
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · perkotaan
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16 Chs

(3) Adalin Pompey and Izzy

"Good morning class. Today we will be learning about the hunter's guild and the vampire cities that exist in our country. I assure you hunters, vampires and the likes are very real. You head to states like Desire or to the Island of Capri and you can't take two steps, before you run across a vampire." The teacher an old man in his late fourties' with a grey comb over dressed in a brown coat and glasses explained.

Adalin raises his hand as Owen just tried to shrink into his seat, "So if these people exist why do we act like they don't?" Adalin asked.

"Ain't no hunters in this here state obviously." Gregory chuckled.

"Unfortunately that's untrue. There's far more hunters even here than you realize. Though Masacara also has the Holy Church here to protect us from any mischievous hunters, vampires and the likes. I've heard they've cleared out quite a few snake hunters recently that we're trying to stir up some trouble." The teacher explains.

"The Holy Church.... There's a branch here?" Adalin felt shocked.

"Yeah they living in a castle on top of one of ye hillsides." Keith nodded.

"You've lot been hanging around Owen to much and picked up his broken dialect." The teacher sighed deeply, "Fair warning children. That kind of dialect is frowned upon. We speak properly around here and formally." The teacher insisted.

"Yes Mr. Wynstan." The class sighed deeply.

Owen just sinked further in his seat, "Sit up straight Mr. Chiendame. Since your so eager to participate why not share something you know about vampires or hunters?" Wynstan explains.

Owen sits up straight and sighed, "If I must," He looks at everyone shyly and sighed, "There are two subspecies of vampires. The born vampires and the made vampires. The born vampires arrived with the other species such as elves, dragons, and the likes with us humans upon this beautiful earth like planet. Durning colonization... the born vampires took places that we humans over looked or wasn't interested at the time and made it into their own glorious world..." Owen looked nervously at the class.

"Yes. Yes. Go on." Wynstan nodded assuringly.

"Ahem... When we confronted the vampires it was clear that their superhuman strength was no match for us weaker humans, so we turned to the hunters for assistance. The hunters refusing to go to war to help humans to claim the vampires land instead worked with the humans and vampires to become an intermediary for them and all of the subspecies. Dragons and hunters took their oaths among the entire species to protect and intervene among any disagreements and problems the different species might have with each other..." Owen sighed wanting to just stop talking.

"Yes. Yes. Go on Mr. Chiendame. You are doing well." The teacher looked pleased.

"Thus the birth of the hunter's guild was created and dragon's used their magics to bind the hunter's to their duties to protect and serve the lives of all the inhabitants of the planet. With much debating and negation... Peace was achieved among vampires and humans along with other subspecies that settled upon the planet... However... the humans still felt threatened by these other species that had a biological advantage over them... and thus created the Holy Army... as means to take out such threats if they ever dare to make an enemy of the human race.... And that's why.... Subspecies living on this planet rather stay hidden and live lives in peace than dare give the Holy Church and it's army any reason to think them suspicious or dangerous," Owen finished sighing, "Is that good enough sir? May I be done?" Owen groaned.

"Yes yes. You maybe seated Mr. Chiendame. As always. You summarize things neatly." The teacher nodded happily as Owen sits down crossing his arms not looking happy.

"This why it is important that we educate our people of the subspecies. Not to just be aware of their existence, but to continue peaceful relationships with them and understand the unique cultures they have created in favor of their species's needs and flaws. So if you ever come across one of these subspecies among your travels you'll understand how to act and not overreact to them. Along with how to deal with them accordingly if they try assaulting or causing trouble for our society. So. I do hope you all take everything I teach here seriously and not skip out on these life saving lessons." Wynstan explains.

The bell rings making Owen slam his back on the desk and accidentally scoot it a good foot backwards making everyone look at him.

"Mr. Chiendame... How many times have we told you to be more careful when getting up from the desks?" The teacher rubbed the bridge of his nose sighing.

"Apologies... I'll try harder." Owen winced.

"Regardless it's time for you lot to go to your next class...." Wynstan than rubbed his nose again realizing he used some of Owen's broken dialect, "Please just go now. You're all dismissed. Not you Mr. Chiendame. You may sit back down." The teacher explains as the other students get up and leave.

"Good luck man!" Keith waved Owen goodbye.

"See ya!" Gregory beamed giving him the peace sign.

"Uh... teacher... Owen is kinda my guide... can I stay with him?" Adalin asked.

"Wait outside. If a teacher asks tell her I kept you waiting." Wynstan nodded.

"Thank you sir. Sorry Owen." Adalin whispered to Owen and heads outside.

Owen just sighed deeply and looked at Wynstan putting his hands over his head in a submissive manner as he walked over to him. Adalin tried to listen to them without being caught.

"Mister Chiendame. Have you considered contacting the hunter's guild and having them test you?" Wynstan asked sighing.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm just a normal kid." Owen fidgets in his desk.

"Mr. Chiendame. I've have watched you since you first entered this school and I can tell you without doubt in my mind. You are far from normal. I can't understand why you'd insist you are. Our schools aren't..." Wynstan sighed, "Our schools aren't made to well... properly attended to your species needs. Hell I doubt if the teachers even understand let alone not punish you for your species quirks that you have no control over. I feel as a teacher I'm at least obligated to try and assist you in some way and form... I can't imagine being here is comforting... you must feel like you're constantly in trouble or being picked on." Wynstan sits down and looked at Owen with genuine concern.

Owen looks at the ground shyly, "If you're worried about leaving behind your friends. Than perhaps I could speak with the guild to have a hunt master at least work with our teachers to guide you better. Or are you worried about the church keeping it's eyes on you?" Wynstan sighed as he puts his hands in his lap.

"I just... don't want to be treated differently.... You know..." Owen admits.

Wynstan sighed and nodded, "But you are different. And that's okay. We all have our own needs and flaws that make us who we are. That's what makes us human. That doesn't make you any less human. You just have special needs that need to be addressed." Wynstan touched Owen's hand to comfort him, "You're a brilliant young man. You're so smart and such a hard worker when you put your mind to it. I'd hate for all that go to waste just because of some mishaps you are having having to do with your species nature... for you to be held back or even denied graduation cause of that. It feels wrong. I want to see you up there graduating with your class. Becoming a successful person in life and to have people understand you better and treat you less like a problem and more like a person..." Wynstan explains softly.

"Awl shucks teach. I don't even know what to say to that." Owen felt embarrassed.

"I want. Your permission. To met with the hunter's guild on your behalf to get you the accommodations you need to live a stress free and successful life. May I have that?" Wynstan asked.

Owen felt a bunch of mixed emotions and nodded softly, "Okay... I'll give you permission teach. It's a bit scary and nerve wrecking, but I know you want best for me... so... I'll trust you know what best for me." Owen nodded his voice a bit shaky.

"I promise you... you won't regret it. You'll find school life to only get better for you. And if you ever need anything. Anything at all. I will always be here for you. You want to quit with the accommodations... if they make you uncomfortable. I'll put a stop to it on your behalf. You can trust me." Wynstan explains, "I'm on your side." He explains.

"Thanks teach. That... that means a lot to me." Owen smiled softly as Wynstan let's go of his hand and stands up.

"Alright. I won't keep you any longer. You best be going before you annoy the other teachers." Wynstan sighed.

Owen gives him a hug, "Thanks teach! Honestly thank you!" Owen heads out of the classroom to see Adalin smiling at him, "Come on mate. We're going to be late if we don't hurry." Owen just chuckled leading the way as Adalin followed happily.

Owen lead Adalin to their next class which is Mysticism taught by one of the anti mages of the Holy Church. Owen stopped at the door and shyly pushed Adalin in, "I'll just be not here. Ahhhh!!!" Owen screamed like a girl when he turned around and ran into the teacher who glared at him blankly.

"Skipping my class again? Now why are you doing that?" The teacher flashed an annoyed smile.

"Cuz honest to god you scare the shit out of me Sir Rufus." Owen puts his hand on his heart shaking with fear.

"Be nice Rufus. You're here to teach." Wynstan called out from the hallway.

"Can't teach if my students keep ditching now can I. To your seat master Chiendame!" The anti mage ordered.

"Yes... sir!" Owen salutes him and quickly entered the classroom with Adalin taking the middle row again.

"Front and center master Chiendame! I'm going to make sure you don't attempt to bail." The anti mage ordered as he took his spot at the teacher's desk.

Owen tried not to whimper as he moved to the front row and Adalin moved with him.

The anti mage looked no older than twenty three at most and yet carried himself with utter grace and a strange cold air. His hair was short and jet black with some of his bangs trying to cover his stunning sapphire blue eyes. Unlike the usual white attire most at the Holy Church wear, he was dressed in all black armor and clothes with his sword visible at his hip.

He wore a silver compass rose pendant, which told everything one Needs to know about his rank and his status among the army. He looked at the class that were mostly used to him at this point aside from Owen, who will probably never get used to the guy.

"Today's a special day class. I've captured master Chiendame, who's managed up to this point to avoid my classes." He looked happy and smug bragging about that fact, "I'm going to take full advantage of it by having master Chiendame help me demonstrate a few techniques to defend your pathetic whelps from the magical and supernatural." Rufus chuckled.

"Ah hell no! Don't you touch me you mystic freak!" Owen screamed not wanting anything to do with any demonstrations.

There was a scary look in Rufus's eyes that made Owen suddenly regret trying to act like he hates the magically inclined.

"Get up here. Now!" Rufus coldly ordered and Owen slowly obeyed looking paler than a ghost.

"I volunteer! Uh..." Adalin rose his hand and looks around at the people looking at him strangely, "To assist?" Adalin asked.

Rufus looked at him and considers him for a second, "Yes. I think you'll help with this demonstration just perfectly." Rufus nodded.

Adalin shyly walked to the front of the class as Owen just tried not to tremble like the scared little puppy he was right now.

"It's one thing to see me. A train professional use the mystic arts... but to show that even you pathetic whelps with little to no magical attunement can do the same as I by helping one of you cast spells is another." Rufus explains as he stepped away from the teacher's desk.

"I think I'll have this lad cast spells on you master Chiendame. Since you're so inclined to avoid my lectures like the plague." Rufus explains.

"Geez I wonder why?!? This is totally going to make me want to come study the stupid mystic arts and trust in the voodoo bullshit." Owen rolled his eyes and dared to argue back.

"Would you rather strike the new person with the magic arts after he so kindly volunteered to help you?" Rufus asked.

"Nah... I'd prefer to strike you cuz you can handle it sir, but got a feeling that get me in trouble." Owen laughed.

"Ha! You think you can?" Rufus scoffed, "You look like you can barely stand let alone cast any kind of spell my way. But sure amuse me! Both of you whelps cast forth your spells upon me. I shall show you the might of the anti mage! And the Holy Army!" Rufus chuckled like a mad man.

"Uh... out of the respect of my sister's land's religion! I couldn't dare raise a hand against her beloved church men!" Adalin went pale.

"Yeah and you'd kick our asses! It's not fair!" Owen cried.

"Ha right you are on that one." Rufus relaxed, "Than face each other. I will give you spells that won't hurt the other as much. Now be brave! Your magical foes will not show no mercy or restraint!" Rufus declared.

"It's okay Adalin... I trust you." Owen sighed and relaxed himself.

"Oh that's nice. Because I don't trust myself at all." Adalin laughed nervously

"We'll start off simple. One can't simply cast spells without feeling the energies around them. And unfortunately you whelps are blocked as heck. So allow me to open your senses to the magic around you." Rufus poked both of their forehead, "Awaken." He simply replied as his pendant glows in response to him casting his spell.

Adalin gasped as the wind suddenly whirls around him nearly lifting him off his feet, "Whaaaa?!?" He cried.

"Ground yourself young Adalin. Right now your energy is out of control. You're a sailor. Than imagine tying yourself down like you're a boat." Rufus explained.

Adalin slowly gets his feet to touch the ground as the class just is shocked and in awe. Owen bites his lip in pain as he's trying to hold back his awakening with all his might.

"You... you're being a stubborn one. You hate magic that much? Think not of it as the enemy but a tool to be used to crush them." Rufus ordered.

Owen just stood there shaking in pain, "The more you resist it... the more you hurt yourself. Let go. There's nothing to be scared of." Rufus ordered.

"Owen... it's going to be okay. I promise you whatever happens. I will... I will stay by your side. I will..." Adalin felt a strange need to comfort him, "I'll face the future with you! Whatever trial and tribulations... I want... to... face them with you." Adalin was breathing heavily as his energy turns into a beautiful green fire all around him.

Owen looks at Adalin and looks at Rufus in pain still shaking as he slowly goes over to Adalin and takes his hand letting his fire engulf him.

"I will face it with you than." Owen kissed Adalin's hand as the energy around Owen turns white.

Rufus looks shocked and crossed his arms, "My my... so this is what you've been trying to hide from me master Chiendame? I see now." Rufus just watched Owen step away from Adalin.

"I'm... I'm not human... I'm a hunter..." Owen weakly looks at his class and uses his hand to whistle.

Suddenly his white energy explodes around him and a loud howl is heard as a giant shibu and white wolf appear in spirit form next to him. They are massive and nearly touch the ceiling and the class is both awestruck and horrified.

"Holy shit man! That's the coolest shit I've ever seen!" Keith laughed.

"Look at that! The bloody slacker has gone and summoned himself an army of spirit dogs!" A student cried in horror.

"Woah!!! That's crazy! Those are real?!? They can't be real right?!?" Another student asked.

"Oh my gosh! They so beautiful!" Adalin instantly wants to pet both the giant fluffers.

"Settle down. Settle down. Owen's going a bit overboard with his magical energy output, but he remains strongly in control I assure you. If he wasn't I'd quickly put an end to any dangerous energy heading to your whelps way." Rufus sighed.

"Sorry kinda pushed me to my limit." Owen grimaced.

"Well obviously. Telling a hunter to awaken is like asking a mystic to awaken even further beyond." Rufus sighed.

"Can we pet the dogs?" One classmate asked.

"I'm sure they'd like that." Owen admits.

"You may. They are spirits after all. They are sentient like you and I. Speak old great spirit guides!" Rufus explains.

"I have nothing to say to you anti mage." The shibu turns its nose up at him.

"Ye who practices the art of chaos... yet allies himself with those who forsaken the energy of the planet and wish to destroy it... You have awoken thy bond hunter and forced him to summon thee. Ye invoking chaos to come play with us today despite ye oath to keep it away. Haha but that to is the fate of all ye who dabble in the chaos art thinking ye can control it." The white wolf laughed making Rufus glare hatefully at them.

Rufus grabbed his compass rose pendant glaring at the spirits, "Mock me not spirits or I shall rudely desummoned you both with a touch of pain."

"You think I fear a little pain heretics of heretics?!?" The white wolf scoffed.

"Down! That's enough. Please..." Owen begged.

"Just be good doggies and let the class interact with you. Maybe I'll forgive your rudeness and your existence." Rufus replied a bit unhinged making both spirits growl.

"Down!" Owen cried.

"Lucky our hunter is keeping us at bay. Your foul words would certainly be challenged by our teeth." The Shibu spirit insisted.

"Cease and detain please!" Owen ordered.

"Uh... please don't fight." Adalin shyly added, "We are all here to just get along and understand each other right?" Adalin looked at Owen sheepishly and he nodded weakly.

"It's him! It's him! So happy!" The shibu spirit immediately shrinks down to normal dog size and starts rolling on the floor and laying on his back, "Hello! Pet me love me! Pet me!" The shibu begged.

The white wolf shrinks in size, but it's still towering over Owen at a massive eight feet tall.

Adalin walks over and pets the dog spirit in awe, "Who's a good boy?" He gushed.

"Oh I know! I know! Me! Me!" The shibu barked happily.

Owen just covers is mouth and is blushing, "Hmp. Seems you two are connected. What a beautiful bond you two share." Rufus replied in a way that Owen wasn't sure was sarcastic or not.

"I want to pet the dog." A classmate explains.

"Approach slowly please." Owen sighed as everyone starts getting up to check out the spirits in awe.

The whole class gets to pet the dog spirits that welcome the affection and eager to return it. Rufus just watched over them all as he sits on his desk.

The bell rings and everyone sounds sad as they begin leaving and talking about how cool it was to met the spirits and how cute they are despite how terrifying they are.

"So much for my lesson." Rufus sighed.

"Mind fixing this?" Owen asked.

"Ah... yeah." Rufus goes over to the dogs and gently touched them pressing his forehead to theirs, "You may go in peace." His pendant glows again as the dog spirit vanished into specs and he does the same with the other.

"That was... something else." Adalin shyly replied.

Owen just relaxed feeling normal as the energy that had manifested around him also faded into specs with his spirits until there was nothing left to be seen.

"Sorry Sir Rufus sir... I should of spoke up sooner." Owen looks away.

"You're lucky I'm a teacher. I'm not technically on duty for the church. Unregistered hunters tend to be problematic as they aren't properly guided to the correct paths and become marked... and if they do become marked while registering at least the hunt masters are their to keep them in line..." Rufus gets in Owen's face.

"You should think more about the people who's lives you jeopardize by being without master or guide. Tell your father he was a fool not to get you registered sooner. You both gamble with others lives with what you're doing." Rufus warned.

"I just want to be normal..." Owen whimpered.

"Try explaining that to your mate over there when you end up hurting a random person threatening his life and getting your dumb ass marked. Look him dead in the eyes, with yours full of madness and tell him how fricken normal you really are than." Rufus whispered and Owen went pale.

"I'll say it again. Get yourself registered. Before you accidentally run down a place of no return. Because I don't think either of us want to see you going savage and hurting someone you love or meant to protect." Rufus walks past Owen.

"It's for you're own good... Just like... choosing to be what I am now... was for mine... you and I... our curse lies in our weakness to succumb to madness. The worst kind of curse any kind can have." Rufus spoke softly with honest concern.

"I... I understand sir... I'm getting it arranged... so... no worries." Owen clutched his chest shivering with fear and despair at the thought of that.

"Come to class more often master Chiendame... There's much I have to teach you and much you have to teach the students... I promise to not be so cruel, but you should know by now. My kind... just hates everything magically inclined especially our own dam selves. Don't take my tough love to heart. I just ask you think of others and use what you got responsibly... other than that... you can take comfort in... I will personally be stopping you if you get out of control." Rufus looked at Owen who grimly nodded.

"Yes... sir..." Owen felt nauseous.

"Have good lunch master Chiendame. You to lord Pompey." Rufus leaves them both as he heads to the cafeteria to eat.