
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

CHAPTER 23: Treat me differently

(in the classroom with everyone in the class including Album was seated) 

"for today's field practice you'll all be separated into groups of 4 in number" Miss grey said in a strict tone. 

"And I hope you all have all what yoU need" Miss grey said 

"yes sensei" they all said in unison. 

And the class scattered in matters of minute to try to pick teamates for themselves.Amelia was seared on her own with Aisha by her side as she suddenly heard

"Amelia can i join your team" a girl in dark hair said as she got to their seat. Then another girl joined them saying 

"Amelia I would like to join your team" Another said 

The first girl turned to the other girl,

"Can't you see I was here first" She yelled

"you are not worthy of joining Amelia rose" The second girl said with a prideful on her face. 

Aisha smiled and looked at both of them 

"I'm Amelia friend so I get to decide who joins get or not" Aisha said and the 2 of them gave her a glance and calmed down to give Aisha respect.

Amelia on the other hand was not paying attention to them but was looking out for Ray and when he will invite her to join his team. 

Rat stood up and went to Elisa seat, she used the goody to cover the upper portion ofher face assive she was shy around people.

"you seem not to have found a team yet" Ray said in a low tone on getting to her seat.

"I not sure if they would want someone like me on their team" Elisa said in her cute voice.

" don't say that" Ray said in a stern voice also keeping his voice low. 

" I would want to have you in my team" Ray said to her

"Really "Elisa said with her face brightening up. 

" What is a team without Elisa"Rays whispered to her on her ears and she gave a smile on hearing his words.

Casel came to join them there 

"Hope my space haven't been taken " Casel said jokingly as he got to them. 

"yours never "Ray said and both of them shaked each others hand.

"so what about our last member " Elisa said standing up from her seat. 

" Haven't though that far ahead yet"Ray said raising his hand to his chin as he went into his thoughts.


Amelia watched them as Ray whispered things to Elisa which she could no hear and Casey who just appeared out of nowhere to join them. 

She turned her head back to Aisha and lots of girls were already lined up just to join her team, she just wished to live normal like everyone else and not live like she superior just because of she bears the Rose family name. 

She then looked at her friend Aisha,

"You wanna join Amelia group" She said and pointed at a girl. 

"you" she said pointing at a girl

"we don't need you"Aisha said and the girl walked away with a sad look on her face. 

" We don't need weaklings in the high and mighty Amelia Rose group "Aisha yelled at the girls. 

" The one time where I get this feeling is when I'm with them" She said turning away from her seat partner to face Ray,Casel and Elisa who were smiling and laughing as Ray was still thinking. 

" I can't let this slip from my grasp" Amelia said to herself 

" they treat me differently from the way others treat me" Amelia said to her self

" when I'm around other people it's just feels like can't afford to mess up and I try and go extra miles which frightens me alot" Amelia said inwardly 

" But when I'm around them,even if I mess up a hundred or a thousand times over I'll just be fine and not care about it" She said to herself as she stared at them. 

" I can't let this go" Amelia said and stood up from her seat which caught Aisha and even the girls by surprise.

She walked towards Ray, Elisa and casel, 

"Have any open spot for me" Amelia said which caught everyone in the class by complete surprise as Amelia Rose was joining an Ordinaries group. 

" For you always " Ray said with a smile on her face. 

The scene Aisha just witnessed scar'd her as all the girls she was recruiting began to slowly walk away from her and she was left with no-one. 

Miss grey satisfiedwhich what she saw noticed Louisa, Edna,koska and Zerav. Were going to team up she did not allow and she separated them Into 4 different groups.