
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 6 - Moving to Japan

I sat quietly at my desk and made calculations. I almost made a breakthrough in recovering one ancient darkness spell. It was called the abyss of darkness and was an improved version of the whirlpool of darkness. The whirlpool of darkness attracted all enemies within a radius of 50 meters to one point, where the entire force of the miasma of darkness fell upon them, capable of instantly dissolving an ordinary person. The Abyss of Darkness worked within a radius of only 20 meters, but it dealt much more significant damage while not only attacking enemies, but also drawing magic from them.

After a couple of hours, I finished the calculations and was finally able to test the spell. Having teleported to Siberia, I activated the spell, which immediately began to work. At first everything went well, until at the end there was a huge explosion.

- Heh, heh. The thirty-eighth attempt almost succeeded, but at the end there was another explosion. This time, an error occurred in powering the wither block with energy," I said under my breath, leaving the cloud of dust left after the explosion.

After that, I just teleported home, where I already wanted to continue my research, but I was unceremoniously interrupted.

- Brother Daniel, you are going to sit here for a long time. Today is Adam's birthday, this time you have to celebrate it. And then for the last four years you have been sitting at home almost without getting out, leaving your room only for the sake of checking spells, - said Tosca, taking my hand and pulling me out.

- Okay, okay, I'll go with you. Anyway, we will have to move soon, as I said, - I answered, squeezing her hand and going to everyone else in the living room.

It has been four years since we settled here. Hiding and doing research was the right decision. Already six months after my outburst, the whole magical world knew about Gilles de Rais, a descendant of the hero and a famous killer. In addition to the extermination of two clans, which they just did not award me. I became quite famous back then and only recently has my fame begun to subside. In these four years, I have not greatly increased my strength, but I have significantly increased my skill. Now I could handle the six-winged angel. And with luck, and with an eight-winged. But recently, I've been wanting more and more to start gaining strength again through soul absorption. But doing this in Russia is not only dangerous, but also ineffective. In this country, the influence of the church is too great, so there are almost no evil spirits wandering everywhere, but there are enough exorcists.

I did not think for a long time about the country for moving. Japan was not only a canon country and a country where Louise and Isaiah were, but also a country where there were quite a lot of youkai, wandering demons, and fallen angels. I could have a good time there. And most importantly, increase your strength. To the rest, I explained the need to move by the fact that exorcists and fallen angels had come out on our tracks. No one really argued with the need to move, although they made new friends here.

Today was the birthday of Adam Bruno, who was one of those who ran away with me from the churchmen. In general, of all of us, only two people had surnames - me and Alex. So everyone else decided to take our last names. So the surname of Adam, Alex, Cyril and Christina became Bruno, the surname of Tosca, Mai and me became Darkness. At first, I was surprised by Mai's choice, but then her reason for such a choice became clear. And this reason is pathos. Maya was very fond of anime and manga, and wanted to be more like anime characters, which is why she took my last name, which seemed very pathetic to her. Also, they all began to learn magic and sword fighting. As a result, only Tosca and Maya could become magicians, and all the rest became pretty good swordsmen. For their age, they were even too good. By canon, they will most likely be able to fight the lesser demons, unless I strengthen them of course. Although Tosca was an exception, because she had a sacred mechanism, thanks to which she could create a barrier that even I could only break through in 10 minutes, or with a very strong and costly attack. But I'm still thinking about strengthening the rest. The fallen ones had a way to steal the Sacred Gear, and if I knew it, I could give them all a Sacred Gear.

- Daniel, you're here! Maya said in surprise when she saw me. Still, I really rarely just relax. Most of the time I improve my magic.

After that, we all just went to a cafe, where we quietly celebrated our birthday in Russian. Although we were not yet 18, and therefore we all had to do without vodka. In the end, we just had a good rest, ate barbecue and celebrated a birthday.

The very next day we began to prepare for the move. At first I wanted to live in Tokyo, but then I thought that moving to Kuo after that would not be very convenient. But you can't go to Kuo right away either. Then I decided to do smarter and just buy a mansion outside the city. Tosca and I will study in Kuo, and everyone else in Tokyo. In the end, everyone will be comfortable.

The move didn't take long. It took us just a couple of days. I immediately enrolled everyone except me and Tosca in high school in Tokyo. Tosca and I graduated from high school a long time ago and it made no sense for us to study there again. So we'll go directly to high school and the first year we'll study not at Kuoh Academy, but somewhere else, but we'll transfer there by the beginning of the canon.

I also studied all the forces that were in the city. Rias and Sona were still studying and weren't very strong, so there were about two dozen roaming demons in the city. In addition to the demons themselves, I found a small tribe of youkai and an abandoned church that did not yet have fallen angels, but there were already fallen exorcists.

After that, I checked Issei and he looked like a normal guy. He even felt like the most ordinary guy. But I knew the truth, and who exactly is in his soul. This time, I didn't want to absorb Issei's soul and his Sacred Gear, I wanted to absorb the soul of Ddraig himself, which would greatly enhance my powers, literally making me equal to the four demon lords. But I think it will take too long to digest. So before absorbing it, you need to become much stronger.

And I even know how. At the moment, I have several goals that I learned from the canon and thanks to the mercenary guild, which trades in information. My list of goals was:

1. Valerie Tepes is the owner of Longinus, Sephiroth's Grail.

2. Walburga is the owner of the sizzling anthem and a member of the Witch's Night organization.

3. Naoki Mitsushi is a mercenary and rumored to have a very strong Spatial Sacred Gear.

4. Albert Keller - mage and possible bastard of the House of Phenex, some witnesses claim to have seen him regenerate with flames.

Well, I will also kill just ekai, wandering demons, fallen angels, vampires and other evil spirits. I will absorb them with a passive ability. Also, I might have problems with the Withering Anthem, which has its own will, but I also want to absorb it. He will obviously be digested less than Ddraig, because from him I will not absorb the entire artifact at once, but only his will. This will also be a test. After all, if it takes about 5 years to digest, Ddraig is clearly much longer. This will show me the effectiveness of my absorption ability. But later, Walburga I will absorb the very last.

I will start with Albert Keller, he is a descendant of the Phenex family, which will increase my regeneration. And besides, he is the weakest among them all. Even before absorbing Ddraig, I will try to absorb the real phoenix. These should be found in China. They have the strength of the weakest dragon kings. Therefore, I am afraid to fight them, but maybe after killing my four targets, I will gain enough strength to fight them.

Albert Keller is in Germany. He lives in his mansion. He has two students and about 30 guards. Albert himself is quite strong, at the level of a six-winged demon.

The next night, I was already in Germany, not far from his mansion. I dressed in the same clothes in which I once destroyed the Bourbon family. This time I was much more careful. The guards had enchanted firearms, which was quite dangerous.

I quickly dealt with all the guards and students of Albert. When I entered the magician's room, I expected a serious battle, but in the toga I realized that I simply overestimated this magician. I just killed him in his sleep and consumed his soul. It was only after the murder of Albert that some kind of alarm went off, and I had to quickly leave.

Immediately, several magicians were teleported into the house, whom I killed with the cores of darkness. I quickly ran out of the house, while killing a few more magicians and teleported to Washington. After that, to Paris, Prague, Moscow, Rome and Tokyo. Already from Tokyo, I flew home on wings with the help of air magic.

The mage's soul was digested for five hours and brought me pretty good stats and regeneration ability.

Name: Daniel Darkness

Races: Fallen Angel (4 wings), Phoenix (limited)

Sacred Gears: Eye of Insight


Mana: 138900/138900/6750 per hour

Prana: 14080/14080/704 per hour

Mental energy: 45600/45600/2280 per hour

Soul Energy: 56480/56480/2824 per hour

Demonic Energy: 15400/15400/720 per hour

Divine Energy: 58740/58740/2750 per hour

Elemental Energy: 0/0/0


Body: 352

Intelligence: 1140

Soul: 1412

Also in 4 years I found ways to speed up my mind and manipulate other people's minds with the help of mental energy. With the help of soul energy, I can strengthen my spells. And with the help of prana I strengthen my body.

And so, the first one on my list was weak and gave me only regeneration. But that's already good. The next mercenary and he will clearly be stronger.

I found out about him quite easily, after all, he is a fairly well-known mercenary and information about him is limitedly publicly known. He lives in Madrid, but rarely appears there, because he spends a lot of time on assignments. And what is most interesting, he is hunting me, that is, Gilles de Rais, my alter ego.

I just leaked information to him about where his target would be. So he will come into my arms.

At the appointed time, I dressed and teleported to the outskirts of London. That's where Naoki was supposed to be waiting for me. I immediately upon arrival there surrounded myself with a barrier and activated a dark cocoon, a spell that prohibits teleportation within a radius of 400 meters.

After that, I was immediately attacked from a spatial distortion. Naoki seems to have figured out that it was a trap, but he can still use space magic. The dark cocoon plunges the surrounding space into darkness, which makes it very hard and almost completely removes the possibility of using space magic.

I, too, did not hesitate and, activating the Eye of Insight, attacked him. I immediately went with the trump cards, sending dark decay and dark fire at him.

He was able to dodge the first spell, but the second wounded him. His left hand became incapacitated. So in the near future he will not be able to use it.

In response, he created what looked like dimensional blades and launched them at me. I almost dodged them, but one blade still grazed my leg. But my regeneration in a couple of seconds healed this wound.

I realized that this magician is too fast, activated the dark fog spells. It attacks not on one target, but on the area and fetters the movements of everyone who is in it. After that, I created about a hundred blades of darkness and launched them into him.

He wasn't as agile anymore, but with the help of space magic he was still able to dodge the blades. But his mana is not infinite, as well as endurance. And so he missed one blade. It went into his back, and immediately after him, about ten more blades stuck into the mercenary. He couldn't take it anymore and fell down dead. I quickly ran up to him and devoured his soul. I was very surprised at his soul, because it was not human. In fact, it was the soul of a being unknown to me so far.

But just as I was thinking about Naoki's soul, a spear of ice suddenly flew at me, which I was able to dodge.

- And you are not simple, Gilles de Re, but your strength is still too small to resist me. You shouldn't have challenged the Leviathan Cateria," said a man in a ninja suit who emerged from the shadows.

I had about half my mana reserve left, and almost full reserves of the rest of the energies. I don't know anything about this assassin's abilities, but he's clearly a servant of Katerea Leviathan, which means he must at least have the strength of a six-winged demon. I decided not to trifle, and hit for sure. I created a huge magic circle in my hand and aimed it at Assassin. It was Dark Moon, one of the strongest spells I can cast at the moment.

When I cast the spell, Assassin tried to dodge, but the spell's speed was too high and it almost hit the assassin. But just before the hit, he was able to activate the barrier. There was an explosion, and everything around was hidden by a dust curtain.

I blew off all the dust and looked at the killer, who turned out to be alive. But even though he survived, his condition left much to be desired. Both of his arms were missing, his whole body was burned and was currently decomposing due to dark miasma.

I already thought that I had won, but the enemy gave me a cruel surprise. He abruptly ran towards me with great speed, and his body began to swell. I knew at once that he had decided on a suicide attack. I immediately began to activate all the barriers, but realizing that I would not have time, I simply nourished my body with prana to the maximum and grouped up.

There was a huge explosion, I was thrown back by the shock wave and carried away into the forest, which was several kilometers away from our battle. All my limbs were broken. The hair on the body was burned, and the rest of the body was covered with terrible burns. Regeneration immediately earned in full force. I was still conscious only because I fed my mind with mental energy.

It took me about two hours to regenerate, and no one found me only thanks to luck. It is possible that now I would have become one of those millions of alternative versions of myself who died trying to become gods. And although I regenerated my body, the pain that I endured during this process could be considered the strongest in my life. I was even glad that my vocal cords were burned, so that I could not be heard.

After that, I immediately teleported home. After this battle, it was simply impossible to track spatial magic. And at home, I went to bed and instantly fell into a dream.