
Song of True Kingdom

Lee is an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in True Kingdom. The king, Young, aims to undermine Windyce's power. So he orders Lee to look for the monk's relics in endless Big desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce (the army commander of True Kingdom) begins. Young has three ambitious sons who are keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also starts. Step by step, Lee learns a lot on the road and finally becomes a monster fighting all his enemies. He thinks he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroy his dream.

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19 Chs

Lee's dream

A gust of wind blew, and Rissan's red robe fluttered. At first glance, he looked like an immortal.

"Answer my questions first," Rissan said calmly, "Who are you?"

"I am Tang, his guard. He is Lee, the Brigadier General of the True Kingdom," Tang replied.

"Lee," Rissan said with a gleam in his eyes, "What's the relationship with Windyce?"

"The Commander adopted him since he was a child."

Rissan looked at Tang and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Our King ordered us to find his uncle's Buddhist relics." 

"Danny, right?" Rissan could remember this person. A devout Buddhist, who should be the king but give the throne to his brother, Young's father Jason. This guy moved to the Big Desert to preach and finally died in Cactus.

"Yes, the queen had a dream that Danny's body was burned by fire, and his Buddhist relics were left behind," Tang continued.

Rissan sneered and spoke: "Kyle had run out of his family's luck. All his descendants are stupid and useless." There was endless hatred in his eyes.

"How about you?" Rissan's gaze shifted to the white-robed men. 

"Kill all of them. We will tell you," Anthony said.

"You son of bitch! If I had known, I would have killed you in Gady," Tang said angrily.

Anthony just ignored Tang's words, and he stared at Rissan. 

"Don't make any conditions in front of me. Do you have any choice?" Rissan said.

Hearing what Rissan said, Anthony's face were determined. He looked at the white-robed men one by one, and shouted, "Look, it's the time."

Before Rissan could react, all the alive white-robed men suddenly widened their eyes open, and fell straight to the ground. Almost instantly, all nine died. 

"Damn!" Rissan realized that they killed themselves by poison. 

Barry and Bell went forward to check, finding that their throats were ulcerated. They seemed to hid the poison in their mouths. They were a bunch of men of sacrifice.

"Really strong poison," Barry said seriously.

"Your enemies are terrifying. They kill themselves without hesitation," Rissan said to Tang.

It is human nature to cherish life, but they could treat their lives as grass. It really made Rissan a little surprised.

"I don't know," Tang was a bit confused, he said, "After entering the Big Desert, they tried to kill Lee all the time." 

Tang did not know who hated Lee so much. At the City of Victory, he was not very eye-catching and only a small fish. 

Rissan took out a small jade bottle from his waist and handed it to Bell, saying, "Apply it on his wound."

"Why me?" Bell's face fell suddenly, and he looked reluctant.

"You mean I do it?" Rissan stared at Bell and said.

Bell took the small jade bottle and walked towards Lee silently.

"Where are you going next?" Rissan asked Tang.

"Cactus," Tang paused and said, "Can you save their life too?"

"You cross the line," Rissan said, "They are doomed to die."

Tang did not dare to say a word. As a guard, his task was to protect Lee. Eric and other guards died in the fight. It could be said that they'd finished their task.

Bell attempted to rip off Lee's clothes. The blood coagulated, Lee's clothes stuck to his skin.

"Rissan, look!" Bell finally succeeded and had a new finding.

Rissan saw that there was a dark purple blood vessel extending from Lee's waist upwards, very close to his heart.

"Well, now it is a big problem," Rissan said.


Lee had a dream.

He was exhausted in the desert, the sand beat his face, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Lee felt extremely thirsty, his throat was burning, and the rusty taste of blood spread in his mouth.

"Do you wanna live?" The voice of a strange man came from the horizon.

Lee tried to speak, but he couldn't utter a word. His hoarse throat was in severe pain, as if someone was cutting it with a knife.

"No matter what, come back alive." 

The tall figure of Windyce appeared in front of him, looking down at Lee who was crawling on the ground, his eyes were deep and sharp.

Lee couldn't raise his head anymore. He could only see Windyce's legs standing on the sand. Lee wanted to say something, and he was so anxious that his whole body was shaking, but he couldn't squeeze out a word from his throat.

"I'm leaving."

Windyce walked away and gradually left Lee's sight.

Lee felt that his eyelids were as heavy as a giant rock, and he didn't have the strength to open his eyes.

"Lee, where are you?"

Lee heard Flora's call, the voice went from far to near, and then from near to far. Lee knew that his ears were about to hear no sound.

"Flora," Lee could only shout in his heart. The world in his eyes was pitch dark. He would be with the sand forever in this desert.

Seeing Lee lying on the bed, baring his teeth and yelling "Flora", Rissan stepped forward and slapped Lee twice.

"What are you doing?!" Tang just came in from the door. When he saw this scene, his eyes instantly turned red.

"So what?" Rissan turned around, squinting at angry Tang, and his whole body leaned forward slightly.

Tang felt that he was stared at by a monster, like falling into an ice cave, and his anger disappeared in an instant.

"Tang, I'm fine," Lee had woken up, his face was pale, but his voice sounded firm and powerful.

"You saved me?" Lee asked Rissan.

"What do you think if I kill him?" Rissan was murderous and did not answer.

"It's up to you, I can do nothing," The pain in his chest made Lee gasp.

Barry and Bell lived in the next room. They heard Tang's roar and rushed to Lee's room. As soon as they stepped in, they saw Tang kneeling down and kowtowed to Rissan like a chicken pecking at rice, saying with tears in his eyes, "Master, spare my life, I won't dare to do it anymore."

Rissan's face turned bad in an instant, and he angrily questioned Barry and Bell, "You taught him?"

Bell said with a wronged face, "No! This is the ultimate secret you passed on to us. How dare we teach it to the baby-face."

Maybe it was because of the red robe, Rissan's face looked even gloomier.

"Why is my headache so severe?" Lee felt that the needles were piercing his head.

"The poison was quite tricky. I used strong drugs, so there are bound to be some side effects, " Rissan explained, "Also, you were in a coma for four days, which must have affected your brain."

"I have been poisoned? In a coma for four days?"Lee couldn't believe it. 

"Yes general. I think the arrow shot you in Gady was poisoned. Anthony was the attacker and he was also one the white-robed men," Tang said. 

Lee received so much information at once that his headache got worse.

"Rissan, was he really frightened to faint?" Barry asked Rissan.

"No Doubt," Rissan replied. 

"What?" Lee's expression was unusually wonderful.

"You don't need to explain. I saw it clearly that day. You fell to the ground and thought you were going to die. Then you just fainted as the sword fell," Rissan said contemptuously, "Windyce is so blind to give you his power token."