
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


 The backyard of the school to the right were shooters practice,on today agenda they were doing 1 v 1 match up.Edna was so excited which showed as she had a bright smile on her face,She got there but no one noticed her presence because a fight was currently going on.She moved closer to see the participants and said a cute, innocent looking girl little cute elf ears and light blue hair and light blue pupil in her eyes 

"I've seen her before"Edna said thinking hard until she finally remembered

"Oh Elisa from my class(Edna paused) I wonder who's she's fighting"Edna said an moved closer a saw the cute Elisa opponent A girl in blonde hair and golden brown eyes.

"That girl is hot"Edna said as she stared at the girl with a shocked look on her face

"Buuuuuut Elisa is so much cutter"Edna said with a smile on her face as she watched the fight

Elisa put her two hands together infront of her and a light green glow was emmiting from her front and then a tornado alot taller than her appeared in front of her and went straight for her opponent.Her opponent jumped to the side dogding it, but the gist of wind from the tornado almost throwing her off balance and about to fall.

 "Sorry"Elisa yelled

 "Uhhh she even has good manners just like me"Edna said to herself as she smiled.

 "Go Elisa"Edna yelled.

 Just then her opponent apppeared out of no where directly infront of Elisa who had a shocked look on her face 


An uppercut to Elisa causes her to start to loose her balance,her opponent did not waste time in using it to her advantage.She boosted towards the turmbling Elisa,and as Elisa was about to fall forward her opponent stretched her hand forward and an energy sphere appeared in front of Elisa and she immediately jumped over Elisa.

 Immediately Elisa hit the sphere it caused a small but painful explosion.

 "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh"Elisa yelled in pain

The explosion caused her to move backwards holding her chest with her both hand in pain.There was explosion awaiting her from behind as she moved backwards,and there was another explosion.there was a crowd of people doing the same curriculum where watching the fight,Elisa opponent walkedtowards Elisa who was on the ground struggling to get up.

" I give up" Elisa said

Thier instructor who available at the moment so he could not call of the fight.

Her opponent used another sphere on her as she was on the floor. The explosion was more than before.

 Elisa was on the ground struggling to speak

"I... gi.....ve....u.....p"

her opponent then laughing out loud

"Wait what was that I didn't really get that"Elisa opponent said as she raised her leg and place it on Elisa head.

Everyone one began cheering Elisa opponent name


 "That's our storm" storms friend who were all girls all said in unison.All this enraged Edna a she couldn't control her emotions any longer and ran into the ring which caused total silence as the crowd saw Edna going to Elisa.

 "How could you be so cruel to do this to such an innocent looking girl"Edna yelled as she helped Elisa uptown her feet 

"It's *cough*cough*okay"Elisa siad.

"Who are y......"Storm yelled and paused recognizing Edna

"You are one of those ordinary"Storm siad in shock

"Yes"Edna said with a cute grown on her face, and as she did murmurs began to pop up.

"Listen kid this is a school where only the best of the best can become the greatest and as for weaklings such as you and that girl are not allowed"Storm said with pride in her voice

"I have no problem with an ordinary in this school but 3 is a nightmare"Storm said

"You are a heartless"Edna said with a frustrated tone in her voice

"Oh yeah,and what are you going to do about it"story said turning around assive about to leave

"Fight me ?"Storm asked with a devious and devilish tone in her voice.