
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

chapter 13

We stared at each other for what felt like hours but only lasted a minute before breaking out of my daze.

" Mr. Par---si---" why the hell I'm I stuttering again?? This is what you get for looking into his eyes, my subconscious who doesn't care about spilling the truth bluntly reminded me.

I cleared my throat because my voice sounds like a cat that it's fur has been soaked in the rain for days. " How would you like your coffee to be made sir?

I asked him with a clearer voice and a straight face this time trying to keep my cool.

Wow girl; there you go, let's see how long you can keep your cool, my subconscious tells me again.

I think I need to put a leash on my subconscious, she's way too nosey and blunt. I take after you or have you forgotten how you use to be? my subconscious reminded me again.

Agggrrrr... I think I'm really gonna go crazy if she doesn't shut the hell up. "Make it according to your own taste" Parker said nonchalantly.

Wait...what?...Did I hear him right or it's just my mind playing tricks with me again? Hahaha... I laughed mentally...it's either I'm going crazy or I've started having hearing problems.

" What? " I asked again just to be sure I heard him correctly. "I said make it according to your own taste Miss Sophia" he said looking at me blankly but I can his his lips twitching like he is trying to hold a laugh.

"You jerk" I cursed and stomped my feet inwardly. This man deserves to be beaten some sense into.

I slightly nod in response, slowly turned around and moved out the door. Now I'm really really really convinced that he is doing this to torture me purposely.

How will I make the coffee according to my taste. I am someone that loves sugar a lot. I stopped in front of Jersey to ask her but knowing her, it's either she doesn't reply or she will purposely give me the wrong answer.

I shook my head muttering never mind before leaving her presence. I got to the mini kitchen and brought out the coffee ingredients.

Does he like instant coffee or freshly brewed one? Does he like a lot of sugar just like I do? Agggrrrr... I stomped my feet on the ground in annoyance why is making coffee so hard?

I decided to brew a fresh coffee added only two cubes of sugar and a minimal cream. I sure hope he likes it and doesn't pour it on my face.

I made sure it's not too hot or cold just in case he decides to go with the second option of pouring it on me, I don't wanna talk any chances.

I made my way back to his office or should I say our office, gently holding the mug. I gave a knock before going in not wanting to be rude.

"This is your coffee sir" I told him slowly placing the cup on his table. He took the cup in his hands and took a sip.

I waited for his reaction to be that of a volcano erupting but he did the opposite and smiled at me. He smiled, he actually smiled at me... he freaking smiled at me I mentally did a victory dance.

"It's really good..I guess you must have a great taste" he complimented me with the smile still on his face. His smile brightens his face making his beautiful blue eyes sparkle like the sun shining on the waters of the ocean.

What I will do to see that beautiful smile again... wow wow girl...calm your horses down..where is this coming from? my good yet wicked subconscious tells me.

"From now on, Miss Knight, only you will make my coffee..only you and no one else" he said looking straight into my eyes with the smile disappearing.

I could tell with the seriousness in his voice and his eyes that he really meant what he said. I gulped down nodding my head in response and muttering a low yes sir.

"And one more thing SOPHIA, do not address me as SIR again either in the work premises or at home.

You can only address me as Parker and nothing else, are we clear? " he said with the same seriousness in his voice " yes Parker" I replied.

I noticed how he also called me Sophia, I guess we are on the first name basis now. I went back to my work space and starts the work for the day.

I rubbed my temples in frustration sighing deeply, gosh this is really really gonna be a one hell of a work.


Finally, it's lunch break after so many hours of sorting out files and replying emails. It's time to stretch my legs and my now stiffened neck.

I stood up from my seat slightly pushing the chair backwards and adjusted my skirts. Just as I took my purse and made my way towards Mr Parker, he stood up from his seat abruptly and grabbed his suit jacket and his cell phone.

"Lead the way Sophia" he said in a commanding tone like I'm supposed to know where the fuck we are going to. Does he even know it's now my lunch break?

Anyways, I lead the way passing by Jersey without a single glance at her.

I moved towards the general elevator but Mr Parker grabbed my wrist and lead me to his private elevator. Now I have to share the elevator with him too? Are you fucking kidding me? Oh...yeah...right, I do.

He made it clear to me this morning. He clicked the button of the elevator to the last floor while still holding my wrist.

Throughout the elevator ride, he didn't leave my wrist just like he held my wrist this morning and I had to clamp my mouth shut because of my nervousness.

What made the situation worse is that the elevator is transparent making people see our jointed hands as we move down.

When we stepped out of the elevator, all eyes were on us and mostly on his hand holding my wrist.

What the hell is wrong with this man? Why won't he just leave my hand? "Maybe he likes you " my pervy subconscious said. I shook my head to clear the pervy thoughts out of my head.