
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · perkotaan
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16 Chs

(11) The Doctor

In the mist of bizarre dreams of a giant white falcon perched on the world tree overlooking a large meadow being slowly being consumed a strange darkness, Owen stood at the base confused with strange scents that don't belong in this dream.

He could smell Adalin close, but no where in sight. The hunt masters, who smell close, but not here. So, he must be dreaming or he's died and transcended into the spirit world. His mind pounded in pain and everything around him was very distracting.

He saw a few plants move and start dancing, a little tiny white baby stag with rainbow horns happily prancing in the meadow with the plant creatures and a few other animals that had gathered. He saw an old battle worn white wolf look at him and just nodded looking away.

Owen tried not to panic, because he can still smell things. If he had suddenly died he wouldn't smell anything around him. Meaning he must of accidentally crossed into the spirit realm in his sleep. As Owen was thinking of that he saw something woosh over his head and fly toward the falcon in the tree. It was the firebird trying to reclaim it's right as leader of the pack. The two birds fought in the branches of the tree with the falcon using wind like magic to help it stay away and keep the firebird from doing damage to it.

"No stop!" Owen cried in horror wanting them to both stop fighting, "Why do you have to fight! Please!" He cried and he could smell blood.

"It's alright. We spirits aren't fighting.... This isn't the true spiritual world you are seeing." The giant wolf tells Owen, "This is a message from us. This fight is necessary. Do not try to stop it if you will get hurt." The wolf explains.

Owen managed to wake up in the dark room gasping and panting. His body let was to hot and he quickly abandoned his shirt and hoodie trying to cool down. He sees Adalin on the couch and started to head toward her, but heard a loud crashing noise that made him jump and cling to the bed's canopy and it's post in fear. The smell of blood was stronger now and made him sick.

There was a fight and a nasty one. Slowly, Owen climbed down and headed to the door to check it out. He probably shouldn't be around Adalin right now anyways. He didn't trust himself as his body was aching still even with the medication he took, but it was tolerable enough that he could move around freely.

He couldn't think straight either and had no idea what he'd do if one of the hunters reacted to his heat. Adalin's asleep and wouldn't be able to try beating them away not that he had the ability or strength to fight off a hunter, but Owen at least took some comfort in the idea for Adalin trying to protect him.

He made for the courtyard where the smell of blood was strongest and the sounds of fighting got louder. Another smell caught Owen's attention and he swiftly turned around jumping backwards in fear.

"Sorry." The true alpha and leader of this guild apologized wincing.

Owen immediately relaxed and felt safe knowing the true Alpha is watching over him, "Shall we go see what's going on? Though I have a pretty good idea." He whispered softly and Owen nodded.

They hid in the shadows of the column that were holding up the balcony that over looked the courtyard. Ryan was slammed into the ground on his back with Gilbert chocking him with one hand and the other keeping Ryan's hands away. From what it looked like they must of been in the air battling and Gilbert managed to grab Ryan and fly slam him into the ground, only to stand on him to keep him pinned.

"Submit dam it! It's over!" Gilbert was breathing hard there was deep claw marks all over his body with burn marks and his nose was bleeding from a well aimed punch.

Ryan conjures his fire and blasts Gilbert with it, who shielded with his own dark colored spirit energy and pushed the fire back snuffing it out. Ryan finally gives up letting his hands drop to the ground and Gilbert nearly stumbles and falls as he lets go of Ryan and lets him go.

"This match was won by Gilbert." The doctor explains clapping heading to Gilbert to treat his bleeding first as Ryan lays on the ground in pain.

"So that's it huh... I'm sorry alpha I tried. Guess I'm out of the pack." Ryan laughed softly to himself, but was okay with this.

"I still can't believe you decided to challenge me. I told you all. Im not interested in being your guys alpha or whatever! Im not a threat to your alpha! I have my own pack!" Gilbert growled.

"That's not the problem Gilbert. I think you realize that your a stigma ranked hunter or what that means." The doctor sighed.

"I've already told you. You can kick me out of the guild ... You're alpha accepted me into this guild. He let me be here!" Gilbert felt so mad.

"Hush now and listen," The doctor finished patching up the wounds and helping Gilbert with his bloody nose as he heads to help Ryan now, "Stigma ranked hunters are a rare kind. They almost never form packs. So, they've never been a problem to anyone... That said it's not unheard of... Riku was a stigma ranked hunter and he was so obsessed with another hunter, who he was friends with despite them not being mates and the other never returning the feeling that he punished the international hunter's council and the vampire council in Capri. Using blood magic to frenzy the vampires and forcing a fight neither asked for. And for what? Because his only friend he held so dear was punished by the vampire council for killing in their eyes vampires, who were protected and innocent by turning him into a vampire? Riku was a wise hunter master. A marked one, but wise and different breed by far." The doctor explains sighing.

Gilbert holds his arm looking away, "I heard about that while I was in Desire... He and I don't seem to get along with vampires, but that doesn't mean I'n going to go insane and try killing hunters to get back at them!" Gilbert cried.

"You wish to make an army of hunters and humans. Bring back the species hunters, which the guild had once put a stop to after Master X abused it to commit mass genocide..." the doctor sighed.

"I'm not Master X... and I'm sure ain't going to ever let that happen again. I don't want an army. I just want to give the humans and others the power to push back and protect themselves from things that are stronger and powerful than them that use their strength for evil! You don't have to worry about that! Gilbert swore as the doctor helps Ryan to his feet.

"Doc... None of this has to do with why we had to fight... Did you just feel like lecturing him again? Geez." Ryan sighed.

"Sorry. Can't resist a good lecturing." The doctor chuckled.

"Alright than I'll do my best to explain so we aren't here listening the tangent lectures from Doctor Harley all day." Ryan groaned.

"If it's not my intention nor my pack or my resistance to be in your pack than what's your problem with me! Cause I sure ain't trying to pick no fights!" Gilbert growled.

"Think of it like this... You are an alpha of a pack and our boss is an alpha of another pack right?" Ryan sighed.

"Yes..." Gilbert nodded, "Though for me it was a forced decision..." Gilbert admits.

"So that makes two different kinds of alphas present with equal authorities in the same kind of pack family even it be temporary or unintentional... Because you were accepted to join our guild, which you have to understand is a pack by default. Because Alpha respects and answered your call to help mentor you." Ryan explained.

"I think I'm slowly understanding the problem here... but can't the pack just leave me be? Even if I don't submit to alpha?" Gilbert winced.

"I'm afraid not. You confuse our alphas pack members. They wonder which alpha is the better alpha to follow for them. Ryan here already showed signs of switching. He for some reason things and believes whole heartedly you are his mate, even though you have already claimed your mate and them you." The doctor explains.

"I will never accept him as my mate. My mate is my cosmic pair." Gilbert explained coldly.

"Either way. I've made my decision. You have proven yourself to me. I will submit to you. You are my true alpha." Ryan explained.

"Shouldn't I be fighting the actual alpha not his pack members to earn that right?" Gilbert asked confused.

"I guarantee you. That this is the better option. You're not going to kill a pack member if they fight you. You fight with our alpha and you two will kill one or the other. There has never been a stigma and alpha fight that has ever happened that one or the other showed the other mercy... than again stigma becoming alpha in the first place by gaining pack doesn't happen often enough to know for sure... Stigma usually acts like Zeta or Beta if the join pack. They keep to themselves and usually do as they told, while doing their own thing." Harley sighed deeply.

"Fine... I will accept your stupid submission for now." Gilbert goes over to Ryan grabbing him by the shoulders and biting his neck than pushing him away.

Ryan shivered and felt immediately stable now, "Ah... that seemed to get rid of my weird obsession... I feel more like me..." he relaxed.

"This is so annoying will I have to fight every one of your alpha's pack members now?" Gilbert wasn't looking forward to it.

"Probably... the longer you stay the more likely it is." Harley nodded.

"I... I don't want that! But I can't leave and go anywhere else either. I need to been mentored! I am far too inexperienced to be a proper alpha... I... don't want my pack dying cause of me... I'm an alpha... because they need me to be..." Gilbert clawed at his chest in pain.

"Either way. I'll report this to our alpha. Now come both of you to my little doctor's corner. I have only stabilized you both. I need to continue with proper treatment, so you both can heal and recover." Harley explained and they both groaned following his lead.

Owen looks at the true hunter master questioningly, "A lot of hunters that have the ability to fly are getting blessed by falcon and becoming stigma hunters. That is what stag has told me will be happening for our future. Even marked hunters, anti mages and humans are receiving the falcon's blessing. We are moving into a new era for hunters and species kind. How exciting! Don't worry to much though. I will do my best to fulfill the role I need to here and show the rest by default, who to move forward." He explained calmly.

Owen looks at the ground, "What do you think... about my role in all of this?" He asked.

"What role do you what in this my child? Just because you are hunter doesn't make you bound immediately by our guild's standards and our problems. You are free to just live amongst humans living a completely ordinary life." He explains.

Owen smiled, "Thanks. Uh so who are you? I can feel you're the true alpha of this guild, but you're not the one I remember from the first time I came here." He explained.

"My name is Dyrver. I'm a stag hunter and I'm from Germone. I came here three years ago and took over. The old hunt master was called along with a few others to restore the Capri council by alpha master Ryker, alpha master Rider, and alpha master Zmei. Germone's, Alexzandra's and Ruskian's eldest hunt masters." He explained calmly.

"I see." Owen nodded.

"Anyways little one. Why don't you go see if Harley has more medicine for you? I'll be around if you truly need me." The man explained.

"Alright." Owen slowly heads to the study losing sight of the true alpha of the guild.

"Maybe you should see if alpha will help you get your own guild." Ryan suggested as Owen perked into the study looking for the doctor's corner.

"Um.... Doc...." Owen stepped in looking very concerned for a bit.

"Come in little pup these two are too beaten up to try jumping you. Have a seat while I patch them up. I'll get you some more meds." Harley smiled as he wheeled himself over to his medical cabinet and opened it up.

"I still need the experience... I don't want to kill anyone by mistake..." Gilbert sighed, "But I do think my own guild in the future would help extremely well... Though I have no idea where to put it... If there's no international council to tell me what to do... Than the alpha masters need to step up and order us all until things get settled." Gilbert sighed.

"I'm not supposed to be sharing this information, but I trust this branch and the people here, but there is a second international council working on working. However they wanted to make sure the pack is created first to prevent what happened to Capri's council from happening to them. Capri international council didn't give the hunt masters to form a proper pack bond and while they did have pretty good harmony between each other it still but them in the butt." The doctor wheeled himself over to Owen giving him another liquid dose and gave Ryan and Gilbert some liquid pain medicine as well with different needle.

"Now that is news! Where you hear that lovely rumor?" Ryan was in awe.

"From lady Edith herself my countries hunt master. Miss Erica's spies managed to find her invitation even though someone tried getting rid of it." Harley chuckled as he went back to treating Gilbert after wheeling himself over there.

"That's good! If they can form a strong pack membership and than come out. The alpha masters can recognize them as the new international council allowing the rest of us submit to their rulings!" Gilbert nodded.

"Always a chance a pack memberships can go wrong. They might end up killing each other not meaning to." Ryan sighed.

"Well they do have the youngest alpha master with them as well. Little Lev of Ruskia seems to be the chosen Alpha along with a bunny omega alpha from Germone and his brother a hunt master from Dutchness being the third in command by proxy." Harley explained calmly.

"Interesting set up." Gilbert nodded and two identical boys rushed into the room to tackle Gilbert as another boy steps into the door and puts his hands on his hip looking a bit mad.

"Alpha!!!" The twin brothers cuddled Gilbert.

"Why are you all up so gosh darn early?" Gilbert complains.

"We want breakfast!!! And you said you'd help us all try going to school soon." The twins cried.

"Ah! School! I forgot about school! I can't miss it!" Owen cried.

"Hush now. You are in no condition to go to school. I'll contact them and make sure that it's counted toward your medical leave." Harley wheeled himself over to Owen to pat his head.

"Ugh... fine... but what about Adalin?" Owen whimpered.

"I'll make her a doctors note or something to as well explaining the situation. After all separating her from you would only make you chase after her in your condition." Harley explained.

"Uh... no offense... but Adalin prefers to be called him at the moment." Owen blushed.

"Hmmm. I'll keep it in mind. By the way are you going to be able to resist them?" Harley asked as Owen shakes his head no.

"Breakfast!!! We want breakfast!" The twins pull on Gilbert, who groaned as he lets them drag him out of the room.

"Fine. Geez. Just give me a moment! Stop pulling." Gilbert complained as he heads with them into the kitchen.

"What did you do to yourself that you got hurt?" Vivi asked Gilbert looking at him worriedly as he followed them into the kitchen.

"I'll explain later." Gilbert sighed.

Adalin walked into the kitchen since she woke up not to long ago and has been looking for Owen. She paused noticing a shadow move and than vanish.

"Good morning. I'm guessing you're looking for your mate. He's with doc in the study." Gilbert sighed.

"What on earth happened to you?" Adalin cried in horror.

"I know right?!? He's so reckless!" Vivi cried hugging his mate as the twins are looking at a cook book trying to figure out what to make.

"It's not big deal. I'm okay. We're hunters we are bound to get hurt... ahem though I'm a hunt master so I'm bound to get hurt worse than the regulars... so you don't have to worry about Owen looking like me." Gilbert explained.

"That doesn't make me feel better!" Vivi cried clinging to him as Gilbert sighed deeply and held him tightly.

"Try to be more careful if you can than. Thanks for letting me know where Owen is." Adalin nodded and starts to leave for the study.

"Vivi help us out! All of it looks good." Vincent cried.

"I'm thinking blue berry muffins." Vestali explains calmly.

"Hmmm... that's desert though not breakfast!" Vivi let's go of Gilbert to help the twins as Gilbert shakes his head watching them.

"So is there a particular reason your hiding from me?" Gilbert asked no one in particular softly.

The shadow appears and Dyrver smiled sheepishly as he immediately apologized, "I'm sorry I haven't been around of late. I'm trying to understand you better and see what you'll do." He explained.

"You don't have to spy on me." Gilbert looks annoyed as he glared the guy.

Dyrver shakes his head, "I have learned much about you from just observing this past few weeks." He explained softly, "Are you curious to hear it?" He asked.

"Sure I guess." Gilbert honestly didn't care as he crossed his arms.

"You aren't Just blessed by bat spirit, but Falcon too. I can feel his spirit guiding you." Dyrver explained as Adalin is hiding trying to listen on them both.

"Falcon? But I thought the spirit council locked him up?" Gilbert was surprised by that.

Vivi and the twins were glancing at them once and while and trying to pretend they aren't watching as well as they make breakfast.

"Stag has explained to me that. Falcon has been freed of his jail... He took over the spirit council killing Stag making them having to reincarnate and start over. Stag is now baby and he has to watch over Falcon as his right hand man to make sure he leads the other's properly and not run away from his responsibility." Dyrver sighed.

"So what does that mean… for me?" Gilbert asked confused.

"Falcon is a rebel among spirits and doesn't care who the person is that it gives its blessing to. You're purpose is a lot like Falcon's. You will be the embodiment of Falcon's will and help bring crazy changes to the hunters guild as a whole that need to be made." Dyrver explained calmly.

"I don't know how you expect me to bring all this change to the guild… I'm not an alpha like you. I barely know what I'm doing here." Gilbert sighed.

"I know that. That's why. I want you to allow me to mentor you even if I loses all my followers and in exchange I will never make you submit to me. I believe that it's me who should submit to you since Falcon is leading you into a new era of hunters and spirits." Dyrver explained.

"You got to be kidding me." Gilbert felt surprised by that.

"No. I'm not. I truly believe this is what the new shift in the spirit council wants us to do. It is time our guild shifts as well. So I hope you'll allow me to mentor you to lead us all into this new future together." Dyrver smiled softly.

"I don't know… it's so much pressure to not crash and burn… so much at stake… I can't handle it." Gilbert clenched his chest in pain.

Dyrver hugged the boy tightly in his arms, "You are no longer alone in this. I will help you see the end of your joinery no matter what." He explained.

Gilbert breaks down into tears and thanks him immensely from the bottom of his heart.

"I know it's been hard… Handling with all these strange hunter affairs that you never cared for or asked for, but know deep down you must follow. For the safety of your pack and the future you wish to bring. You have done an amazing job so far and should be proud of all you have done so far and never forget what you're truly fight for." Dyrver assured Gilbert, who nodded wiping his tears.

"I… I won't fail you all. I'm going to be the best stigma alpha master ever." Gilbert swears as Dyrver nodded patting his back and letting him go.

Adalin smiles and sneaks off to see Owen knowing that everything is alright now. Once she enters the study she heads to the strange corner that matches the study, but has been arranged for the doctor to use as his little medical patient room.

Ryan is perched in a comfortable recliner just resting his eyes as the doctor wheels around in his chair watching him and Owen for any complications. The floor was wooden like the rest of the study and kept it's dark mahogany color. The walls were also light cedar wood with medical cabinets and a shelves lined up in the doctor's corner.

Owen was laying on his back on an antique Galatian (English/Egyptian) styled gilded eagle head chaise lounge from the home worlds lost centuries. It's cushions looked dark brown and it's frame looked golden. There was two jacks underneath the lounge attached to some boards that were screwed to the lounge to jack the lounge up to be used, and Adalin hoped it wasn't the case, for operating as if it's an operating chair.

Adalin blinked and the doctor had wheeled himself into Owen's path making Owen fall over his legs and the doctor just kinda held him there smiling sweetly at Adalin.

"Hello miss Adalin. Why don't you have a seat. I'd like to talk to you and your mate." Harley just smiled as Adalin felt a shiver go down her spine and her gut twist.

"What did I say!" Owen snarled at Harley, who just stabbed him with another sedative.

"Yes. Yes. Now than you get to stay there for a second." Harley ignored him as Owen was trying to go over to Adalin with no luck.

Adalin sighed and nodded going past all the dark mahogany wooden counters with black slate countertops to sit down in a similar brown leather recliner that Ryan was resting in.

"Now than. Let's talk. So you understand what your mate is going through right now and how to assist him if you desire." Harley replied calmly as Adalin nodded looking at Owen worriedly wanting to hold him and help him relax.

He looked like he was in so much pain and she hated to see him like that, but she trusted these hunters knew better than her what is going on and his to handle it. After all, she hated to admit it, but she had a gut feeling that Harley is doing her a pretty big favor holding on to Owen right now. He didn't seem like he was thinking straight or even was in control over himself.

"Alright. Where to begin?" Harley sighed.

"I'm gone now! Have fun." Ryan gets up and tried to escape.

"Sit down Ryan!" Harley growled and Ryan looks at him frowning and sits down looking not happy.

"I don't need to hear this." Ryan grumbled.

"I need your help for backup. You know the safety protocols. Our little hunter friend here is kinda of in very dangerous mindset right now. One that's telling him to reproduce with his mate over here at all costs. As that's what the heat does." Harley explained and Adalin nodded blushing.

"Fine but let's make this quick." Ryan begged.

"Alright. Miss Adalin. I'd like you to tell us what you know. What you thinking about all this and we'll go from there." Harley explained.

Adalin took a deep breath nodding pushing away a bunch of mixed feelings right now as she began to explain to the doctor all she knows right now that's going on.