
Song of True Kingdom

Lee is an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in True Kingdom. The king, Young, aims to undermine Windyce's power. So he orders Lee to look for the monk's relics in endless Big desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce (the army commander of True Kingdom) begins. Young has three ambitious sons who are keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also starts. Step by step, Lee learns a lot on the road and finally becomes a monster fighting all his enemies. He thinks he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroy his dream.

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19 Chs

Unclear situation

The oasis where Cactus is located named Falling-Moon. This was also the origin of this kingdom's name. 

It is said that Falling-Moon accounts for one tenth of the area of the Big Desert, which is much larger than the sum of other oases in the Big desert.

Before entering Falling-Moon, Lee bid farewell to Derek.

Lee should be considered as a diplomat of the True Kingdom. His mission was to search for Danny's Buddhist relics, and he was also asked to meet the ruler of the Falling-Moon Kingdom. Tang even carried a letter written by King Young. Communication of of the two powers was really important, although Young was much more powerful than the King in Cactus. 

The Falling-Moon Kingdom had been cautious and careful in recent years, appearing like a lamb while the surrounding hungry wolves watch it. 

Lee heard that once a drunken diplomat of the True Kingdom insulted the King of the Falling-Moon Kingdom in the King's palace. The King actually ignored the diplomat's insult and then continued talking and laughing with him. The fear of royal family towards the True Kingdom was obvious. 

From Lee's view, his official identity would definitely help him take actions more conveniently. He thought many nobles in Cactus would like to make friends with him.

His expectation came true.

When he told the patrolling soldiers that he and Tang were diplomats of the True Kingdom, the leader of these soldier instantly became kind and friendly. 

Then an official received them and led them to Cactus.

Lee just knew that they still needed a four-day journey from the edge of Falling-Moon to Cactus. 

"Falling-Moon is really large!" Lee exclaimed. 

In fact, it was not so surprising. The cornerstone of this country was Falling-Moon all the time. Legend had it that during a lunar eclipse, one piece of the moon fell from the sky to the ground, which formed a vast oasis in the Big Desert. That was the origin of the name Falling-Moon. Everything about the Falling-Moon Kingdom started from this oasis. At its peak era, the kingdom's territory almost covered the entire Big Desert. Without such a giant area, Falling-Moon could not provide enough supplies.

Lee and Tang had never been so joyful since they entered the Big Desert. They were driven slowly forward in carriages during the day. At night, the official invited them to banquets and drink. If the hosts were wealthy, they even could enjoy the dance of seductive beauties. 

"This is the life of diplomats. Son of bitch!" Lee laughed and joined the dance. 

No wonder it took them four days to reach Cactus. The official arranged everything perfectly along the way and he was surely experienced and thoughtful. Lee was convinced that this official had made a lot of money in just these few days.

Amidst the laughter and joy, they finally arrived. The official sent them to the Guesthouse, a place dedicated to hosting diplomats, and bid them farewell reluctantly. 

"He is so friendly and warm." Tang praised and watched the official disappear into the distance.

"Indeed. If we stay with him for half a year, he would certainly be the richest man in Cactus." Lee said.

"These officials are all the same," Tang said, "You know, they can not make a living just relying on their poor salary."

Lee did not reply. He turned around and went straight back to his room. His room in the Guesthouse was the most luxurious he had even seen. 

As Lee stepped into the room, a sense of comfort and quietness surrounded him. 

The room was spacious, with high ceilings supported by intricately carved wooden beams. A large arched window, framed by velvet curtains in deep purple, was closed. There was a grand bed at the center of the room. The bed was draped with emerald and gold silk. Elegant chairs and benches with carved wooden frames and cushions covered in luxury fabrics. The table was made of stone and its surface was smooth and shining. Also, there was a grand fireplace on the side of the table, which was made of marble. 

Lee could not understand why a fireplace existed in the room, considering Falling-Moon's hot climate year-round. But he seemed to realize its importance when thinking about the friendly official.

"You really work hard." Lee muttered to himself.

But that wasn't his concern. What he needed now was a good rest in this luxurious room.

The next day, the official came back and told Lee that the Regent decided to summon him the following day.

"The Regent?" Lee questioned.

"Yeah, the King is not in Cactus now, "the official replied hurriedly, avoiding further details.

"Yesterday's friends, today's strangers," Lee thought at his room's door.

Lee remembered that Wilcher said one branch of royal family of the Falling-Moon Kingdom moved to Rakshasa. Could it be that the King was also gone too? How ridiculous would it be if this were true?! 

The King's name is Knight. He was young and in his twenties.

Lee felt it necessary to gather enough intelligence about the political situation in Cactus.

Tang emerged from the adjacent room. 

"Tang, where can we figure out the situation quickly?" Lee asked.

"General, don't you remember where we are now?" Tang replied.

" Never mind," Lee said with a bad look.

Obviously, the Guesthouse was just the right place. There were plenty of diplomats and envoys from different regions.

Just then, a woman came out from another room. She was tall, almost the same as Lee, and slender. Lee could see her dark circles around blue eyes.

Tang and Lee exchanged glances and approached to stop the woman.

"Hail to your grace." Lee greeted.

The woman bowed slightly in response.

"I am Lee."


"I'm Alyssa. It pleases me to meet you." She said, "What can I do for you?"

"We are from the True Kingdom and new here. And we just heard that the King is not in Cactus?" Lee said.

"I don't know either, but..." Alyssa hesitated on purpose, "I've heard a rumor."

"What?" Tang couldn't wait.

"Knight was forced to leave by pressure from all powers. They think Knight is too young to rule." Alyssa's voice was charming and elegant, a sharp contrast to Tang's.

"And the Regent..." 

"The Regent is Locke," Alyssa interrupted Lee and said, "He is Knight's uncle. He is actually a puppet, controlled by these powers. They are suspicious of each other and want to nominate their own people as King. Now it is a situation of compromise for them." 

Lee understood the subtle condition. Any spark could ignite the flames of war in Cactus.

"So how many powers in Cactus? I mean, who have the possibility to take the throne?" Lee asked.

"I am not sure," Alyssa smiled mysteriously. "But you may change everything."

"What do you mean?" Tang asked doubtfully.

"Compared to their enemies in Cactus, you, the True Kingdom, are their worst nightmare. I guess they will consider your choice." Alyssa said.

After all, the Falling-Moon Kingdom was almost ruined by Kyle.

The fear still lingered!

Lee looked at Alyssa. This woman was wise and graceful. 

"I'm wondering where are you from?" Lee was curious.

"Frost Empire. It is quite a long distance from here." Alyssa replied. 

Frost Empire, located in the far north, was founded over one hundred years ago. Before Kyle conquered the entire kingdom, the Frost Empire sent troops south and occupied part of the northern territory. After Kyle established the True Kingdom and defeated the Falling-Moon Kingdom, the Frost Empire feared Kyle and voluntarily return the land. Then the two sides signed a peace treat. Since then, the Frost Empire and the True Kingdom had maintained good relations.

"It's time for lunch. Will you join us?" Lee invited Alyssa.

"Thank you, but I've already eaten." Alyssa rejected with a warm smile.

"What a pity!" Lee said, "Then see you." 

"Take care." Alyssa said.

As Lee and Tang disappeared around the corner, Alyssa stopped smiling.

"Hope to see you soon," Alyssa told herself.