
Where is she

After the carrot soup was served by one of my best chef, my wife and I were expecting Soul to come. The chef ran to me panting and he told me he left Soul in the kitchen and now he can't find her, he says he went to the washroom room but can't find her.

' What! She couldn't have gone far please find her tell him to find her' my wife said

' Amelia calm down I am sure she is around here somewhere we just need to go round'.

The chef, my wife and I started to look for her round the restaurant but we could not find her. My wife started to panic when we came back from the search with bad news.

' Damien she survive on her own out there what if she loose control'

' Nothing of such will happen now stop crying' I said.

We called her nanny to ask if she came home but her nanny told us that soul is not here. I immediately called the police but they told me to wait for twenty four hours before they will begin to search for her because she is sixteen and she might make the decision on going for a walk. I could not believe my ears Soul has never left home for a decade now and they are saying I should wait for twenty four hours. I had to take matters into my hands and start searching for her in my own in this big city. Her nanny came to the restaurant with a very worried look. The chef explained to her what happened in details, I told her to stay with my wife why I go and find soul but she refuses and says that Soul's nanny and her will go and search for soul and I can't argue so I let them go. I began to walk from street to street showing people pictures of Soul and asking them if they have seen her. But all I got was negative answers, many thoughts run through my mind I mean there are crimes everywhere and I have not told her nor teach her the dangers of the world. If something bad should happen to her I won't forgive myself. Cause I am the one who is behind her staying at home. Seconds turns to minutes, minutes to hours till it is late in the night. I returned to the restaurant hoping to get good news but they haven't seen her. Her nanny went back home in case Soul came home, so I decided to accompany her to the car, she was asking me some question. I saw someone peeing from the gate it was Soul I knew because of the diamond stone on her hair. I shouted her name and ran to the gate to see her squatting with her eyes closed and her fingers crossed.





( Soul POV)

After Jason and I said goodbye, I slowly walked to the restaurant and when I got there I saw the gate, I saw the gate opened So I peeped through the gate. I saw my nanny and my dad talking with worried. I know I am beyond doomed. I don't know know how to approach them. I just stood there looking at them when suddenly, my dad looked at the directions of the gate. I noticed it and bent down with my eyes closed and my fingers crossed.

' Soul ' I heard my dad voice.

My nanny came to me, she pulled me up to stand properly,she touched my cheeks, forehead, hands asking me if I was okay. Then she pulled me into a tight hug, she broke the hug and then I faced my dad with my face looking downward. He grabbed my hand and told my nanny to go and call my mom cause we are going home. So he took me to the car, where I sat at the back seat, then my mom and my nanny came. My mom came with her fake tears to the back of the car were I was seated. She asked me if I was okay and I replied yes, she wanted to sit next to me but I asked for my nanny, so she sat at the front seat with my dad while my nanny came to sit right next to me.

When we got home,my dad parked the car and we entered the house, my dad just went climbing the stairs I knew he was seriously angry with me and I can't sleep when he is angry with me.

' Dad am sorry scold me If you want but please don't ignore me like this '

' What do you expect me to say or do soul do you know how scared you made us'

' I am sorry Dad' I said with my head facing the ground

' Soul where did you go to' my mom asked

' I don't know ' I replied

' Soul answer your mom's my dad said

' Not until you forgive me Dad'

' Soul am also angry with you' my mom said

' Well you are not my dad '

Then she held her chest and bent down, groaning in pain, my dad and nanny ran to her.

' I am fine I just want to sit down ' she said

'Nanny please get water for my wife' my dad said as he helped her sit.

'Soul apologize to your mom'

I looked at my mom

' No I don't think so'

' Damien please leave her alone' my mom said with a teary voice.

'Soul I said apologize to your mom'

' Why should I when every time she makes me look like the bad guy'

' But Soul you are the bad guy in this situation'

' I would not have gone outside if not that I went to the toilet'

'Then why on earth did you went there'

' Because of her stupid fake tears all the time'

' SOUL' my dad shouted as he gave me a resounding slap on my face. The slap was so hard that I hear my head on the wall. I stayed in that position with my head on the wall. My nanny came to me, she wanted to touch me when I started laughing like I was in a comedy show with tears running down my cheeks.

'You know what, I don't care if I am the bad guy, I don't care if you hate me, I don't care if she cries or not but let me tell I am done doing obedience, cause I will escape again and again non stop in I will not be able to see your faces again' I said and started climbing the stairs.

' Soul come back here'. My mom said, but I ignored her and I continued walking.

' Soul what ever you do I am still your mother.

I turned around and looked at her

' Then I wish you are dead'.

I went upstairs, I noticed the way they looked at me like they were scared but I ignored and went upstairs.





( Nanny POV)

When Amelia was in pain, I was asked to bring water for her by her husband. I went to the kitchen and fill a glass cup with water then I went to give it to Mrs. Amelia to drink. Soul and her father were still arguing and then all of a sudden Soul was given a hot slap that all the diamond stones on her hair fell off and she hit her head on the floor. Seeing this, I was very shocked my hand was on lip Mrs Amelia got up for my seat in shock. I walked up for so check on her but as I got close to, I wanted to touch her then I heard this laugh not a geniue laugh but an evil laugh. She faced her dad with tears in her eyes and a smirk on her face. She began to talk to her dad when I heard what she was saying, I knew she was not soul. And the time when she turned back while walking on the stairs to talk to her mom, her eyes were beyond red maybe because of the tears. When she went upstairs to her room Mrs. Amelia broke down completely she shouted on Mr Damien seriously to the extent of hitting him on the chest seriously while crying, Mr. Damien was just looking at her.

Suddenly we heard sounds of things breaking, the sound was coming from Soul's room, then we heard her screaming, Mrs. Amelia was the first person to run upstairs then Mr. Damien and I. We tried opening the door put the door was locked.

' Soul please open the door ' Amelia said

' Mr Damien please try breaking the door ' I said.

He went to and for using his shoulders to hit the door but it refuses to open, he tried harder and he hurt his shoulder.

' Are you okay' Mrs. Amelia asked Mr. Damien

' Yeah sure' he replied.

' Sweety please open the door' Mrs. Amelia said crying.

The door began opening slowly, it was dark inside the room. Mrs. Amelia ran inside and switched on the lights, we were shocked to see her on the floor, her knees are palm were touching the ground, she was breathing heavily, her head facing the ground and her room was seriously scattered. She raised her hair slowly to look at us and I saw that her eyes was very red like blood.