
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Matsuorinji and Seno made it to Ryuichi's house)

Ryuichi (opens her house): She's in the backyard, follow me.

(Seno and Matsuorinji follow Ryuichi to The backyard where they see Sorlos' house and looked shocked)

Ryuichi: Sorlos, Seno and Matsuorinji is here.

Sorlos (low volume): Okay, I'm coming.

(Sorlos comes out of the living room and exits the house)

Marsuorinji and Seno (surprised): It's true!

Sorlos (in a low volume): Hi, guys, you want to leave your sleepover bags at Aunt Ryuichi's house? This place is quite big, and might get lost.

Seno: Good point, we wouldn't want to get our stuff lost, mom would kill me.

Matsuorinji: Mine too.

(Matsuorinji and Seno leave their stuff in Ryuichi's house)

(Sorlos helps Matsuorinji and Seno into her house, then closes the door)

Matsuorinji: Wow! I feel like an ant.

Sorlos (in a low volume) (with my tail by her friends): Hop on

(Matsuorinji and Seno hop on Sorlos' tail)

(Sorlos heads upstairs on all fours, leads to her bedroom, and closes the door)

(Sorlos puts Matsuorinji and Seno on her bed)

Seno: This place is too big

Matsuorinji: But, perfect for Sorlos (looks at Sorlos) What's it like to be a giantess?

Sorlos (low volume): It's kinda annoying, but now I'm happy since I can control my powers and I have a big house

(Sorlos turns off the lights, turns on the movie, and sits down)

Matsuorinji (looks at Sorlos): So, which horror movie are you watching?

Sorlos (low volume) (green eyes): The fangs of Silas

Matsuorinji: Isn't that about the ghost of a snake that possesses a girl and hunts all the people that destroyed his home.

Sorlos (low volume): Yup, ready to watch it (eyes turned back to normal)

Matsuorinji (looking a bit scared): Uh, maybe

Sorlos (in a low volume): Great, I'll push play.

(Sorlos pushes the play button)

(Matsuorinji cuddles Sorlos tail)

(Sorlos looks Surprised, then looks at the TV)

(The screen switches to Sorlos, Matsuorinji, and Seno eating popcorn)

Matsuorinji: Don't go in the basement.

Sorlos (low volume): That idiot went into the basement.

Seno: You gotta stop calling white people idiots, I'm feeling insulted.

Sorlos (low volume): Then, make a movie, where the white people don't go in the basement, attic, any haunted house, cemetery, when they know they will die or a ghost will possess them.

Seno(looking determined): Fine, when I get the right equipment I will, it will be my first feature film, a horror movie that revolutionizes the film industry.

Sorlos (low volume): Now that I would love to see, what do you think, Matsuorinji? Matsuorinji?

(Seno and Sorlos see Matsuorinji in the corner, cowering)

Seno (looks at Matsuorinji): What's wrong with you?

(Matsuorinji points to the door)

(Sorlos and Seno look and sees a woman with a ghostly appearance, wearing an old-fashioned dress)

Seno (looking kind of scared): Sorlos, are you doing this?

Sorlos (shaking her head): No, not me

(The woman growls, then the glass breaks)

(Matsuorinji screams)

(Sorlos moves Matsuorinji from the glass)

Sorlos (low volume): Hey, ghost, this is my house, and you are messing it up.

(The ghost girl knocks Sorlos out of the window)

Sorlos (low volume): Oh, I know that ghost didn't knock me out of my own house.

(The ghost woman comes towards Sorlos)

(Sorlos looks at The ghost woman with her green eyes, then bright light hits the ghost woman)

The ghost woman (blinks): What just happened?

(The ghost woman looks at Sorlos)

(Sorlos has white wings and walks slowly to the ghost woman)

The ghost woman: Wait, please don't kill me

Sorlos (low volume): (stops) You speak?

The ghost woman: Whoa! I think your heavenly light did that.

(The ghost woman and Sorlos sees a green light shining from Sorlos house)

Sorlos (shocked) (low volume): Oh no.

The ghost woman: Your powers unlocked our prison.

Sorlos (in low volume): You mean the TV, but there were no ghosts in that movie, wait, the finale.

The ghost woman: Yeah.

(The ghost woman and Sorlos enters the house)

(Sorlos runs upstairs and sees her two friends lying on the floor, looking dead on her floor)

(Sorlos touches Matsuorinji and Seno's neck, she gasps, tears come from her eyes, and put hands on her eyes; she is crying hard)

(The ghost woman opens the door and sees Sorlos)

The ghost woman (gasped): Keichi!

Sorlos (crying): They will pay (eyes turn pure white) I will make them pay

(Sorlos' wings glow, white light glows around the house, also her voice makes the ground shakes)

(The ghosts around the house try to run out, but get caught by a white aura and get vaporized)

(The ghosts go back into the TV)

The ghost woman (calm): You have all them back on the TV, you can calm down

(Sorlos' eyes stop glowing, then the ghost woman enters the TV, and the portal closes)

(The screen switches to Sorlos talking to Ryuichi on one side and the other shows Sorlos talking to Matsuorinji and Seno's parents about what happened and showed it from the tail camera)

(The parents were angry and Sorlos walks away)

(The screen shows Ryuichi reading a note)

Ryuichi (looking worried): Take as much time as you need

(Episode ends with Sorlos in the Himalayas is crying and is covered from snow at night)