
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 2 - Victim of Experiments

I seem to be beginning to believe that any plan is doomed to failure.

I started off so well. The exorcists took us from the estate, fed us, gave us good clothes, tried to somehow lighten the burden of two poor children and sent us to an orphanage.

But who knew that instead of a laboratory, we would be taken to visit a mad scientist who likes to use little orphans for his experiments with holy swords.

I was not even surprised when, upon coming to the rest of the children, I met a boy about my age named Isaiah. And he really looked too feminine. If I didn't know from canon that he's a guy, I'd definitely think he's a girl.

Acquaintance with the team passed quite routinely. We are not the first such newcomers in the team. And sometimes some children are "adopted". And it seems that only I here understand that these "adopted" simply do not survive in the experiments.

Yeah, not how I imagined the first meeting with the character of the canon. Not this way.

But there is good news, although not very significant. My relationship with my sister improved after the death of my father and the fall of our clan. By the way, no one even asked about our surnames. They just asked for our names and that's it.

By the way, my sister's name was Louise. She looked quite beautiful, although she vaguely resembled me. If I was more like our mother, then my sister was like my father. She was a typical blue-eyed blonde with a pretty face.

The first days after the incident, the sister was not herself and often cried, but after a couple of weeks she began to recover. But if I was away from her for more than five minutes, she would again become depressed.

And only after almost a year from our move, she almost completely recovered. There was only a strong obsession with me. But it's not even bad, almost.

But with the growth of my strength during this year, everything was very bad. In fact, after I fully digested my dad's soul, I had almost no more increases in strength. Although the range of my passive ability should reach to the places where local mad scientists are conducting deadly experiments, it reaches me so little that it is not even noticeable. Most likely, this is due to some kind of magical barrier standing around the laboratory.

But although my strength did not increase, my skill increased. For all 6 years in my mansion, I read a lot of books, but I only understood even less than a tenth, and then it was not magic, but the history of our family and etiquette.

Over the years, I finally understood a little about the magic of people and realized that everything is decided by calculations. I would never have thought that I would need a vyshmat in another world. Thank you Ivan Dmitrievich for being such a meticulous and principled teacher that thanks to you I did not forget higher mathematics even in another world.

Perhaps because of my knowledge, and perhaps because of the absorption of my father's soul, but magic came to me very easily. Already now I could cast higher spells, thanks to my daddy for a large reserve of magic. As for my status, it looked like this.

Name: Daniel Darkness


Mana: 24650/24650/770 per hour

Prana: 6640/6640/332 per hour

Mental energy: 7680/7680/384 per hour

Soul Energy: 5880/5880/294 per hour

Demonic Energy: 0/0/0

Divine Energy: 37/37/4 per hour

Elemental Energy: 0/0/0


Body: 166

Intelligence: 192

Soul: 147

Yes, my stats have increased several times, which proves how much my active ability is better than my passive one. Worst of all, the body has improved, but there's nothing to be done, human magicians have never been particularly strong physically.

Well, I now have the most mana, although I'm sure the Archmages have everything in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

But a small, literally meaningless reserve of divine energy, I awakened in myself thanks to experiments and small fragments of souls that still pass through the barrier and which I absorb.

And the experiments are getting worse and worse every time. Recently, Isaiah had a Sacred Gear awaken, after which the clergy examined all the other children and found that a few also had the possible presence of a Sacred Gear. Surprisingly, I also fell into the category of those who have the ability to awaken it.

Further, there was nothing unusual, until on the day when my sister and I had exactly been here for a year and a half, hell began. We were all given some very strong drugs, my reserve of divine energy was growing rapidly, but at the same time I was spending a lot of prana to maintain my health. Other children were not the same cheaters, and therefore were in an emaciated state.

And then, my sister suddenly awakened her sacred gear. It was called the "Dark Grimoire" and was one of the most powerful mechanisms, not counting the Longins. In fact, he was so famous only because of one Dhampir, who a couple of hundred years ago staged a good such massacre and slaughtered a couple of clans of vampires, demons and the fallen, until someone laid him to rest, that of the present Satans.

This mechanism made it possible to use any spells that you or other users put into it, simply by pouring mana into the grimoire itself. It also greatly enhanced spells. It was just that he opened his power gradually. And the conditions for opening his power were different each time. But it is known for sure that, using the full power of this grimoire, an ordinary magician can be compared with a higher demon.

And so, slowly, our composition became smaller and smaller, until six months later this happened. During one of the experiments, the churchmen managed to create something, and for the sake of this, they decided to let us all go to slaughter. Though that was only one of the reasons. Because I clearly heard from the lips of the fleeing scientists something about the fact that demons found them.

- Brother, what should we do? my sister said a little hysterically, shaking my shoulder. And I even understood it, several of our friends had already died, so even I felt some bitterness.

- Run, of course! Isaiah, Tosca, Sister help the others to reach the exit to the forest. This is our only chance to survive. I'll cover us, - I shouted, remembering all the illusion magic spells I knew. And there weren't many of them. At most, I can make us invisible, and divert the eyes of the weakest of scientists from us.

- Good! - synchronously said all of the above.

After that, we quickly, well, as fast as ten-year-old trained children could run, ran to the exit into the forest. In fact, it was from that direction that the demons were now advancing, and I hoped that they would help us.

We had almost reached the end when the plan went to hell again. You can never rely on plans. Never.

- And what did such cute kids forget here? a very ugly man with four black wings behind his back asked us. Fucked up. Complete fucker. It's almost impossible to beat him. Although I have a chance to kill him, because who would take a small human child seriously. But before that...

Isaiah, Louise. Listen to me and don't interrupt. You must now run with all your speed to the exit and bring help. I will distract this fallen one and you will escape. No one else has a chance except you. If I can defeat him, then soon we will join you, and if not, then by this moment you will call for help and help us. It's clear? I asked them, to which I received a nod in response.

- Well, then run, - I shouted, at the same time sending the initial spell of darkness magic - a ball of darkness - towards the fallen.

- Hehehe, aren't you ashamed to lie to your friends, baby? I see it in your eyes. You know that if you fail, you will die. And you also know that you definitely won't be able to cope, hеhеhеhеhеhеhеhеhе, - the fallen angel went into a fit of insane laughter, which gave me time to prepare.

I have calculated all the formulas for the strongest spell I am capable of at the moment and have it ready. At the same time, I poured half of my prana reserve into my legs and… literally flew towards the enemy.

He did not even have time to understand when I drove an ax from concentrated darkness into him.

"You were right about everything except one, I never doubted that I could kill you as long as you don't take me seriously," I finally said to the fallen angel and activated the absorption of souls. The despair in his eyes brought me literally tangible pleasure. A few seconds ago, he enjoyed power over us and imagined how he would torment us, and now he is dying by my hand, unable to do anything. This feeling of power over other people's lives is too... mesmerizing. But now is not the time for that, we have to catch up with Isaiah and Louise before they run too far.

As soon as I thought about it, the passage where Louise and Isaiah ran away collapsed before our eyes.

- Fucked up!!! I will never make plans again, - I shouted, hitting the wall with impotent rage.

- Okay, quickly send to another exit, maybe we will still have time to escape, - I said to the rest of the children and we ran in the direction where all the scientists were trying to escape.

After a couple of minutes, we finally reached the end point, but here was a slightly different place from what we expected.

- This is not an exit, this is a room for teleportation, most likely everyone fled here, because in the other rooms the teleport was corny blocked, - I stated the fact, not even angry at the tricks of fate.

- Brother Daniel, does this mean that we are all going to die? Tosca, my sister's best friend, asked me with fear in her voice.

- Hmm, no, I have an idea, maybe we can still leave. I'll try to activate the teleport. Stand all around me and don't move, - I said, starting to think hard. Although the fallen angel had not yet fully digested, but in theory I could try to activate the teleporter, in any case, we had no other choice.

Focusing on the expanded source of divine energy, I poured it all into the air with the desire to be at home with the rest of the children. In fact, I tried to teleport home, because I didn't come up with nothing more original, and in France the chance that I will get lost will be lower.

And now, a second later, a black magic circle with the coat of arms of my family lit up above us and we teleported, but just don't go there ...

- Fucking Chelyabinsk, how did we get here? - I said with great surprise, seeing the courtyard familiar to me all my past life. It seems that when I thought about the house, I overdid it ...