
Soul Evolution System

Reborn as Alexander Ilios Apeiro in another world "Gaia" by an unknown entity will have to embark on an adventure to develop in this new world and have a place to belong. He will have as support a system that will allow to travel between worlds to be stronger and to maintain his happiness and freedom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I publish a chapter of 2,500 - 3000 words every two days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/213946780060853/?type=3&theater Status Venus Luciferian https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/216641293124735/?type=3&theater Status Scythe https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/219449106177287/?type=3&theater Status Leona https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/222242122564652/?type=3&theater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone!! Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! https://www.patreon.com/Drack21 Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-" Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it. https://www.facebook.com/System-evolution-of-soul-101129721342560/?view_public_for=101129721342560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not claim ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content of an anime in this novel. The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://static.zerochan.net/Sephiroth.full.115435.jpg

Drack · Komik
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537 Chs

Chapter 397 Reunion with Hermit-kun (Not Tanimoto) again

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A few days after our return to the city, suddenly an unexpected visitor appeared at the Shinpaku base… a man followed by several boys behind him. When all seeing this, it seems that the tension in the place increased a bit… it was as if a gang fight over the territory was going to take place now!

Well, I knew some of these people, so maybe it wasn't entirely wrong to think this way… the probability of a fight starting suddenly was very high.

" Kukuku… it's been a while, boy. It seems that you are very well... it's glad to see that"

" You are... the hermit of that mountain who tried to steal my bear"


I quickly recognized this person, but… when I try to remember his name, it seems that I had forgotten this one. My brain doesn't filter men's names very quickly? I don't know whether to praise the efficiency of this one for doing that or worry a bit...

[Yes, I agree that you ignore or dismiss very quickly people who don't interest you much... especially men.]

Well, people also say that the first impression is more lasting, Aurora. So if they didn't surprise me very much, I think it's inevitable… probably. Either way, my words make some of this hermit's people the eyebrows twitch a bit... and the other guys around him also don't quite know how to respond to this development.

" Kukuku... well, it's true, I met you for the first time that time... also, if I remember correctly, I killed that bear"

"…I didn't ask for your help, and I had seen it first. So it was mine. "


…I thought he wouldn't pay attention to the bear part of my words, but that seemed to make him uncomfortable a bit. Well, I can't blame him, in truth that meat was delicious and it wasn't something you would forget or ignore so easily!

"U-n... it's n-ot good to take .. some-one else's prey"

"...that is true, how can you take food from a child? It's not like that was Sake"

" Tch… so much scandal for a bear. Also, if Alexander-san saw it first, then it's clear it was from him. "


"" ...w-why are we now arguing about a bear? ""

The reason why I wasn't so worried about meeting the hermit- kun now was not precisely because I had become much stronger than before, it was because there were also 3 people level Master next to me now.

Shigure who had come to play here earlier today, Ma Sogetsu who also stood by my side when he saw hermit- kun enter here, and Shiba who now had more or less 90% of his strength recovered.

In addition, curiously all of them concord with my point of view...

Although, I can also understand the confusion of the other boys of both groups around us for the strange discussion. Well, we should stop talking about the bear to continue the important discussion.

"Well, if you came for the bear, then it doesn't matter anymore because I already ate it. Not even the bones remain."


...my words were not lies. Even though I secretly kept some of that meat as it was quite delicious and I wanted to share some with the girls in Gaia, the last time I went there it was over in an instant. It really was a great delicacy and they were all quite happy.

Also, the bones were quickly crushed and devoured by Haruna's pets… although it probably wasn't even an appetizer to them now.

By the way, in the time that I was having fun with Kurisu and Saeko- chan, I finally decided to name them.

Since they were at the peak of the 9th limit, it was almost certain that their soul would advance to the next level if I named them. That way there would be two strong guards who could protect them even if I took the strongest girls among them with me. Furthermore, I was also a bit curious about how would they transform when entering the next level.

After thinking about it for a while, Haruna's big cat now has the name of [ Mufasa ]... upon seeing his appearance as a Lion, the first image that came to mind was that proud Lion King... I always cried at the scene where he died, so I wanted to see a [ Mufasa ] live proudly in this world.

…I promised that if Mufasa ever had offspring, then I would not name his son Simba so that history does not repeat here.

As for the big dog… two names were running through my head. [ Anubis ] and [ Fenrir ]. Those looked pretty cool and would surely make him strong, but… his attitude towards me hadn't changed much and therefore he didn't deserve it!

Consulting with Aurora who had read names in various stories to help me, in the end, I decided to forgive him for calling him [Herpes] or something similar and chose [ Garm ].

Thanks to this, now both of Haruna's tamed monsters had a Soul level 2. Mufasa didn't change much and only had more dangerous claws and fangs. It seems that he was a monster focused on agility.

Also, it seems that he gained the innate ability [King of Beasts], an ability quite similar to [Dignity of the King] but that has a greater effect to subdue on monsters instead.

Gram, on the other hand, was now the size of a house and have two heads… as for him, he gained the innate ability [Intimidation]. It was another skill similar to the one Mufasa gained but this one seemed to be focused on making his opponents fear. Furthermore, it seemed to be able to create a breath of fire from his two heads ... although he couldn't use it consistently, still it was something quite surprising.

Gram was clearly a power-focused monster.

...it was a bit curious how one of his heads seemed quite friendly with me while the other kept the same attitude as before.

At first, I thought that Haruna might feel a little scared by their change, but she was still happily hugging their fluffy fur. The only thing that changed is that now her mount was Mufasa... well, that was natural since it would be difficult to mount a monster the size of a one-story house.

"Well… that doesn't matter anymore… or rather, it never mattered. I just came to say hello to an old friend, kukuku... but it seems like I'm not so welcome here... "

"Eh? Seriously? Even though the bear was so delicious… "

"...I can understand that the girl and the other guy are somewhat protective of this boy since they belong to the fist of life, but ... it was a bit unexpected to find you here, Ma Sogetsu "

Hermit-kun ignores my words and instead focuses his attention on the Masters at my side. Well, I wanted to stop talking about it too, so I didn't really care about this. I was just a little surprised that he let go of that topic so easily… seriously, that bear was delicious!

I even thought that the last time he attacked me it might have been because he didn't find a bear with the same flavor and then he came looking for this one… I might have done that! That's how delicious it was!

Putting that topic aside, he actually seemed a bit surprised to see Ma Sogetsu here… besides, for me, it was also a bit unexpected that he would stand by my side as if he was willing to help me if something happened. I thought this guy only cares about alcohol after all!

…Maybe he thinks that if something happens to me then his alcohol supply will run out?

" Gulp ... Gulp ... haa~ Well, now this guy is also part of my family, right? I can not just see how something bad happens to him and do nothing..."

"Uncle… now you seem like someone worthy of the Ma family. Papa will be very happy if he hears that!

A-Although… it's a bit embarrassing for you to say something like that~. B-But it's true, soon Alexander will be part of our family too ~!"

"" ... ""

...I wanted to refute those words of these two by reminding them that a few months ago he was about to hurt his niece... and, in fact, that damn guy hit me... me the one that " was part of his family"! It is almost certain that the only reason for standing beside me was more rather something similar to my thought of before!!

Sadly, it was a bit difficult to say something and ruin Renka- chan's happy mood by seeing her uncle with a different attitude now. Well, maybe it's true that he has changed a bit because of Tanimoto-kun and Kenichi's interaction with him. At least, he no longer has the same look from before in which he only wanted to die.

"Well... then what brings you here, Hermit-kun. The truth is that I can't say that I feel happy because a muscular guy missed me while thinking about me... so, if you only came to say hello, then we have already done so and everyone can continue with their things. "

" Kukuku, well... don't be so cold boy. Also, my name is Ogata.

Don't you remember the proposal you made me a long time ago? I think it would be interesting to follow you for a while "

"Oh! So it was about that. Well, OK.

You arrive is a good time, it seems that you will be of a lot of help to me now. "


"Alexander-san... is this okay? That person seems to be a bit dangerous "

Umu, it would certainly be nice to have someone of his level helping me with some things here and on Gaia. If he came for that, then I see no reason to refuse him.

But as Shiba says, this guy's character seems to be a bit more aggressive than even Ma sogetsu… the others in my group seemed concerned about this, while the people on Ogata's side seemed surprised.

"Well, boy… let's not go so fast. I still have some doubts to believe fully the things you said before, so that if you want me to work for you, first I need some proof from what you said before."

"…proof ?"

" Kukuku ... don't worry, it's probably not difficult for you if what you said earlier is true."

I think his words were quite reasonable... in fact, it would be more surprised than if he only decided to follow me without asking anything. Therefore, after considering what he said, I agree. But… now I don't know what he wanted me to do as proof… if he asked me to take him to Gaia now, it would be a bit of a problem for me. Since I used the grimoire to get to a later time in this world, it seems like this world has to stabilize for a couple of months...

"I want to see if you can heal this boy..."

"R- Ryuto - kun!!"

The person who steps forward... or moves his wheelchair was that boy who had a fight with Kenichi and was the leader of Ragnarok. Kenichi's surprise is not just because he ran into his old friend… it was more because of his condition! Even I took a while to remember him as he looked quite different from the last time...

"Y-You... y-your body... that's that guy's fault! It's your fault Ryuto-kun now is in this state!! "

"C- Calm down, Kenichi..."

" Kukuku... I certainly taught that incomplete technique to him."

" Youuu!!!"

"…Kenichi-kun, I knew perfectly well the consequences of using that technique. Ogata-san is not responsible for this. "

"B-But ..."

Seeing the state of his childhood friend, Kenichi directs all his resentment for this towards Ogata. Probably if Izumi hadn't stopped him, he would have lunged towards him. He sometimes is quite cowardly, while at other times quite brave... a boy who lets himself be guided by his emotions quite a bit.

Well, I'm not much different from him, so I can't fault him for that. Also, thanks to that, it is easy to get along with him.

On the other hand, when Ryuto says that to Kenichi, he can't keep saying anything...

"Well, I just have to heal this boy, right?"

"E-Eh? C-Can you do it, Alexander- senpai? "

As Kenichi yelled resentfully at Ogata, I was taking advantage of the moment to see the condition of this boy. After evaluating it a bit, I can tell that most of its energy channels were damaged... surely due to the use of the technique he spoke about.

Fortunately, his condition was better than Shiba's. Or at least, it was much easier to treat him for me...

So after things settle down a bit, I decide to talk. Hearing my words, Kenichi is quite happy, Ogata seemed curious, and Ryuto was quite surprised...

"Eat this… also, it's normal that a thick, dark liquid is likely to leak out of your body. Don't be surprised by that. "


To answering Kenichi's question, I threw a [Energy Channel Restoration] pill at Ryuto who caught it reflexively and looked at it. Also, to avoid misunderstandings, I decide to explain the side effects of this one. It would be troublesome if someone thinks the pill is doing something wrong to him.

"...well, I think it doesn't mean much that you want to hurt a person in my state."

"" ... ""

After looking at the pill I give him and seeing Ogata's nod, Ryuto swallows it while the other boys next to him look at this with some concern.

"...kuh !"

…So unlike other times I've seen people take the [Energy Crane Restoration] pill, he seems to be suffering… I think that, given the state of his body, this pill is now showing all its effectiveness.


While he seems to be going through quite a strong pain, as I indicated before, a black liquid begins to come out of his whole body. Probably since I had warned this, the others in this place weren't too upset.

Unexpectedly, unlike other times, Ryuto even begins to vomit a large amount of a substance similar to what his pores excreted as he falls to his knees from his chair... seeing this, a girl in his group seems to be unable to take this anymore and she takes a step forward yelling at me with a lot of anger and concern.

"W-What did you give Ryuto-sama?! You wanted to kill him, right? You... damn tomboy girl, I'll make you pay for this!! "

"...t-tomboy girl?"

I was getting ready as that girl looked like she would throw herself at me at any moment, but… before she even landed a punch or kick on me, this girl landed a critical blow to my heart! I-I was already a bit used to being mistaken for a girl… besides, that had diminished a bit now and so her words really caught me off guard!!

N-No… maybe I should take this as progress favorable to my appearance? Now since my masculine features have started to show more and due to my attitude... maybe I am no longer just a pretty girl to others and instead, now I look more like a girl with a masculine and transverted personality?

U-Unfortunately, as much as I try to think of it as something positive, I can't seem to see it that way!

W-Well… maybe it's better than if people thought of me as an effeminate boy? O-Or that will be the next thing they think of me when my masculine traits are stronger?

" Y-osh... Y-osh ... Alex is qui-te manly ..."

" U-Umm… y-you're still growing up, Alexander- kun. D-Don't worry bout that"

"You… it's dirty to use psychological attacks in a fight! It really seems like you guys came only to cause trouble!! "

"" ... ""

Probably seeing my knees knockdown from the hard blow, Shigure hugs me from behind while laying my head on her bulging breasts and caressing my head, Miu-chan tries to comfort me with her words, and Renka -chan starts yelling at the girl in the group of Ryuto.

Because this was unexpected and the girls trying to comfort me, my eyes feel wet… Damn! Words are harder than fists!

"C- Calm down, Rami... I-I'm fine..."

" Eh? R-Ryuto-sama, are you okay ?! "

Realizing that Renka-chan and that girl would probably start fighting at any moment, Ryuto speaks as he tries to get up. Seeing this, the girl named Rami quickly stops the discussion and tries to help him.

Well, let's try to forget all this and better continue with my conversation with Ogata...