
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasi
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 22: Meeting LiLy

Thank you"Ray said as he stood up, bowed his head and walked out of her office. Immediately he left, true smile on Miss grey face became wider and more intense and revealed a devilish grin as she watched him leave. 

Ray left Miss grey office with a smile on his face as he went into thought

"I'm really lucky to have such amazing friends and teachers" Ray said as he turned left to another hallway.

"Life seems to be smiling at me so I should always keep smiling " Rays said inwardly to himself. 

 As he took a turn to his left, a girl who seems to be in a hurry collided with him,. She was shorter than him so her face hit his chest. 

'Don't you watch where you are going " She yelled immediately backing away From Ray. Snapping Ray out if his thought and look down to see the girl, very beautiful and cute lil, golden haired girl before him wearing the school uniform with the short ash skirt.

"I'm sorry but I wasn't really the one in a hurry " Ray said looking down at her as he gazed upon her admiring her beauty. 

" what are you staring at" the girl asked seeing Ray staring at her. 

"you are really beautiful with your pig tails" Ray said making her fair white cheeks turn red with blush.

" you noticed my pig tails you sure no where to look" the girl said to Ray with excitement Blooming on her face. 

"My name is Ray white" Ray said. Her eyes widened 

"you are one of those ordinary " she aid pointing at him. Ray lowered her hand from pointing at him. 

"Beautiful and smart" Ray said making her to blush even more and it showed on her face. 

"What's you your name" Ray asked in a calm, comforting tone. 

" lily clear from the Cleve royal family"she said. 

"Cleve?l Rays asked 

"No wonder your so gorgeous " Ray said and she began to blush even more and the pink colour on her cheek intensified. 

"why thank you" Lily said smiling at Ray.

"weren't you in a hurry MIiss lily?" Ray asked and immediately the girl named Lily eyes shot wide open in shock. 

"wait that true "she yelled and quickly began to run rapidly to her destination. 

"see you some other time" Limit yelled to Ray as she hurried away.