
Sorry I meant for this to be a fan-fic

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, the king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time ever writing something so don't hate it to much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might re write this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Stalker in the night

'I am quite lucky that there is small animals and plants to eat down here. I would've died if there wasn't.'

Our protagonist Nix has been exploring the bottom of the ravine to find a way out. While exploring he has experimented with his new power.

'I'm still not able to summon the scythe but I have gotten a decent control over the shadows. I feel like in about a month if I get a proper push I can summon my scythe.'

While lost in thought nix notices a light ahead.

" Finally I was tired of being stuck down here. Hopefully this leads to an exit." Nix impatiently said. Nix began running towards the light and enters it.

... But when nix entered the light he entered a stone room with a pedestal in the middle.

Nix approached the pedestal and read it.

'If you have found this dungeon, you are either blessed or a damned soul. Ahead of you is the path to the lost kingdom of nexus. If you beat the dungeon you will become a king with unfathomable powers. Be careful wanderer there are many traps and monsters that lurk here. I wish you the best of luck.'

Nix knew whatever is in the dungeon will most likely kill him. If it didn't kill him he'd come out far stronger than before.

And with those thoughts nix moved forward into the dungeon. But what he saw baffled him.

Nix was on top of cliff overlooking a kingdom below. But that's not what was surprising.

In the sky there was a blood red moon and countless stars.

And so nix followed the path to the kingdom.

---------(2 hours later)----------

'Finally I have arrived.'

What stood before nix was a broken down wall leading into the ruins of the old city. While walking past the broken down wall there was a dead guard. In his chest was a broken rust sword.' Better than nothing.' Nix thought. And with that nix pulled the broken blade out of the corpses chest.

--------(30 minutes later)--------

While looking around the broken down city nix has seen many different monsters. Many were stronger than him so nix avoided fighting large groups of monsters.

While roaming around avoiding monsters nix encountered a lone monster.

It was a zombie. It's left arm was missing and the bottom part of its jaw was holding by a string.

'It's now or never. I need to start growing stronger.' And with these thoughts nix charged at the zombie with a broken sword.

The zombie turned around to look at the noise behind it. By the time the zombie turned around nix has already stabbed the zombie through the heart.

Nix pulled out his blade and kicked the zombie down on its back. The zombie tried to get back up but nix has already brought down the rusty blade like a executioners axe to chop off its next victims head.

And with that nix has killed his first monster.

Nix got up and thought 'I need to hunt more down. I can feel the scythe calling out to me but I'm not strong enough yet.'

Suddenly nix hears a crack behind him. Nix turned around just in time to see a kobold swing its club at his head.

Nix dodged the swing aiming for his head but he was hit in the shoulder stumbling down to his knees from the force.

The kobold didn't miss its chance and pounced on nix attempting to rip out his throat with its sharp teeth. Nix could barely hold it back. It was stronger than him.

So nix quickly used the sword to stab the kobold in the chest and kick it off. The kobold quickly got back up and tried to pounce on nix again.

Nix rolled out of the way and onto his feet.

Nix and the kobold stared at each other both trying to find a weakness in each other.

Nix suddenly dashed forward and swung his sword to cut off the beast head. The kobold dodged the predictable swing by ducking down.

But the kobold couldn't dodged the boot that found its way into its snout.

While the beast was disoriented nix quickly stabbed the beast in the chest killing it.

'I need to get stronger, I refuse to die here.'

And with that nix continued to hunt. Like a stalker in the night.


Leave helpful tips here and have a wonderful day

I might write another chapter today I'm not sure yet.