
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · perkotaan
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19 Chs

chapter 2

Sophia's P.O.V

Shit... I'm literally done for

I was glued to my spot and couldn't move. It's as if my legs no longer work. I gulped and tried breathing out through my mouth because I can't even seems to take in air.

How in God's name did I get myself into this mess? I know for sure I'm getting fired because no one does his or her job wrongly and still remained in this Parker's building.

He practically fires his staff on a daily basis. I started biting my finger nails in nervousness because I didn't know what to say.

I was still lost in my thoughts when his voice brought me back to earth because I know I was already on planet Mars "what are you doing in here? " he gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.

My mind still didn't register that he was asking me a question. I only heard his voice but I didn't register his question in this dumb brain of mine.

I have always wanted to go to the planet Mars, I'm glad I'm able to make the journey today. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm here in front of Parker King, ready to be fired and I still have the time to being sarcastic to myself.

I guess this brain of mine doesn't know what to do at the right time. It's supposed to give me ideas on how to escape being fired, but no; it's giving me a trip to Mars. I just hope he won't fire me.

Haha... Who I'm I kidding? He's really going to fire me. I can just apologize to him and walk out myself before he has the pleasure of firing me.

I didn't know what to say but no one can blame me either, my mouth and brain literally stopped working minutes ago. " I'm sorry" I breathed out still looking downwards. I tried to move from my frightened state to leave his presence.

Mr Parker just staring at me like I'm his prey that he has caged can make me pass out at any minute from fear of the unknown.

I scurried out of his office but no; it's as if the universe has decided to turn against me today. I tripped on the broom that was lying on the marble floor.

Yeah.. Great..I was expecting to land with my average sized butt closing my eyes, but I didn't hear the sound of my butt hitting the floor.

I slowly opened my eyes to see what was keeping me still on my foot and I was immediately met with his beautiful eyes.

His eyes are blue in colour making me suddenly remember my favorite place in the world to be which is near the ocean.His beautiful blue eyes were starring into my chocolate brown ones.

Looking at him up close, his face really looked familiar, like I've met him before. His hair is cut really low on each side of his head leaving the middle to be a little fuller.

He cleared his throat and that brought me back to my senses. I hurriedly stepped out of his hands on my waist looking down in embarrassment.

I still can't believe I was checking my boss out when I can be fired anytime. I muttered a sorry under my breath which I could barely hear myself and finally running out of his office not thinking to look back.

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding outside his office in front of this bitch of a receptionist.

Ever since I started working here, she has been the most nicest person to me *note the sarcasm*...Fuck.. I forgot the cleaning materials. I guess that's not my concern anymore since I might stop working today.

I'll just keep my fingers crossed. Jersey looked up at me eyeing me with a face that read victory. "what happened?" she asked through her perfectly painted lips.

When you look at her up close, one could see that she is a really beautiful woman. She has a slightly freckled face and bold grey eyes.

Too bad she's only beautiful facially and not beautiful in character and attitude. Was she like that with everyone or she just choose to behave like that towards me alone? I wonder.

I shrugged my shoulders in response not really caring to answer her question and left her presence walking to the janitors closet. I made my steps a little faster not wanting to go into detail of how I had a panic attack in the boss office.


The day went by as usual. I did some more cleaning and running some errands for random people that works in this building.

There are so many bossy staffs around here that could even send you the grab the pen that's in front of their desk for them, But there's nothing I can do about it.

If I really want to keep working here, I need to suck in my pride and the little dignity I have left.

Yeah, it turns out the boss didn't call me up or asked one of the high ranked staff to fire me. I must really be lucky this time.

I really hope and pray I don't come to work late again. Moreover, facing Mr Parker has drained the little energy I have left.

Facing him again will surely render me lifeless. By the time I was done, it was time for lunch. I have been looking forward to lunch all morning. Waking up late made me miss the little breakfast I could have had.

I took out my phone to call my friends Lara and Blake because I was already missing them. It has been a while we hung out together.

They both helped me through my hardship. When I first came to this city, I knew no one.

I didn't want to accept their help at first but I was all alone. I was all alone trying to survive until I met Lara who's also sister to Blake.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. See y'all soon