

In a world where elves and monsters exist humans are not at the top of the food chain. The strong oppress the weak. Magic is common and violence is rampant. She is Speranza a normal girl of the three realms having a stronger magical bloodline, as well as, her looks being divine, her magical power being stronger than most sorcerers. Enough to label her a genius. Fire red hair just like her temper, untamable, free-spirited and headstrong with a naive touch. A unique outlook of helping the weak people even if it's a one-way feeling He his the underworld general. A dark elf from the abyss. Gone on a mission on the surface to mark and explore key locations. He is ruthless, heartless and has no pity for the weak and would let them die without batting an eyelash. But his blood-red eyes only have her inside them. For her, whether it's angels, demons or dragons he will slaughter who or whatever crosses his path. A certain annoyed girl. "You why are you not doing anything?" A certain blackhearted general. "Because they are worthless." A certain annoyed girl. "Fine, I don't need your help anyway." A certain displeased general grits his teeth and follows the certain annoying girl...

Foxythefox · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
95 Chs

I wanted her

Walking down the hall Arkalat ask a slave to bring beautiful clothes for Speranza, as well as, to send a woman over to help her with dressing up and her bath and that this time if something "special" should be put to the bath he would make sure the person responsible wish he could die…

Under the intimidating aura, the slave dare not to breathe only nodded in repetition before running dashing like fire was caught up his butt.

"Bullying my slaves? Are you this bored? I am pretty sure I can help you find something more interesting to do."

A languid voice rang through the hall that snake prince was standing leaning on a wall lazily arms crossed as he gazed the scene clearly it amused him by the sneer he had on his face.

Arkalat said nothing but walked resolutely toward him and spoke.

"You seriously are more twisted than I had thought, using that poison mix to create that thing. Luckily I had found her back or I swear your brother would not even have a body to barry."

He roared at him grabbing him by his collar.

"What were you thinking?" He continued to berate him angrily.

"That's the drug we give criminals so they have a painful death if man and if woman so that she becomes an armies prostitute until she drops dead, allowing her only to find solace if by miracle she conceives a new soldier or if by a miracle she can tuff it out for a month, then the drug subsidies and recedes. In any case normally before it happens the magic from the individual is turned to trash."

Dravick sneered as he was held by the collar placing his hand over Arkalat's to loosen the grip.

"I did not only give her that mix, there was no way she would not have conceived on the first night. Since I did not know she was yours, to begin with, I had intended to use a pregnancy trap on her. After all, what can a helpless girl do once she is with child?

Wile the humans, in general, do not throw rocks here at girls for being alone travelling but it still hard for a single girl, let alone one that has a child in tow. It was a near perfect plan if it was not for the fact she was your woman. I really need to tank my hydra for having a brain fart."

He said with derision and mockery as he explained what he had planned to do with Speranza.

Hearing this Arkalat felt, even more, the need to punch the bastard that sneered at his face.

"Twisted bastard."

Letting him go with a heavy push Dravick ended on his sorry behind. "This morning I realized that half her powers were gone" he grit his teeth as he snarled at Dravick.

"Lucky It can be recovered in time or I would scrap half yours away as compensation but since she will recover." He stopped speaking halfway and sent around kick to the pit of his stomach bending Dravick into cutting his oxygen straight up.

Coughing at the powerful kick that had taken his breath away he looked up at the most feared general of the abyss. He was lucky it seems the general was giving his brother some face if not he would be dead.

Not just severely wounded by just a kick… This internal wound would take months to heal. But he could not complain he was getting off lightly, after all, he too would kill the bastard that would try to take his woman away.

Clutching his guts and stomach, he walked away after looking at the dark elf leave truly he got off lightly. Thinking of that little redhead girl he sighted pity she was that lunatic's woman if it was anyone else he would pursue and would have snatched her away but he was not suicidal. But nothing stopped him from "following and observing" a good show.

After all, a girl that could tame that lunatic war thirsty general was anything but normal. It would be interesting to follow them.

After all, he could use the pretext of the mission to follow thinking such he made a devious sneer…


In the meantime, Speranza finally sat up as two maids entered the chamber they had friendly but knowing smiles on their faces. "Miss, please let these one help the young lady get to the bath then we will help mi-lady get dressed."

Speranza did not make things difficult for the slaves she let them help her get to the bath while cursing a certain dark elf to suffer for being a beast in "human" shape.

Did he have to toss her around so much that she can barely take a step?

Next time she swears if he tries to toss her and tumble her around like this she will go on a strike…

The maids busied like bees around her washing her hair using a quality product for her kin. Then helped her dry and get dressed.

Again it was harem style puffy pants but there was a twist to them the outside side was open and revealed her beautiful legs from the hip to the ankle with a tightly adjusted hip belt that dangled down with jewels creating a half skirt half belt effect.

The bust was even more daring than the last this time it was a necklace that had long cascading strips weaved in a mesh of gold held closely enough to cover yet far enough to let some skin of her breast show while the top of the hills was covered cleverly by tighter mesh not letting it peek through.

The lower part of it descended in an inverted triangle as the longest strips fell down all the way to her navel. The bust was held at the back by a small chain so it would not move from its position as she moved.

Two delicate wristbands made of gold embedded with five rubies going around her wrist completing the look was a gold tiara with jasmine flower pattern with rubies decorating it as the heart of the flowers the mid back length not to impact nor to transparent scarf tied to it complimented giving that mysterious beauty feeling.

The shoe was a simple flat golden coloured shoe adorned of a large ruby. The cloth set was of a deep red colour the details and accessories mostly of a gold shade the two contrasting each other made it look like a beautiful painting.

Thanks for the support here's another dose of our, lovely girl and stupid elf.

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