
Sorry I meant for this to be a fan-fic

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, the king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time ever writing something so don't hate it to much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might re write this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Big fight

Nix awoke and got ready for the day.

Today nix would ambush one of the monster leaders to test himself. He decided to fight the kobold king. The kobold king usually goes somewhere by itself when it's taking its usual route.

Nix got to the ambush sight and started to prepare. First preparation was to find stone or pieces of wood about half his height and scatter them around the battlefield. Second nix got any spare weapons he could find and laid them in places where it wouldn't interfere with the fight but he should be able to grab if his weapon breaks.

Lastly the last preparation. Nix will meditate to focus on the battle and imagine scenarios that might help him win the battle.

---------(5 hours later)-----------

The time has come. The kobold king has arrived by itself like planned.

The kobold king arrives and smells around. It smells someone is here and is on guard.

Nix tries to move behind the beast to strike it, but the beast noticed nix. Before nix could react he was kicked away and landed on his back the air knocked out of him.

The beast roared and jumped at nix to tear off his face with his claws.

Nix rolled out of the way, but was scratched on his back.


Nix uses his shadow string to grab a piece of rubble and threw it at the beast.

The beast easily breaks the stone creating a dust cloud. Nix hid behind one of the many pieces of rubble littered around the battlefield.

The beast sniffs around before snapping its head in nix's direction and dashes to wear he is. The beast grabs the stone and picks it up with ease.

Nix seeing this quickly slashes his blade at the beast. The rusty blade didn't cut deep, but it made the beast flinch enough for nix to grab the stone the beast is holding with his shadown string and pull it down on the beast head.

Disoriented the beast swung its arm hitting nix away into another piece of rubble. The beast jumps at nix while he is recovering from the blow.

Nix barely dodges out of the way only getting a small nick on his arm.

Quickly nix covers his magic around his blade and slashes at the beast. The beast roars in pain as the blade creates a deep cut in the beast.

Nix tries to slash again but the beast grabs his blade and breaks it.

Nix seeing this uses his magic to grab a piece of rubble and throw it at the beast. But the beast predicted this and grabbed the rubble, spun and threw the rubble at nix while he was running towards the closest weapon that he could find.

The beast quickly jumps on top of nix while he has fallen from the impact of the rubble.

Nix managed to turn around and block the beast claw with his arm leaving a deep scratch.

While the beast continues to litter scratches on nix's arm and chest, nix uses his other arm to grab the rusty dagger and coat it in his magic to stab the beast in its eye.

The beast let out a pained roar while nix gets up and grabs the spear nearby and charges with a war cry, piercing the beast in the chest nix pushes the beast against a wall.

Grabbing another piece of rubble nix flings it at the beast. Nix continues flinging more and more until he runs out of mana.

The beast barely alive tries to get up, but nix grabs the spear in its chest and with a mighty yell pulls it out.

With determination nix yells and pierces the beast head with the spear killing the beast.

Nix beaten and bleeding out stumbles away from the fight before any more monsters arrive.

Finding a good place to rest nix quickly uses the rest of his medical supplies. Nix sits there breathing hard before passing out from the pain and exhaustion now that the adrenaline has wore off.


Well that's my first time writing a big fight tell me how I did any any improvements I could do

Thank you all for supporting me and have a wonderful day