
Chapter 13

“You’d better go, your highness. Before they batter the door down.”

Benedict blinked and wiped at his eyes, throwing his arms around Warin’s neck and holding tight. “God speed wherever you go, Warin.”

Warin felt the prick of tears in his own eyes, but pushed them brutally away. He would not give in. “Good journey to you, Benedict.”

He gently disengaged Benedict’s arms and turned him toward the doors.

Benedict hesitated but a moment, but did not protest further. He opened the doors and stepped through to the waiting riders.

Jonas came up then and closed the entrance. “We should get moving ourselves, Sorcerer.”

“In a moment.”

Warin moved to the window a few feet away that was hardly more than enough for an arrow to pass through, but by placing his eye directly on the opening he could see the riders.

A large muscular man, mayhap a few years older than