
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · perkotaan
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19 Chs

chapter 15

God...that smile again. It is at this moment I know that I'm lost forever in his smile and I don't wanna be found.

Sophia's P. O. V

It's been 2 weeks now. Two weeks of working with Parker as his P.A , two weeks of living with him and fucking weeks of having to share my space and time with Parker, two weeks of hell and frustration.

Yeah,.. Hell... Cause I have to deal with Jersey's anger and jealousy, like it's by my own doing I became Parker's P.A . Parker doesn't make working with him easier for me either.

He always make sure to hold my hand anywhere we're going thereby gaining both confused and killing stares from the other workers in the building and he doesn't even care about that.

He always wants to know my whereabouts to the extent that he doesn't mind following me to the bathroom.

OK, scratch that; that's an exaggeration but that's how worse it is with him.

"Sophia"? I heard him call my name as I was working on a proposal that must be submitted to him at the end of today. And knowing Parker, he doesn't like anything being delayed or lateness in general.

"Yes" I answered him as I take my eyes off the laptop screen. "Are you done with the proposal"? I heard him ask.

Huh... Is he trying to fuck with me this morning? I've barely even started working on it and he's already asking for it?

I sighed internally and rubbed my temples with my index and third finger.

"No Parker, I'm not done with the proposal and I don't think I'll be done with it until the end of today" I replied him as calmly as I could cause I'm over frustrated right now.

"Leave it for now, it's not that important. I have a much more important job for you to do" he said folding his hands on the beautiful mahogany table in front of him.

"And what is that sir"? I asked him with a calm voice.

"I want you to go home now and start preparing cause we have a very important dinner meeting tonight with an influential business man and I wouldn't want my P.A looking shabby in his eyes if you understand what I'm saying" he finished saying.

I gave him a confused look cause I'm the one to schedule his meetings and I don't remember scheduling this particular one.

"What is the name of the business man and what time was the meeting scheduled because I don't remember that being in your scheduled meetings for today" I asked him.

"Well, he is a very busy and private person. I just received a personal mail from him notifying me he will be flying in to the country today and wants to meet this night because he'll be flying back as early as possible tomorrow morning" he finished explaining.

All I could mutter was Ohhhh...

"Chase will drive you to the mall to get you the things you'll need" he said bringing out his cell phone to call Chase leaving no room for me to respond.

I started packing my stuffs into my hand bag and tidying up my table.

" I'll be home by 7pm to pick you up and remember, no lateness" he reminded me as usual.

"Yeah...yeah...I get" I replied him simply. "Good..,see you in...he checked his Rolex wrist watch for the time, yeah see you in seven hours. That should be enough time for you to get ready" he informed me.

I waved him a bye and left the office and as usual, I ignored Jersey's killer stares.

I don't even have the strength and time to argue with her this morning but it's like she isn't just gonna let me go like that.

"And where are you going bit**" I heard her snickered. I just gave her a deaf ear as I didn't wanna cause a scene.

By the time I got out of the elevator and left the building, I already saw Chase waiting for me with the back seat door opened. I gave him a nod and a small smile in appreciation and with that, he drove off.

Parker's P. O. V

As soon as she left the office, I let out a breath I've been holding since I saw her this morning.

She wore a black pencil skirt with a fitted blouse that showed all her curves. Damn it.., this woman is gonna be the death of me.

I was tempted to just take her in the living room this morning but I had to control Parker junior and myself.

When we got to the office, I couldn't concentrate on my work. Images of her being under me was just flashing through my mind making me all sweaty in the air conditioned room.

Then an idea popped up in my head.

Sophia? I called her to gain her attention. "Yes"? She answered taking her eyes of the laptop screen.

"Are you done with the proposal"? I asked her knowing she just started working on it but I just can't help but taunt her a little.

I don't even wanna know what's going on in her mind right now. I smiled inwardly when I saw the frustration on her face.

She rubbed her temples and replied me as calm as she could "No Parker, I'm not done with the proposal and I don't think I'll be done with it until the end of today".

"Leave it for now, it's not that important. I have a much more important job for you to do" I said folding my hands on the mahogany table in front of me.

"And what is that sir"? She asked in a calm and sweet voice.

"I want you to go home now and start preparing cause we have a very important dinner meeting tonight with an influential business man and I wouldn't want my P.A looking shabby in his eyes if you understand what I'm saying" I replied her.

I could see the confusion in her eyes. Since she's the one in charge of scheduling my meetings, her not knowing about this particular meeting is looking strange to her.

"What is the name of the business man and what time was the meeting scheduled because I don't remember that being in your scheduled meetings for today" she asked me with a confused and innocent look making her look cute.

Parker junior, behave yourself down there, you don't wanna embarrass us right now or do you? I scolded in my head as I can feel it already getting excited again.

I came up with the best lie I could think of "Well, he is a very busy and private person. I just received a personal mail from him notifying me he will be flying in to the country today and wants to meet this night because he'll be flying back as early as possible tomorrow morning" I explained to her.

I could see that she already believed it and that made me sigh in content.

Then I continued with the plan in my head "Chase will drive you to the mall to get you the things you'll need" I informed her grabbing my phone to call Chase.

" I'll be home by 7pm to pick you up and remember, no lateness" I reminded her to make it look more official.

"Yeah...yeah...I get" she replied in a already frustrated tone. "Good..,see you in...I checked my Rolex wrist watch for the time, yeah see you in seven hours. That should be enough time for you to get ready" I informed her.

She waved me a bye and left the office. I let out a loud breath. Wow...that was interesting.

I picked up my phone and texted Chase the mall and other instructions on what to do with my angel. Also made a reservation at once at a place I know she'll like for sure.

I can't wait to see how beautiful you'll look tonight my Angel. Just you and I together, basking in the euphoria of your beauty.