
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

chapter 7

I'm really possessive especially to things that matters to me most and right now my chocolate beauty is my top priority.

Parker's P.O.V

"We're here boss" Chase informed me bringing me out of my caveman's thought. He quickly got out of the driver's side and opened the door holding it opened up for me.

I stepped out of the car and made my way inside the building receiving many GOOD MORNING SIR from my employees and as usual I gave a brief nod in response to their greetings not caring to make eye contacts with any of them.

I made my way to my private elevator, clicked on my office floor and in no time the elevator started moving up towards my office floor.

As soon as I heard the ping sound of the elevator indicating that it has stopped, I made my way out into my office not bothering to acknowledge the receptionist that has been making effort to seduce me.

She thinks I haven't noticed her intentions but I know a green light when I see or feel one.

After reaching the entrance of my office, I opened the door and that's when I saw those beautiful long legs, that familiar dark brown almost black hair and medium sized butt again.

Wow.. Who knew I'll be seeing her again this soon and to top it all, she is in charge of cleaning my office, this can't get any better.

I noticed she hasn't noticed my presence as she is too engrossed in cleaning up my office.

I've never met her in here before as my office has always been cleaned before I arrive.

I guess that was why she was running like she is being pursued because she was already late for work.

"No fucking way, my Angel can't be a cleaner; I really need to do something about it" I thought to myself because I need my Angel with me at all times.

And that's when I saw her turn with her head faced downwards looking at my feet, slowing bringing her head up from her shocked reaction.

When her eyes met mine, I could see the fear in them and that made me feel annoyed; why will my Angel be scared of me?

"What are you doing in here?" I asked her gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw in annoyance, my angel should have no reason to b scared of me.

I could see she was still in shock and lost in thought as she wasn't able to answer me.

"What's going on in that head of yours MI AMOR?" I thought to myself and I guess she thought I was gonna fire her as I'm not one to have mercy on any of my employees.

"I'm sorry" she breathed out looking downwards and tried to move from her frightened state to leave my presence because I can see clearly that I'm making her uncomfortable.

As she was trying to run out, she tripped over the broom that was on the floor.

She closed her eyes as she was expecting to fall hard but I immediately caught her before she could land on her butt.

After some few seconds, she opened her eyes and I was immediately met with her light brown eyes.

We stared at each other like no one but us alone was around. I could feel my dick getting hard at merely looking at her eyes and holding her waist.

I could see her full pink lips.. Oh.. What those lips could do around my cock... Shit, I really need to get back my senses before I lose control and take her right here.

I cleared my throat to regain my senses and that also brought her back to her senses as she was clearly checking me out.

She immediately stepped out of my hold and looked down in embarrassment muttering a quick sorry under her breath before running out of my office.

Wow... that was intense. I adjusted my dick and brought out my phone.

"I'm gonna send you a picture right now, make sure you find out everything about her, down to her favorite color of nail polish" I said to the person on the other line and immediately hung up not waiting for his response.

I went to take my seat as I dig into my work but of course I wasn't able to do anything as my mind was full of my Angel's thought.

"Where the fuck is my damn P.A?" I said as I ran my hand over my hair feeling frustrated. I guess it's time I fire her since she proves not to be efficient after all.

Then an idea popped into my head. I could fire Clara and employ my Angel as my P.A so that I can have her around me at all times. Good, that's what I'm gonna do.

The ringing sound of my phone brought me out in the middle of my plan "what?, it better be good" I barked at him.

"It's all good boss, I already sent all the details I can find about her to your email" James said through the phone.

"Good" I replied him shortly as I can't wait to find out about my Angel. I immediately hung up and check the email that was sent to me by James.

I clicked on it and I saw everything about her, not much was there to know about her though.

Name - Sophia Knight,  height 5.5, orphan, favorite color - Blue, "hmm...that's the color of my eyes" I thought to myself as I went through the information.

Not much was said about her but I'll make sure to know everything about her as she will be mine FOREVER.

After closing the email, I tried to do some work even though it was not easy as my Angel's image was all over my head.

After five hours I looked at my wrist watch and decided to get lunch as my good for nothing P.A haven't showed up for work today.

Maybe I should have lunch with my Angel, I took my phone from the table and gave the security officer a call and after the first ring, he answered his phone.

"Good afternoon sir", I didn't bother responding his greeting as I'm already feeling impatient to be with my Angel.

"There's a certain Sophia Knight that works as a cleaner in this building, I cringed at the use of the word cleaner to describe my Angel. I want to know where she is right now" I instructed him through the phone.

"OK sir, just give me a minute" he replied. I hung up and started tapping my fingers on my table waiting impatiently.

After some minutes that felt like hours, my phone rang and I immediately picked up without checking the caller's ID.

"Yes tell me" I said with anxiousness in my voice.

"It's not long she left the building sir, she went to the dinner across the building sir" my security officer informed me.

I muttered a quick thanks to him before hanging up the call and immediately called my two personal bodyguards to meet me outside the building.

I straightened up my tie and quickly ran a hand through my hair feeling nervous. I'm not one to feel nervous but when it comes to my Angel, I can be anything for her.

I quickly exited my office and made my way to the elevator. After clicking on the last floor, I rubbed my palms together as they're sweaty from my nervousness.

I tried to calm myself down from the anxiety that I'm feeling. The elevator stopped and the door opened, I moved out of the elevator towards the entrance of the building where I saw the two bodyguards already waiting for me.

"Boss" they both acknowledged me with a brief nod.

Since the dinner is across the street, there's no need to take my car.

We made our way across the street to the dinner. As soon as I opened the door to the dinner, the bell above me rang indicating my presence and everywhere became silent.

Not caring to ponder about the people that their jaws are practically on the ground, I skimmed my eyes through the dinner looking for my Angel.

My eyes passed her a bit but I slowly turned my head back to her and there she was looking at me with her mouth and eyes wide opened as I made my way towards her table.

I noticed she has some company, I guess they are the two friends I saw their names on the information about Sophia this morning Lara and Blake.

I walked towards their table with calculated step and once I got in front of her. I was relieved that they still have an empty seat.

"May I sit?" I asked looking into her face. She just replied with a nod indicating for me to sit.

I chuckled as I take my seat "Use your words next time miss Sophia" still looking into her eyes.

After some few minutes, "what is he doing here?" I hear her say. I am sure it wasn't meant for me to hear but I just can't help but chuckle at her.

"You're wondering what I'm doing here". I just want to eat or I'm I not allowed to eat again?" I asked her

"No s-sir, I d-didn't mean it that way" she stuttered.

At least I know the effects I have on her, if only she knew the effects she has on me also.

I nodded to one of my bodyguards and told him to get a waiter or a waitress for me. A server should have come by now anyways.

The bodyguard immediately went and got a waitress for me. "So won't you introduce me to your..ummm... friends?" I asked her unsure of how to place Lara and Blake.

"Ummm... Yeah... Sure... Meet Lara and Blake" she gestured with her index finger pointing to both Lara and Blake.

"They are my friends. Blake and Lara, meet Mr Parker, my boss and the CEO of Parker industries" she says introducing us to each other.

"Nice meeting you Mr Parker" Lara said and i nodded my head towards her as an acknowledgement.

"Nice meeting you", Blake said shaking my hand and I gave him a brief nod also just like I did to Lara.

My bodyguard returned with a waitress whose whole body was already shaking out of nervousness and I wonder why.

"What would you like to eat Mr Parker" the waitress asked me with her best professional stance.

"Just get me chicken wings and a diet coke" I replied her.

"Anything else, Mr Parker?" the waitress asked me again. "Nothing else" I replied her blankly.

Not too long, the waitress brought my order and placed it in front of me. "Enjoy your meal sir" she said and scurried away without even waiting for my response, not that I wanted to reply her anyways.

My eyes were on her the whole time I ate. I noticed my gaze is making her feel uncomfortable as she squirmed in her seat.

I finished my lunch and stood up making my chair drag backwards and said the most sweetest thing I could think of.

"It's nice having lunch with you MY CHOCOLATE BEAUTY" I said before leaving with a little smile on my face.

MI AMOR - my love

This is what has been going on in Parker's head. I hope to see more of you contribution and support. Thank you very much. I love you all.
