
Sors Mea Online (SMO) [Rough Version]

(The Cover and Story are in the "Early Stages", so this will be a "Template" of sorts for a possible future "Polished" version) Are you interested in the World that you currently live in? Do you love the way that the Animals live, and the way that the Atmosphere is slowly being tainted? Cool, then this might not be for you. This revolves around the Full Dive VR Game of "Sors Mea Online", or SMO. With the Advancements in Technology, Games have gone a Step Up in the world, and can now be experienced in 1st Person. SMO, however, was but a Step Higher than the rest. Made by One Person, who goes by the Nickname "LucXy" (Luck-z-y), the world has gone from Silence to an Uproar after they saw the advanced mechanics and AI in SMO. With over 30 Years in Development, it was finally released, with No Beta, No Alpha, and absolutely No Pay-to-Win Features involved. What was once thought to be a Lame game created by a Nobody Developer, was later all over the World. Nearly Every person on the Planet has heard of Sors Mea Online, and a bit over Half of the Earths Population played SMO. (By the way, the world of SMO is around 2x bigger that Earth) The words "Sors Mea" translate from Latin to "My Fate". So "My Fate" Online, was, in the Literal sense, "A Game where you can become Practically Anything." Farmer? Cultivation Skills Exist. Swordsman? Attack Skills Exist. Babysitter?! Buy some Land and build a Daycare or an Orphanage. When the acronym "NPC" is heard, you would usually think, Simple, Bland, and Repetitive. However, in this world, what some players only see as Lines of Code, many others see them as Nearly Human. With the Human-Like NPC's, the People of SMO live like normal. Farming, Building, Studying, Learning, Training, and even learning Skills or Magic. Like the Real World, the People of SMO can Feel Emotions, have Memories, Feel Pain and Delight, and even have Children, with both NPC or Player. Yup, players can raise a Virtual Family that feels too real to be fake. With the many types of Skills, Magics, Weapons, Items, and Creatures in this world, there are practically no such thing as having nothing to do. Craft, Train Skills, learn Magic, conquer Dungeons, or just Have a Shop, or Raise a Family, be an Adventurer and see new lands, fight Monsters, and be wary of the Unknown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the Story of SMO will revolve around an 18 Year old Kid who discovers a FDVR Headset by Accident while he, like any Cliche, was running from some of his Bullies that have been with him since Kindergarten. Upon Logging In to a New Account, he sets a Username : LacX. (Lack-z) When he logs into the game, he is told to allocate 100 Stat Points, and choose 1 Unique Skill, and 3 Normal Skills, as well as a Weapon. Since he doesn't like to fight very much, he decided to just let his Speed do the work, and put every Stat Point into Agility. When he finally steps into the starting Town, he is Immediately hit with a Message : {Acquired New Skills} With these New Skills, he was Immediately shocked at how fast he can really move with 1000 Agility. As he Levels Up, he starts to get a bit into Smithing and Jewel Cutting. With his new found Skills and his rediculous Speed, he will attempt to climb to the Top of the Central Tower, also known as The World's Greed. What's in the Tower? I don't know. Who is the Developer of SMO? Maybe save some questions for Later. How OP of an MC are we talking about? Read it, and maybe you'll find out. Other than that, there will be many other attributes to the Story, like Heroines, some cool Equipment, a Child, and many more Aspects of SMO. {MC Character Sheet} [Name : Suuco Tsukuyomi] [Age : 18 B-Day : Oct. 1] [Gender : Male] [SMO User : LacX] [Unique Skill : Copy] [Stats] {Level : 1} {0/100 Exp} {Str :1} : Physical Damage {End : 1} : Defence {Agi :1001} : Overall Speed {Sta : 1} : Used for Active Skills {Mag : 1} : Spell Strength {Wis : 1} : Mana

_LucXy · Game
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38 Chs

SMO Chapter 10.4 : Making and Meeting

LacX had everything they needed to travel to Stella Town.

Food, Water, and a Carriage Ride.

The reason for the Carriage Ride was because of the Request that Amy was talking about.

She wanted to transport a large amount of Items to Stella.

The Carriages left 20 Minutes ago, so LacX's and Amy's group were already on the move. Amy's Group had hired Drivers for the Carriages.

With 2 Days left until the Event continues, they would take 1 1/4 Days to reach Stella, and would need to take 3/4 a Day to return to Mardeal for the Event.

'I took too much time. I guess I'll need to return by myself if we move at this pace.' LacX was worried about the Event.

"I guess you'll want to return before the Event starts, right?" Amy walks up to LacX, who was sitting in the back of one of the Carriages.

"Yeah, a little. I already started it, so I just feel like I have to see it to the end."

"Well, I'll give you a gift for accepting my Request."

Amy hands LacX a small slip of paper.

"A free... Warp Ticket?"

"Yup. This'll allow you to warp here using the Warp Gate in Stella."

"A Warp Gate? Is it exactly what it sounds like?"

"Yup, you can go from Stella to Mardeal in an instant. It even has no limit to the amount of people you can use it with."

"That... is a huge relief. Thank you, for everything. You really helped me a lot."

"Don't sweat the small stuff. Anyways, any progress with the 'Magic Compression'?"

"Ah, I actually haven't tried again after that time, so no progress yet."

"Boo. If you succeeded, I would have made you teach me how."

"Well, I'll teach you when, or more like 'If' I succeed."

"I'm sure you can. And... I really need to ask. What is Nia doing?"

Nia was sitting next to LacX with her back facing him.

"Oh, I asked her to constantly keep me paralyzed for as long as she can. This is for my Paralysis Resistance Skill. It's Level 3 Right now, so we're making good progress."

"Actually, I'm almost out of MP and SP." Nia turned to face LacX and Amy.

"I guess you would need it sometime. How have you been Nia?" Amy asks Nia.

"I'm doing great! Other than currently being a little tired, I'm all good."

"I also heard that LacX made you a Weapon. Can I see?"

Nia opens her Pouch and takes out her Gauntlets.

"Gauntlets? That's an interesting choice. If we had a little more time, I would have loved to check their Durability."

"If you want, I can make another Gauntlet. Do you have any more Compressed Stone?" LacX offers.

Amy uses her Earth Magic to take some Rocks and Stones from beside the Road.

Taking the Rocks, she gathered them all together, making one large Compressed Stone, almost the size of her head.

"Here you go."

Giving the Stone to LacX, he picks it up using Magic.

With his "Weaponry" Skill, he used the already used Gauntlet Model to recreate the Gauntlets.

"That's new. When could you do that?" Amy was intrigued.

"That is a Trade Secret that only Me and Mana know. You're out of luck."

"I... can't argue with that. Wanyways, let me run some tests on it."

LacX hands her the Gauntlet.

Amy then began to Create thin needle of Water. She makes the Needle spin at a high speed.

'This reminds me of when I fought that Large Wolf with Mana. She did something similar.' LacX looks with amusement.

Slowly, Amy brings the Needle closer and closer to the Gauntlet, finally making contact.

There was no reaction until a few seconds later. The Needle began to construct a small hole.

"It seems quite durable. Even with Water Magic, it took too long to pierce the Back Side."

She repairs the hole then hands it back to LacX, who stores it into his Weaponry's Sub-Space.

'It's like having a second Storage. It also seems to be infinite.'

"Oh yeah. I also want to ask, are you coating yourself in Mana?"

Along with Nia's Buzz Flash, LacX was also using "Mana Coating" to raise his Levels.

"Ah, yeah. This Skill is also pretty useful, so I wanted to increase it's Level."

"That's good and all, but won't you run out of MP?"

"It lasts for a while, so I can recover my MP whith Menti Herbs as I wait."

'I probably shouldn't tell her that I'm also using Magic under the Carriage.'

"That's cool and all, but don't overdo it. Anyways, I'm gonna check in with the others, so let's talk more later."

"Alright. But... how are you going to get on a different Carriage? We're on the move right now."

Suddenly, a gust of Wind kicks up, and Amy jumps to the top of the Carriage. She then begins to leap onto another Carriage.

'That was pretty cool. I should ask her to teach me that next time.'

"Master, my MP is almost replenished. Should I start again?"

"Oh, right. Yes please."

Nia activates Buzz Flash, and LacX continues with his other Skills.

. . .

A few hours go by, and the Sun began to set.

Nia was sleeping with the others while LacX kept watch, still using his Skills.

He gained the Following Upgrades :

[Mana Coating F : Lv 1 -> 8]

[Water Magic E : Lv 1 -> 5]

[Fire Magic E : Lv 1 -> 5]

[Wind Magic F : Lv 3 -> 9]

[Earth Magic E : Lv 1 -> 4]

[Paralysis Resistance F : Lv 1 -> 5]

[Multitasking F : Lv 1 -> 3]

[Copy : Lv 2 -> 3]

'I tried duplicating the Compressed Stone. Looks like I managed to do it after my Skill leveled up.'

LacX was able to "Paste" the Compressed Stones at the cost of all of his MP.

'It's pretty taxing as I am right now, but It'll be worth it in the long run.'

The Compressed Stone was the size of a Walnut, and looked exactly the same as the Copied Stone.

Looking at the Surroundings, LacX felt a familiar breeze.

Looking in the direction of the breeze, he recognized the Silver Forest.

'Although it's nothing but Trees, I can still feel the nice breeze from the Forest.'

"Hey! We seem to have made it a bit early!" Amy was yelling from the front of the group.

Laril wakes up from the noise.

She yawns, then looks at the Forest.

"Are we... almost there?"

"It would seem so. It tool way less time than I was told."

Laril opens her pouch and takes out a small Jar with Water.

'I almost forgot...'

LacX Appraised Laril, and gained her "Bounce Off" Skill, as well as looked at her Stats.


<Str : 57>

<End : 463>

<Agi : 64>

<Sta : 173>

<Mag : 102>

<Wis : 178>

'Her Stats are also decent. Almost the complete opposite of Shina'

Wanting to test out her Skill, he takes a rock from his Storage, and activates it.

He tosses it onto the floor of the Carriage, and as soon as it hit the floor, it launched straight upwards about 1 Meter.

'That looks like it'll be useful.'

Hitting the floor again, the Rock tumbles into a stop.

"Umm... Master? What was that?" Laril saw the whole thing.

"That was... a Skill. Why?"

Laril stares at him for a few seconds, then shakes her head.

"Nevermind. Tell me, what's Stella like?"

"Well, it's a pretty big place. As soon as I arrived, there were a lot of Buildings and People. I almost lost my way a few times. It's a good thing that I have a good memory. I was able to memorize most of the places, so It was pretty easy to navigate towards the Gate."

Laril sits there, wondering about what place Stella was.

As they kept going, LacX heard someone yell out from a distance.


Immediately, he turns his head towards the Silver Forest.

'I don't think that was random. I should go check it out.'

"Master?" Laril had a confused look.

"Sorry, but I need to check something. Tell Amy that I'll arrive at Town afterwards."

Before she could say anything else, he bolted towards the voices.

Running through the Forest, he could feel a strong wind coming from the direction of the voices.

As soon as he made it, he was then facing a dire situation.

There were 3 Girls that resembled Suzu, Mina and Shi sitting on the floor, shaking in terror.

Not only that, but they were face to face with something bigger than the Large Wolf that he fought.

Face to Face with the Clan Leader.

. . .

Cool, 4/4 +.×

It took a bit longer than I wanted, since I had to write a lot of things revolving around Stats, Skills and Characters.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this 4 Part Chapter. It was interesting, even for me.

I will make more in the near future.

My Birthday is this Friday.

That's all I wanted to say.

Thank You for Reading!

_LucXycreators' thoughts