
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · perkotaan
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16 Chs

(14) Story Time

Adalin was petting Owen's head as she sat next to him on the queen sized bed with black comforters. She was trying to put her thoughts into words as Owen waited patiently purring loudly as he watched her.

"I wanted to help end your heat." Adrain started.

"I know." Owen smiled at her softly.

"I don't like seeing you in pain. It hurts... It's like those dreams where you'd die on me... I felt like I had to do something to prevent that." Adalin admits.

"Sweetie. Thank you. I want... This relationship of ours to be a two way thing. I don't you to feel like I'm not doing enough. So. Let me know what I can do for you. I want you to let me know what you want from me too." Owen smiled gently.

Adalin hugged Owen tightly, "I wouldn't mind having kids with you and if it happens while we are trying to fix your heat. I'll accept that. Of course we'll take all the protection to prevent that, but even if you weren't a hunter there is still always going to be a risk of pregnancy. I accept that risk and I know that we aren't alone if it does happen. I'm starting to see that we can trust the guild with supporting us and taking of us to a degree." Adalin explained as Owen laid his head on her chest as he held her purring intensely.

"True. True. There's no rush for that my love. Think of my heat like the a harmless human flu. It's annoying, but it's not going to kill me. We can wait until we are ready for kids, before we finally claim each other. I don't want you forcing yourself to help me and doing something you might regret and aren't prepared for." Owen looks at Adalin and gently kisses her lips as she smiled and kissed him back.

"It's going to be really weird being stuck here with nothing to do until you recover." Adalin sighed.

"I'm sure the hunters will figure something out for you to do. They trying to keep you close, so I don't instinctively search for you durning my heat and hurt myself. I want you close to me, but I'm also like super horny." Owen sighed blushing.

Adalin nodded as she's being patient to let Owen finish speaking in his very slow and slurred speech. She missed Izzy as well and she also wondered about what Gilbert said that sent Owen into an early heat.

"Owen... did... did you go into heat, because our parents well... you know?" Adalin turned bright red.

Owen took a moment to recall what happened and deeply blushed, "My dad probably.... Cuz he was drunk... uh... your dad's been so kind to us... I dunno... maybe he just helping a bro out... he might of not like... uh... " Owen struggled for words.

"He gave him a hand?" Adalin asked.

"Yeah most likely." Owen was so embarrassed.

"Yeah... that's... reassuring. Thanks. I was thinking.... They uh... made love." Adalin blushed.

"That is what I'm hoping happened, but uh... I'm not sure." Owen sighed.

"I should probably call dad and let him know we are here and safe. He's probably freaking out." Adalin sighed.

"Did Gilbert not leave a note for him?" Owen asked.

"Oh yeah he did!" Adalin remembers.

"Still... I'm sorry for freaking you out when I went into heat. I was definitely not expecting it..." Owen blushed.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're doing much better." Adalin snuggles him.

"Yes and finally I'm calm enough I can just relax at your side without wanting to be well… a bit handsy." Owen blushed.

"That makes me wonder if I wasn't around and there was another person would you try to mate with them?" Adalin asked.

"Hmmm… yes and no. If I met you and went into heat than no. I'd only want my mate. If I didn't meet my mate and I went into heat than yeah. Everyone but blood relatives is free game. Oh and a few married in-laws they usually carry the family scent that helps hunters not go for them. So I ain't going to be mating with step sis." Owen explained.

"That's good." Adalin relaxed.

"Yes truly it helps us not be cheaters. If a hunters in a relationship they usually imprint on their lovers to keep them from seeking out other people to please them in their heats, but there's a few who can break the imprints and do it anyways." Owen sighed.

"Imprints?" Adalin blinked.

"Imprints are nothing like Twilight imprints. It can happen for various reasons. A child hunter can imprint on an adult to help them. I guess accept and follow in the adults shoes? It's really weird. Heck teenagers that are hunters can imprint on their hunt masters if they feel like the hunt master needs extra assistance to lead or just take themselves or if they feel extra close to the hunter. Imprinting just means the hunter is trying to a form a bound with someone that's either helping them with issues they have to deal with or helping the person their trying to bind to with issues… which… if you think about it… is the main purpose soulmates exist." Owen explained.

"Wait really? Adalin blinked.

"Soulmates occur to help two people overcome their flaws and life problems. Imprinting is just a diet form of soulmates or I guess platonic soulmates." Owen laughed.

"Huh… so what has to happen to form a soulmate bond over an imprint?" Adalin asked.

"Good question. I honestly have no idea and I'm not sure if anyone else knows either. But I have heard that there's a good bunch of soulmates that started out in a past life as an imprint and others started out because karma events bound them together." Owen explained.

"Karmic events?" Adalin was curious now.

"For example… Me saving you in your past lives so much. Formed a karmic bind. My goodwill to save you was enough for I guess destiny, the cosmos? Maybe octochain itself to decide that we should be together as I was going to protect you no matter what… but whether or not that binding goes anywhere is up to you, Adalin. Just cuz we are soulmates doesn't mean we can't break our binding and go about our merry ways…" Owen explained.

Adalin shakes her head, "I don't mind our binding. You haven't given me any reason to reject it. It's kinda nice. Though, if I was to reject it… what would happen?" Adalin asked.

"Depends on the binding itself. Most karmic bindings are life threatening to break. As crazy as it seems. The bad karmic bindings we're you hurt someone or did something to wrong in the past are supposed to be bindings that force you to repent. To break them it's usually the one you have hurt and their choice what happens. I guess an example is best." Owen sighed.

"Yes please." Adalin nodded.

"There's a very famous and important hunter story that is about soulmates. That we hunters make sure to spread to all hunters as reminder to treat our mates with love and respect no matter what is happening… Exodus the Snake King. It was in old Ruskia in the desert sands. Around before the Dragon Wars and the Mystic Wars." Owen explained.

"So it was durning the era of fairies and mythical creatures!" Adalin gasped.

"Yup. A group of people were building a country in sand which today is called the Golden Kingdom. Their leader was the first snake hunter, who the ability to hypnotize and command others to do his bidding. He quickly became king through his parents status as the leaders of the group. He was very blind. A man, who used his powers and status to do as he pleases with no remorse. As he had no empathy or sympathy for those lower than him." Owen explained.

"So. Not a good person. Gotcha." Adalin nodded.

"His mate was one of the maids that were to serve the reigning lord like butler would with uh…. unfortunate services that required to give their bodies to the leader." Owen looks uncomfortable.

"Okay so a personal servant slash slave slash toy. Gotcha." Adalin nodded.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, however as all people should be. She had values in her worth and refused to be just…. Uh that. She wanted to be better than that. As all people should strive to be." Owen winced.

"And that wasn't his cup of tea. So he was probably very pissed about that." Adalin nodded.

"Uh…. Not really. He was more fascinated. She was some he couldn't boss around or control. Which made him want her. So, he used his powers to try and force her to be with him in anyway possible even going so far to threaten the lives of her family and friends. Yet, she resisted even when he used his magic on her. And plotted his death for his sins." Owen explained.

"I mean… I can see why." Adalin nodded invested in the story.

"However he was a smart man and a cautious one. She had much difficulty in achieving the task. So, she decided she would give him her body to kill him. So, they did the deed and she killed him. The Golden Kingdom eventually fell apart with no one allowing anyone to become it's new leader and rule over everyone as everyone wanted to be free and not obey anyone anymore." Owen sighed.

"Is that is?" Adalin looks confused.

"Oh no. It gets worse. So after her death. She and him were reincarnated… This time in the modern day and age somewhere in Ruskia. He awoke in his temple that he had died at. Forced to hear his memories and his powers of his past life. Force to see what remained of his kingdom due to his lust and arrogance." Owen explained.

"Oh no…" Adalin blinked in horror.

"Figuring he can simply just go into the world and take over, he began to search for a way out only to be released by his mates sister… And as he does and has he controlled her and toyed with her to his mate's absolute horror. Than he saw her and knew. He couldn't have no one else. She must be his no matter what. And yet part of knows he had once had her to himself and it was not enough." Owen explained.

"Mmmhmmmm…. I don't like this." Adalin made a face.

"They escaped the temple that just happened to be not to far from his mate's home. His mate was desperate to kill him again and save her sister, but also to stay away from him. While Exodus was in awe of how much the world had changed on him and feeling confused by himself. He could rule the world, but to what end? He would be alone unless he figured out to get his mate to desire him and want him." Owen explained.

"I don't think that went well for him." Adalin shakes her head.

"It did not. He eventually released the sister hoping this would help his mate see that he wasn't above being reasoned with. Though sister fell hard in love with Exodus and what he could uh… provide her. Making things difficult… Exodus even attended their school and at first attempted to control everyone until he realized that wasn't earning any points with his mate. It's just making her more angry and scared of him." Owen sighed.

"He was changing for her." Adalin realized, "But… I dunno… I think… he was changing as a person for her… there's a bit of difference there. Though I mean… not controlling everyone and forcing them to obey him…. it's at least the step in the right direction." Adalin grimaced.

"Exodus quickly learned he needed to adapt to society and it's rule that we're foreign to him. He used his powers only to help get him out of trouble as he learned how to fit in better. He no longer wore his revealing golden kingdom clothing and wore more decent modern clothing. He learned to listen to the teachers and obey them. As he realized they have a lot to teach him about the work he now lives in. He bo longer was forced into a role of leadership or power and a role that requires him to obey and rely on so many people. That it slowly gave him perspective about his life and his actions." Owen explained.

"I mean… that must be one hell of culture shock…" Adalin nodded.

"He had time to reflect. A lot of it. He had time to learn about the world about people and how to treat people differently. How non leaders treat their equals and he also learned the hardships and challenges real country leaders had and how their choices effect everyone else. He came to realize that he wasn't a good man. That was a bad leader and rightfully deserved his death. Yet, his heart longed for his mate regardless. It was senior year for them. It would be the last…" Owen paused as if he looked like he was in pain.

"Go on you can do it." Adalin nodded.

"It would be the last few weeks of his existence… He was going to prove to his mate. That he had changed and that he was willing to continue changing. He didn't expect to be forgiven or even accepted as a mate. He just needed her to know that he'd do better in the next life and apologize for his actions in the past. It took awhile for him to hunt her down, but he found her in the courtyard after lunch. She was with another man…." Owen grimaced.

"Oh no. Oh no. He didn't! No!" Adalin gasped.

"Having a mate. A hunter gets very possessive over them. If anyone was to claim them. Their mate would stolen away. Now luckily most people don't know how to do that, but back than. Exodus didn't know that. His first instinct was to kill the guy. Now I will admit that he didn't, but he did get into a nasty fight telling the guy to never come near his mate again. That was the last straw for his mate. She knew she wasn't going to have a normal life, because of him and she'd constantly be in fear of being possessed or claimed by this awful man. So she was going to get rid of him no matter what." Owen sighed.

"She killed him again?" Adalin asked.

"Yes and no. Exodus had calmed down and tried to talk to her. She wasn't listening. She was yelling at him. At how much she hated him. How much he's ruined her life and how she'll never have a normal life or future lives, because of him. And she told him the most deadliest words. I wish you never have existed," Owen looks away, "It's unclear why it's those words… but it triggered something inside of Expdus that not only broke the binding, but made all of his I guess octochain get so unstable that they began phasing in and out of reality itself. As octochain normal has the property to phase through objects and other dimensions…. Yet this clearly inactive to keep from killing their hosts…." Owen explained.

"What the heck?!? That can happen?!?" Adalin gasped as Owen nodded.

"And… though he felt sad and a bit scared. I think he also accepted it. The stories say he simply smiled with tears in his eyes and said. I'm sorry that I was just all wrong for you. And than he was gone," Owen is holding back tears, "It's a very…. Bitter hard tale… one that has to be told. It reminds us to be careful who we make an enemy of and to prove it existed. The snake hunters have been cursed with never having a successful outcome between them and their mates. I don't know if it was Exodus's mate, who is said to be a witch, who did it or if it's just because their link to Exodus is that strong as they still have his powers and more." Owen sighed.

"Did the stories ever say anything about his mate and what she did after that happened?" Adalin asked.

"Yeah. Lilith… Lilith had a lot time and lives to realize what she had done. She had achieved something impossibly terrifying. Exodus would never get the chance to redeem himself. He would never come back in any of her life cycles. He was simply gone. Unable to reach the cycle of rebirth. He wasn't in Gates, he wasn't in Vixen, and he wasn't even in the chaos realm or the spirit realm. Even the void showed no sign of his existence and Lilith looked. She really did look for him, but realized he was no where to be found. Instead of forgetting about him and moving on. She refused to do that. She let no one claim her and carried the heavy burden of those, who have lost their mates through endless life cycles. She came to regret her recklessness. She hated herself. She could of at least gave him the chance to change and she didn't. So, she carried that pain from that guilt feeling it was her punishment for what she did." Owen explained

"I mean. I can't blame, but she must of seen he was changing even if a little…" Adalin frowned.

"To her. It's was all a ploy for Exodus to finally get her. She couldn't trust he was truly changing." Owen explained.

"Dang… yeah… I can see that." Adalin looks sad.

"The mystics have an extra story that we are unable to confirm. Whether it happened or is going to happen…. the mystics have told this part of their story. Kaosu god of unfate. Hear the cries of the lost witch and feel the pain she hides. Come to her in her time of need. One last chance to redeem. Born again a new he appears to her brand new. Taking her hand as they get that chance to start over again. Slowly the curse lifts and peace to snake kind is met. Though long journey it be until this is finally achieved." Owen replied.

"Ohhh… I like that!" Adalin nodded.

"Haha. Yeah me to." Owen smiled.

"Who is Kaosu though? Adalin looked confused.

"One of several god's of chaos. His domain is fate slash unfate. He changes the outcome of people's destiny through misfortune and hardships and some say even bring good fortunes to them. The Mystic Church preaches a lot about him, but it's a religion far worse than Satanic worship as it goes against the teaches of the church of Apollo. So, I wouldn't be sharing anything you hear from the Mystic Church with anyone expect the people, who first told you. It can get you in a lot of trouble." Owen explained.

"I see. That's kinda sad." Adalin frowned.

"I mean. If you want to we can worship and learn about him, but we'll have to be careful about it." Owen explained.

"Nah it's fine." Adalin smiled.

"But yeah. That's just one of many hunter stories the guild tries to pass down to us all and hunter pass to each other." Owen smiled.

"Oh that reminds me. Owen I want to protect you and Gilbert says he can teach me to be more like you hunters! I hope that's okay!" Adalin blushed.

"Hahaha." Owen hugged Adalin happily, "Of course! In fact! It's going to be fun having you join me or me join you for training!" Owen smiled.

"Hehehe." Adalin smiled and looks at Owen happily kissing him deeply, "God… Owen you're amazing. I love you so much." Adalin admitted.

"I love you." Owen kissed her deeply.

Adalin looks at Owen brightly intertwined her hands with his. He looks a bit sleepy and on the verge of taking another nap, while his body is just radiating enough heat that it's like being next to a heater. Warm, but not to uncomfortable or unpleasant.

"I just realized neither of us has had anything to eat! You hungry?" Adalin blinked.

"Yes!" Owen purred.

"Alright you rest! Imma grab us breakfast." Adalin slowly pulled away from Owen, who gets on his back and wiggled around like a dog would making Adalin giggle as she left the room closing the door behind her.

To my editors looking at my publishing time:

This was published at 4:05pm on Dec 14th

Im USA Central Time

To my readers: Love to hear from you all on your thoughts and feelings about the story so far and the characters as that will help motivate me to do better and most post more!!!

Tealiah_Eddardscreators' thoughts