
Sorry (Dropped)

I tried making a fight scene. It was bad... Like horrible. And pokemon are full of battles like that. It turned out so stupid I had to rethink some decisions I made in my life. Why was I here? What was I doing? And why the hell was I doing this? The answer was the same. Pffft, I dunno.

Itsame_Mario · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


"I'm retiring."

A red-haired man said with an expressionless face, he wore a black uniform with red highlights, with his hands being covered with fingerless gloves.

His blue eyes were impassive as he looked at his superior.




That wasn't what he expected, wasn't he one of the best black ops agents? What did he mean by "Good"?

Seeing the questioning look on his face, the older man sighed, putting down the papers in his hands and digging through a pile.

Taking out a folder, he opened it and flipped through some papers before finding what he needed.

"Here is your... Let's say, history. Sixty-four underground organizations, seven big-time criminals, nine pokemon hordes, and a few dozen rescues."

He raised an eyebrow, yes he did all of those but what was the point of telling him that?

"Thanks for the ego boost but what's your point."

The man sighed in exasperation like he was the one not making any sense.

"Kid, you're twenty, you had your whole life ahead of you when you joined at sixteen, I had half a mind to decline your application and send you on your way."

His eyebrow twitched at the bluntness but remained silent and nodded.

"give your signature here, here, and here and get out of here kid... And don't forget to invite me to your wedding when you find the right girl."

Rolling his eyes, he picked up the paper and got to work, he had a new region to go to and his permanent vacation, Galar was nice this time of the year and he wanted to go and relax there, maybe even move to live there permanently.

Anyway, he was done, goodbye black ops, hello normal life!


"Normal life is so boring."

Shadow was not a happy man right now. This plane was so slow! He could fly to Galar in half the time if he traveled with one of his partners.

He looked out the window, only to see clouds...

He really hated planes.


"And... We're here!"

... He felt like an old man wanting to look young, but that was beside the point. Tightening the belts on his backpack, he walked out of the airport only to see a giant map. How damn convenient.

Looking a bit closer, he raised an eyebrow, searching for the name of the town he was in...

Wyndon, and... He was at the top of the map...


Sighing, he took out a Pokeball and threw it up, it snapped open, blue beam escaping from the inside and dropping to the ground. The blue light morphed into a pitch black dog-like creature, yellow circles decorating its body along with a full circle on its forehead.


It looked around before looking up at him and tilting its head curiously.

Kneeling down, he scratched the Umbreon behind its ears, getting a pleased growl.

"We're here bud, we're on vacation, permanently."

It deadpanned at him and he chuckled, yes, he was not unemployed... But he was also rich!

"Why not explore a new region? Make some new friends even?"

Umbreon tilted his head to the other side, his eyes conveying more than any words could.

"Yes, we're going on a journey."

He came prepared, he already had the equipment and was ready to conquer this region just like he did the last three before he joined the Rangers.

He could ride with one of his partners but traveling down the whole region was going to take a long time... He needed a Taxi.

Following the crowd, he walked toward the road and he looked around.

He could see some kind of bird Pokemon with steel covering them and the more familiar Bravery with their trainers standing next to what looked like a steel box.

Shrugging, he walked to the closest one, which was the steel bird.

The man who wore a warm coat with blue pants and strapped-on goggles looked over at him and practically lit up.

"Hello! Are you new to the Galar region?"

Nodding, he didn't pay attention to how he knew that, he did just come from the airport after all.

"Yeah... Could you take me to Postwick?"

The older man tilted his head slightly, before noticing his backpack.

"Ah, so you're a trainer huh? Must have a lot of experience. Very well! You picked a good spot to start my friend, I can get you there!"

Nodding he took off his backpack and placed it inside the giant box and sat down next to it, letting Umbreon perch in his lap and look out from the opening.

"Hang tight, My friend! We're taking off!"

He didn't respond, still taking in the scenery as they did, indeed, take off.

This place was beautiful.

Indeed, he had made a good choice coming here.

His team would like it here, too. It would be a good break from all the fighting, maybe teaching will be relaxing for some of them.


Scratching Umbreons head absently, he wondered about his future team. His current one was more specialized to fight in narrow spaces, though he did have others that were more suited for open-field combat like his Garchomp and Sceptile for a battle of attrition... And if he needed to casually rearrange the environment.

But now, since he left the Black ops, he didn't need to commit mass murder to stop an underground organization so the terrain shall be spared... For now.