yet?""

In the first voice that sounded, there was a bit of hoarseness and old age. If you listen to this voice, this person must be quite old.

"Master Inspector, I've been taking care of Ian all these days. Yan's wound is almost healed, but I just don't know why he hasn't woken up yet."

Another voice sounded, it was Sister Lia from Yan's memory, and the conversation between them was about his recovery. After listening for a while, he felt that the time had almost come. Just as the inspector turned his head slightly to talk to Leah, his eyes slowly opened.

"Leah.. sister."

It was still a little awkward to speak first. Although in order to weaken Russell's defenses, when he was in the hotel room, he easily shouted, but now, face to face, he feels a little embarrassed, or rather, the adult soul in his body feels embarrassed.

"Yan, you've finally woken up."

Lia was overjoyed when she saw that Yan had woken up. She took three steps closer to the head of the bed, carefully helped Yan to get up and sit at the head of the bed. The process was careful, as if she was afraid that he would get hurt. .

"Yan, this is Spirit Hall inspector. Speaking of which, you should thank him. If he hadn't caught you, I can't imagine how much you would have suffered. Inspector is Spirit Ancestor, isn't it amazing?"

Leah touched Yan's forehead in frustration, and then pointed at Spirit Ancestor, who was still standing watching him, and Yan looked up when he heard this.