
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Komik
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125 Chs

Chapter 4: Spirit master explanation, and Awakening (remade)

Chapter 4: Spirit master explanation and Awakening

Original date: 6/27/2023, word count = 1117

New date: 8/2/2023, word count = 1453

Over the course of the next month, Xue Tie got used to his body. He also carefully asked his neighbors and people about the state of the world. He was actually surprised by the outcome as he is in slightly uncharted territory. In fact, most of his knowledge won't be useful for a long time.

His investigation informed him that Qian Xunji, the son of Angel Douluo Qian Daoliu, had only been named pope for the past 10 years. This means it's at least another 20 or so years before the fight over Tang San's mother, Ah Yin, the blue silver empress as well as Tang San's birth.

'I'd be a freaking old man by the time Tang San and the Shrek 7 monsters would rise up and take the Spirit hall down. Which means I have absolutely no way for me to join them except maybe treat them like how Poison Douluo Dugu Bo had treated them. But that implies I have to reach the level of Title Douluo to share the same or higher status than Dugu Bo.'

Xue Tie rubs his head in annoyance over being born in an Era that is barely if at all covered in the manga or light novel itself.

'The only real detail I know is that Bibi Dong kills Qian Xunji shortly after his battle with Tang Hao.'

"Wait, if Qian Xunji is to die in 20 years, That implies that Bibi dong should be my age. A glorious golden thigh has been found. And as long as I meet her early enough, I can make it so she doesn't fall for that idiot of a Grandmaster."

'Hehehehe' Xue Tie giggles to himself maniacally, forgetting the fact that if he isn't as talented as Bibi Dong, then his interactions will be limited.

"Alright, I got a plan and the will to see it through. Now, I just need the talent to match. I will see if that is the case tomorrow." He decides as the spirit awakening session is the next day.

Xue Tie has to stop his planning as he is called down to dinner.

The food of Douluo Dalu is stereotypical Chinese food. It took a while to mentally adjust to rice at every meal. The small variance in meats and veggies allows it to stay tasty, but over the course of a month, Xue Tie's mind has been ground down. His previous child mindset is the only thing that allows him to survive due to the difference in cultures.

Xue Tie's parents assumed his tameness was preparation for tomorrow's awakening. This isn't false but not the main reason for his lame appearance and calmness.

More rice


The next day couldn't arrive any slower as Xue Tie and his father make their way to the local Spirit hall building on the North side of the city. The imposing building attracts a few hundred people. Most are busy bodies who are simply looking for drama or anything interesting to their lives

Many parents are accompanying their children here as well. The Spirit Hall representative who will help awaken everyone Is named Zhi Yun. She is renowned in Sunset City as a level 43 Spirit elder.

For more explanation. Every 10 levels in a spirit master's cultivation is a new realm.

1-10: Spirit Scholar

11-20 Spirit Master

21-30: Spirit Grandmaster

31-40: Spirit Elder

41-50: Spirit Ancestor

51-60: Spirit King

61-70: Spirit Emperor

71-80: Spirit Saint

81-90: Spirit Douluo

Once you reach Tie douluo it gets more complicated with sub-titles given to specific ranks

91-94: Titled Douluo

95-98: Hyper Douluo

99: Limit Douluo

100 is a God but they also have different grades of gods and God kings which can be saved for later.

Every stage of 10 levels opens a new slot for a spirit ring. Spirit Beasts follow a similar rule but it's a multiple of 10.

10=white ring

100= yellow ring

1000 =purple


100,000= red (very rare and mostly gotten through sacrifice. A method for a beast to give itself up to a human in exchange for a chance to resurrect)

200k = orange

There are also other colors after that which depends more on elemental affinities or the nature of the beast

And technically 1 million year old rings are gold or as shown in douluo dalu 2, white with a crown but that is likely due more to .

There are also mutant spirit rings and abilities as a result of some emotional change or affinity with a martial spirit. Typically these mutations occur more within the martial spirit themselves like how Ning Rongrong had her 7 glazed tile pagoda spirit become a 9 layer after absorbing a compatible immortal herb to evolve.

'Speaking of that worm, since I actually know about it. I can take it for myself once I reach a level I can handle it. Though that is a last resort since it's only useful as a spirit bone' Xue Tie reminisces to himself about soul land 2 as preparations are finished to help the local children awaken. But he shakes his head as he thinks once more.

'It's unlikely that the worm would be compatible with me as I have memories of my fathers martial spirit being a red trident with fire affinity. Which makes little sense for it to have a mental ability. I don't want to waste my ring slot on it even if the boost I get from the ring is more than a 100k ring. It's not worth it' he then refocuses on the situation in front of him.

One by one the kids are called up to awaken. Some have tools like shovels or hammers but out of the total 33 kids, only 3 have spirit power. It is now Xue Tie's turn.

He steps forward and lifts his right hand to Zhi Yun who uses her spirit power to help awaken Xue Tie. He feels a slight burst of energy flow through him and a glow appears over his Hand. Or rather hands. As both his hands are quickly covered in a leather like pair of gloves. They are sleek and black but give the impression they are cut off at the wrist and thus incomplete.

(imagine a bit like moon knight transformation but only gloves, so it's pretty much a collection of leather straps woven together)

But the glow doesn't end. As a black trident is shown floating above his extended hand. The trident looks like any more pitch black pitchfork with the exception of the strange red veins along the trident. The trident proceeds to grow until it is larger than him at 5 ft long which is quite imposing since as a borderline 6 year old, he is only a bit more than 3 feet tall.

Here (gloves and trident)

Once Xue Tie grabs his trident , the veins seem to spread to the gloves as well. Causing a type of synergy that…doesn't do anything as Xue Tie quickly runs out of spirit energy but the outburst was enough to let all know that he does have spirit power and thus is the 4th in the city to be able to cultivate. But due to the burst, no one can actually tell that he is an Innate spirit power possessor at the moment.

The instructor Zhi Yun amongst others is shocked by the reveal of Twin Martial spirits and quickly approaches the father son pair as Xue Mao holds his son who nearly collapsed from the loss of energy to ask.

"Hello young one, as a member of the Spirit Hall I'd like to extend an invitation to the Spirit Hall."

'Damn, I already achieved my goal of being coveted. Easy money' Xue Tie thinks to himself while he smiles and is about to accept when Xue Tie's father speaks up first.

"I will have to decline your offer, for now at least. I wish to let my son rest first and me and his mother have to ask him about his goals amongst other things" his words naturally elicit a shock from Zhi Yun but also Xue Tie himself but he accepts it since he can at the very least try to persuade his father to let him join.

"Very well, I will be bringing away the others who wish to join Spirit City in 7 days. You have until then to decide. I hope for a great resolution" Zhi Yun says as she feels a bit threatened by the presence of Xue Mao.

With an eerie smile Xue Mao drags his son home. Straight to Xue Tie' room.