


/"Seize her./"

He says snapping me out of my thoughts as two men pulls me off him. He groans rubbing his neck, taking his hand away he finds out blood stains it. I grin watching his bloody neck from a little cut I inflicted. He walks up to me gripping my neck in a chokehold, I meet his glare with one of my own a pleasing smirk plastered on my face. Seeing I wasn't flinching or backing my stare away, he growls releasing my neck fishing a kerchief out of his pocket placing it on the spot to stop the bleeding.

Letting out a laugh his men yanks me back. /"Let me go./" I bark at them.

/"Get her ready and have her by the car in an hour's time. We are leaving./" I begin to struggle.

/"Yes boss./" They reply in unison.

/"You can do this the easy way or the hard way but either way works for me./" That wasn't my concern, I need to know what he meant by saying bye bye to mummy dearest forever. I swear to God, if he has her the more painful and excruciatingly slow his death will be.

The thought of her been alive had my heart thumping in excitement. I will see her again, watch her smile, tell her how much I have missed her, that she will soon be a grandma and I fell in love with a Russian who is my beast because I found no prince charming in him. My heart rumbles in excitement picturing her hearty laugh as I tell her Elijah and I's crazy life.

/"Where is my mother? What have you done to her you sick bastard?/" He chuckles.

/"Don't dwell much on that Sonia. I killed her myself. I save the best for the last letting her watch every single one she loves die before her eyes and after it all I killed her myself./"

/"You lied?/" Tears gather in my eyes but I dare not let it spill. Shrugging, he left for the door.

/"You have to seize your moment when it comes. I know it will take a nanosecond to slice my throat so I thought of the best means of escape and family means a lot to you right? The human body is like a psych lane, just hit pressure on a triggered nerve and it immediately reacts. Like you just did/" He mocks me. I want him dead glaring daggers at him.

/"Take her./" Closing the door behind him.


Sitting in a quaint little restaurant had me wishing it is Elijah I'm here with and not this crazed man. /"Eat or don't you like your food?/"

/"Oh I do like the food just not the person I eat with. Makes me want to baff./" A brow raise up watching me in observation. My long curls fell past my shoulders to my waist with my eyes watching his gaze rake over my flowery plunging neckline dress.

/"You will have to get use to me sooner or later seeing that I have the fate to decide if that baby get to live or not./" My breath hitches in my throat at his threat.

/"Why?/" I blurted out.

/"Why what?/" His brows furrows in confusion.

/"Why are you doing this? Revenge; because if so you killed my family; now what more do you want. The mafia? Our people will never follow you, I'm sure you have realized that./"

/"That I did which is why I diverse the strategy to marry you. If I'm married to a Vatore and the last heir they will have no option but to accept me./" Over my dead body will I marry him or let him taint the Italian mafia with his wickedness. /"For years I tolerated the attention your father got from the people, and then he took my woman from me. You should see the way he was worshipped. They love him. She love him. Wrong choice for her, all of them./"

/"Pa was loved because he did good, he was never unjust in his affairs and Ma love him because he made her feel special. Not the one who made mockery of her by sleeping with other women./"

/"She was mine first!/" He yells bringing eyes to our table. I smile, relaxed and happy I got to him.

/"You may be stupid but the mafia is not. They will see behind the shadows./" Glaring at me, I smile toothily.

/"Eat./" He commands. The more he got angry, I get to find out the truth and more.

/"Tell me Alejandro because I know you didn't plot all this alone. Who else is involved in your mess?/"

/"Anya Petrov./" The Anya Petrov. Fuck! I should have known. The Russians were sent to kill me but Elijah saved me and then things went south after that. Fuck! I going to kill that bitch myself.

/"What is her gain from all this?/"

/"Now wouldn't you know./" He grins seeing it is his turn to look overly excited. Sipping from his flute of champagne. /"Vladimir. If she hands you over to me that means she gets to have him all to herself. The perfect bargain./" Now death is too easy for her. Elijah is fucking mine!

/"That bitch./" Seething.

/"So it was all planned. She tracks his affairs, well both of you giving me daily updates. Sidetracking him with ploys on having him back but shit bounced back when everywhere you went his second in command or the bodyguards are always with you. The perfect opportunity came on the date, I switched some of the chefs with my men and both of you were too deep in your fight to realize what happened on the boat. Perfect timing./" The explosion of the boat and the fear of it hurting Elijah breaks my heart. He will think I am dead and that bitch will want to dive for the kill as the leech she is in my absence. I need to get away from here and find my man.

/"You made it so easy to take you. Oh! You should see his eyes, comical. If only he knows the gunshot was a fake./" He laughs.

/"You are sick./" Glaring at him, a permanent scowl sitting on my face.

/"I know right./" Continues eating.

/"Can I go out for air or will it be a crime to do so./" Sitting up I slap my napkin on the table furiously in hopes for him to believe I am angry and need my space when all I did was observe the environment for my means of escape. His raise his hand as two men came to our table.

/"Follow her and if she makes any move to run. Shoot her./" Smiling cheekily I walk out of the restaurant walking about the dark street of... Where the hell am I?

It was cold and getting to nowhere walking with the two men assigned to me; aside that I felt a presence watching me but when I turn I see no one. Creepy. Maybe I need to get back and rethink my escape. All suddenly two silencer shots went off, I yelp in fear about to have my wedge feet in a sprint only for the nuzzle to nudge my spine.

/"Move...and don't stop./" The muffled voice says. I raise my hands letting him lead me into the darker parts of the street. Oh my God! Let it not be a serial killer or worse a rapist.

/"Who are you? Did he send you?/" I ask frightened. Lately, I have been held at gunpoint that it angers me to think of it but I could do nothing but meekly follow the stranger.

/"Stop. Turn./" And I did watching him take his face mask off. Those silver grey shines so bright I begin to tear up choking on a sob.

/"Elijah?/" I say in surprise. This is not real. His hand creep behind gripping the back of my neck lightly watching me intently as if he too could not believe his eyes.


And then he slams his lips on mine so feverishly I thought my heart will combust into a million fireworks. Excitement washing over me as I pull him closer arms wrapped around his neck standing on a tiptoe.